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A field guide to the operators and keywords of the Lean 4 functional programming language.

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Lean 4 has a type system roughly as strong as grain alcohol.

Cheat.lean is an early WIP field guide to the syntax, symbols, operators, and commands of the Lean 4 functional programming language. It is designed to be as friendly as possible to users unfamiliar with purely functional programming or type theory.

This guide will not teach you to how to program in Lean 4. It's sole purpose is to be an answer to the question:

What does this notation do?

This guide is currently very disorganized, and may have some imprecise or incorrect information, since I am writing it as I learn Lean 4 from scratch.

Internal note. It may prove better to put each operator/symbol/command in its own .lean file, and generate markdown from each of these, and then concatenate them into a README. This could be achieved with a fairly simple Makefile.

Symbols and operators


  • def
  • let
  • [notation]
  • [theorem]
  • [class]
  • [structure]
  • [instance]
  • [set_option]
  • [example]
  • [inductive]
  • [coinductive]
  • [axiom]
  • [constant]
  • [partial]
  • [unsafe]
  • [private]
  • [protected]
  • [if]
  • [then]
  • [else]
  • [universe]
  • [variable]
  • [variables]
  • [import]
  • [open]
  • [export]
  • [theory]
  • [prelude]
  • [renaming]
  • [hiding]
  • [exposing]
  • [calc]
  • [match]
  • [with]
  • [do]
  • [by]
  • [extends]
  • [for]
  • [in]
  • [unless]
  • [try]
  • [catch]
  • [finally]
  • [mutual]
  • [mut]
  • [return]
  • [continue]
  • [break]
  • [where]
  • [rec]
  • [syntax]
  • [macro_rules]
  • [macro]
  • [deriving]
  • [fun]
  • [section]
  • [namespace]
  • [end]
  • [infix]
  • [infixl]
  • [infixr]
  • [postfix]
  • [prefix]
  • [notation]
  • [abbrev]


In Lean, auxiliary commands that query the system for information typically begin with the hash (#) symbol.

- Theorem Proving in Lean 4


Objects in Lean can bear attributes, which are tags that are associated to them, sometimes with additional data. You can assign an attribute foo to a object by preceding its declaration with the annotation attribute [foo] or, more concisely, @[foo].

- The Lean Reference Manual, Release 3.3.0, §5.4, p. 40

  • [[simp]]
  • [[inline]]
  • [[reducible]]
  • [[irreducible]]
  • [[specialize]]


Symbols and operators

-- a (comment)

Declares an inline comment.


-- This a comment.

a : α (type declaration)

Indicates the type of a one or more terms.


We define a constant symbol x to have type Nat with value 0.

def x : Nat := 0


We define a function multiply which takes two integers and returns their product:

def multiply (a b : Int) : Int := a * b
#eval multiply 7 (-8)     ■ -56

a := b (definition)

Defines the value of an identifier.


We declare the symbol/identifier x to be a term of type Nat whose value is 0:

def x : Nat := 0

a = b (equality)

Constructs a proposition (Prop) that asserts that the left-hand side is equal (in the mathematical sense) to the right hand side.

α → β (function arrow)

Shortcuts: \to, \r, \imp

Constructs a function type from the type a to the type b.


We define an identity function on natural numbers, and observe that the type of our function (displayed when we use the transitory command #check in our editor) is Nat → Nat:

def identity (x : Nat) : Nat := x
#check identity     ■ identity : Nat → Nat

a.b (dot notation)

Accesses the field b of the term a.


We declare a structure, construct an instance of that structure, and access one of its fields:

structure CarState where
  wheels : Nat
  doors : Nat
  name : String

def jeep := 4 2 "Larry"

a => b (maps to)

Indicates the term returned by a lambda function given its arguments. Can be read in English as "maps to", and is in most cases synonymous with the mathematical notation $\mapsto$.

Can be used in pattern-matching blocks.

When used with the notation keyword, makes the string literal on the left-hand side an alias for the term on the right-hand side. See the second example.


