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lancew edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 35 revisions

Please visit for the new list of todos as of 08 March 2010. (try the icebox)

  • Add CSS Layout
  • Add search capability (general)
  • Add center map to postcode ability
  • Better session information fields
  • Format CDATA
  • WEB address for each club
  • Move XML writing to a model (/lib) (With abstraction for say MySQL)
  • Make DojoList work on IIS
  • Geocode from address during addition of dojo (ajax magic)
  • Add map to create page and as address is created, put marker.
  • + If marker moved, then update lat/long
  • Nice formatting of HTML dojo list
  • Passworded access to admin area
  • User based access to admin and to specific dojo
  • Email notification of changes to dojo listing
  • Add ability to edit existing Dojo
  • make website links clickable
  • make emails clickable
  • solve issues on IIS, Specifically EDIT seems faulty. :(-
  • Add ability to edit training sessions. Presently you can only add them on create.
  • Sort XML data into A-Z
  • Data validation on create/edit
  • Ability to upload club badge/logo
  • Ability to upload coach photo
  • Ability to drag marker in create/edit views to set lat long
  • Widget to embed on other sites
  • Themeable HTML output to match existing site layouts
  • MySQL database option?
  • SQLite database option?
    *- make it multi-lingual (i10n)-
  • unformatted HTML list for integration into existing sites (?maybe with CSS?)
  • Move admin functions to main pages
  • Include reCaptcha to protect admin functions
  • Change layout in club view to help Google summary.
  • ReCaptcha for edits and additions rather than password access… as option?
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