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Knowlege Manager Alpha


The server stack

You will need a linux based server with PHP, MySQL, Apache already installed. The assumption for these instructions is that you will be using ubuntu. Using a different distro makes no difference but you may need find the appropriate installation commands for the distro of your choice. MySQL can be replaced with another RDB without any issues. Though this has not been tested.

Software requirements


You can find instructions for installing git here


Installing Composer


Clone the repository into a folder.

$ git clone
# cd into the source directory
$ cd knowman-alpha
# Run `make source` and follow the instructions that following of the installation
$ make source

If you need to stop the installation for any reason. You can running make source again and it should pick up where it left off. After running make source you should see a prompt similar to below.

Creating the "app/config/parameters.yml" file
Some parameters are missing. Please provide them.
database_driver (pdo_sqlite):

See the Configuration section for an explaination.


This configures the symfony2 instance and writes it to the app/config/parameters.yml file. You can change these details later by editing that file. You can change these values to your needs

If you wish to use a different RDB you would change the values below to suit your needs.

database_driver (pdo_sqlite): pdo_mysql

database_host (null): localhost

database_port (null): 3306

database_name (null): knowman_alpha

database_user (null): username

database_password (null): password

database_path ('%kernel.root_dir%/app.sqlite'): null

Use the default values for the options below. Just press enter.

phpcr_backend ({ type: doctrinedbal, connection: default, caches: { meta: doctrine_cache.providers.phpcr_meta, nodes: doctrine_cache.providers.phpcr_nodes } }):
phpcr_workspace (default):
phpcr_user (admin):
phpcr_password (admin):
mailer_transport (smtp):
mailer_host (
mailer_user (null):
mailer_password (null):
locale (en):
secret (ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt):
debug_toolbar (true):
debug_redirects (false):

Use false on the last option for a faster experience

use_assetic_controller (true): false

Setting up the framework

Once you have the framework configured you are able to intialise the database You can do this by running make init

$ make init

See the make file for the commands that this runs. This will set up the database and prepare the assets (html css and javascript).

Final steps

Point the server's web-root to the "web" directory in the code checked out. Make sure the web server can write to the following directories

  • app/cache
  • app/logs