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forthebadge forthebadge

I18N is a translation file editor.


  • Import/export CSV and JSON files.
  • In18 project allows you to view your files in a tree architecture.
  • Progress bar and visual feedbacks.
  • Auto translation.

Get started

The core of the application is in the src/app directory by convention of the Ionic projects.

I invite you to learn about the Angular and Ionic frameworks and to have a good level of JavaScript to understand the project.


  • Node v12+
  • Ionic v5+
  • Angular v9+


It is necessary to have previously installed Node.js Then install the prerequisite npm dependencies with the following commands:

npm install
cd electron
npm install



From the project root, enter the following commands:

ionic serve

A browser window should then open automatically on the page: http://localhost:8100/

To export:

npm run build

You will find the build in www folder in IN18 main folder.


From the project root, enter the following commands to compile:

npm run electron

To export:

npm run electron:win
npm run electron:linux
npm run electron:mac

You will find the builds in release-builds folder in IN18 main folder.

Made with

  • Ionic - Framework for hybrid application (web, android, IOS, Windows, MacOS and Linux)
  • Angular - Framework front-end
  • Node.js - Real-time development on local server in JavaScript
  • Electron - Build desktop application
  • VSCode - IDE


If you wish to contribute, you can contact us on the Blockup Discord Server.


List of versions : Click to view


Read the list of contributors to see who helped the project!


This project is licensed under the "MIT" license - see the file for more information.

Support us

In18's features are totally free so if you want to support our work, here is a donation link.

Support us