We construct a lambda function on the natural numbers that adds 5 to its argument:

λ (x : Nat) => x + 5

In English, we could say that this lambda function maps the natural number parameter x to x + 5.

We could write this in mathematical notation as $x \mapsto x + 5$.


We declare nice notation for the integers:

notation "" => Int
def identity (x : ℤ) : ℤ := x
#check identity

s!"a{b}" (string interpolation)

Constructs an interpolated string. In plain English, this allows you to embed the string representation of a term inside a string. See


We construct a string containing an integer.

def eight := 8
#eval s!"The cube of two is {eight}""The cube of two is 8"

() (unit value)

Constructs a term of type Unit. Used mainly at the end of a do block which exists purely to handle side-effects, e.g. in a function of type IO Unit.


Taken from the Lean 4 manual:

def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
  IO.println s!"value: {x}"
  return x > 0

def f (x : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  let c ← isGreaterThan0 x
  if c then
    IO.println s!"{x} is greater than 0"
    pure ()

#eval f 10
-- value: 10
-- 10 is greater than 0

Note that our last action is pure (), which is done to satisfy the return type of f. It makes the else branch essentially a no-op.

. <tactic> (bullet notation)

Increases indentation level for a subgoal during tactic mode. TPIL says that this is for "structuring" the proof. The dot is not an operator, and does not perform any transformation on the tactic(s) that follow it. Removing the dot/bullet as well as the identation will yield an identical proof.



Makes all the arguments to a (e.g. theorem or definition) explicit.

The "for all" quantifier.

The "exists" quantifier.


The cons operator.

(· + b)

Creates a function from an arbitrary infix operator (+ is used above as an example). Then · serves as a placeholder. The notation is activated with parentheses.


Provides missing explicit arguments as _.


Separates constructors within an inductive type declaration.

(a : @& α)

The symbol in in question is @&.

Indicates that an FFI function parameter is a "borrowed reference". This can be thought of as forcing the parameter to be 'passed-by-reference' instead of 'passed-by-value'.

Ignored on pure Lean 4 functions, according to Sebastian.

/- a -/

Declares a multiline comment.

/-- a -/

Declares a multiline comment.


@[a] b

Assigns attribute a to the object b. This is shorthand for attribute [a] b.

Can also be used during a declaration, e.g. in @[a] def b := c.

⟨a1, a2, ..., an⟩

Shortcuts: \<, \>

Constructs an inductive type with arguments a1, a2, ..., an in cases where Lean can infer the type of the expression.


We define p to be an ordered pair where the first element is a natural number and the second element is an integer. Our ordered pair is represented in Lean by a product, and since we explicitly give the type of p as Nat × Int, we're able to use the ⟨⟩ notation.

def p : Nat × Int := ⟨1, 2



[a, b, c]

Groups hypotheses to be used as an argument to a tactic.


Shortcuts: \f<, \f>

Fills in the proof of the proposition a : Prop.


Declares a as a weak implicit argument.


The forward pipeline operator.

Applies the function on the right-hand side to the argument on the left-hand side in such a way that functions can be chained/composed in a nice-looking way.


The backward pipeline operator.

Applies the function on the left-hand side to the argument on the right-hand side in such a way that functions can be chained/composed in a nice-looking way.



Shortcuts: \and

Shortcuts: \or

ASCII: <->
Shortcuts: \iff, \lr


Shortcuts: \not, \neg

Negates a term of type Bool.



Syntax: def a := c

Syntax: def a : b := c

Defines a to denote c, which should have type b. In other words, this gives the name a to the term c.

Syntax: def a (a₁ : α₁) (a₂ : α₂) ... (aₙ : αₙ) : b := c

Defines a to denote c, which should have type b, and take $n$ arguments corresponding to the parameters a₁, a₂, ..., aₙ. The notation (aᵢ : αᵢ) indicates that the parameter aᵢ has type αᵢ. This list of parameters together with their types is called a context.


