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Field Annotation

Efra Espada edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 1 revision

The @Field annotation lets you easily de/serialize Dart instances. It offers different parameters:

String name

  name: 'some_key',

The key for de/serialization.

bool primary

  primary: true,

Sets the current field as the primary key to differentiate that instance from others.

bool basic

  basic: true,

Sets if the current field should have a basic de/serialization.


'field': instance['field']


instance['field'] = json['field']

bool recycle

  recycle: true,

Defines the current field for being recycled on the deserialization process. Instead of creating a new instance of the field, the library will use the old one, to avoid memory consumption.

This field only applies to complex instances, not to primitive types.

String import

  import: 'package:my_app_package/model/other_class.dart',

Helps de/serialize instances whose classes are not managed by the library.

DefaultValue? defaultValue

  defaultValue: DefaultValue(
    value: 3 | true | 'string',