We declare the symbol/identifier x to be a term of type Nat whose value is 1:

def x : Nat := 1


Syntax: example : a := b

Elaborates b and checks that it has type a, without adding it to the environment.

This is basically a way of declaring an anonymous definition or theorem. It exists because it is sometimes useful to be able to simulate a definition or theorem without naming it or adding it to the environment.


Proves a proposition by a tactic.



Syntax: { a with b := c}

Returns a copy of the record a with the b field's value replaced with c.


Declares new notation for a term in the form of a string literal.


We declare nice notation for the integers:

notation "" => Int
def identity (x : ℤ) : ℤ := x
#check identity



Syntax: attribute [a] b

Syntax: attribute [a] <declaration> b := c


Define a type class.


class Add (a : Type) where
  add : a -> a -> a


Registers an instance of a type class.

Assigns attribute a to the object b.


Causes commands to only have effect until the current section or namespace is closed, or until the end of the file.


Syntax: let x ← action1; action2

Simulates a local variable definition within a do block. Defines a variable in a local scope (e.g. inside a function). Note that the semicolon ; is semantically equivalent to a newline, so another way we could write this is:

let x ← action1

and when there are several lines after the line containing let x ← action1, all of them together constitute action2, so x remains "in-scope" for all subsequent lines.

Note. The do notation is an embedded domain-specific language used to write effectful code. See the Lean 4 manual for details.


Defines an inductive type.


We define an inductive type called Weekday:

inductive Weekday where
  | sunday : Weekday
  | monday : Weekday
  | tuesday : Weekday
  | wednesday : Weekday
  | thursday : Weekday
  | friday : Weekday
  | saturday : Weekday

The names after the | are called constructors or elements. We are defining them in this block, i.e. they need not be predefined elsewhere.


Defines the constructors of an inductive type, structure, class, instance, or the return type of a def.

The syntax for these use cases are:

  • inductive A (a₁ : α₁) ... (aₙ : αₙ) where
  • structure A (a₁ : α₁) ... (aₙ : αₙ) where
  • structure A (a₁ : α₁) ... (aₙ : αₙ) extends B₁, ..., Bₙ where
  • class A (a₁ : α₁) ... (aₙ : αₙ) : β where
  • instance : A₁ ... Aₙ where
  • def a (b₁ : β₁) ... (bₙ : βₙ) : γ where


Instructs Lean to auto-generate an instance of a type class.


An attribute declaring a definition as being defined via the Lean C FFI (foreign function interface).


Defines an inductive type along with all of its projection functions and introduces a namespace with the same name.




Introduces an auxiliary subgoal in a proof.


Starts a calculational proof.




Asks Lean to report the type of its argument inside our editor/IDE.


We define a function and then #check it in our editor:

def identity (x : Nat) : Nat := x
#check identity     ■ identity : Nat → Nat

The square denotes the beginning of the #check output.


Only succeeds when the given term is not type-correct.


Asks Lean to evaluate the given expression.



Prints information about an identifier.


Indicates the goal (e.g. the claim when proving a theorem).


Indicates that the Lean does not have enough information to infer the type of a.



A unit type is a type that allows only one value.

In Lean 4, the Unit type is often seen in the type IO Unit of functions with the sole purpose of causing a side effect.




An identifier containing a subscript. Unicode subscripts do not carry any special syntactic meaning. They are simply another glyph that can be included in an identifier/variable name.



Lean 4 commands look like #print, #check, #eval, etc. They tell the compiler to perform a certain action.



  • It may be necessary to use different dummy symbol sets for different terms. For example, a in def a := b must be an identifier, but we use a elsewhere as an arbitrary term (e.g. in a = b. One option is to use lowercase letters for identifiers, names, variables, and uppercase letters for terms. As is common in the Lean 4 docs, greek letter could be used for types. So we would write an arbitrary type declaration as a : α. The distinction between terms and types is crucial (even though, technically, all types are terms, since they have type Type u), especially for beginners. However, the distinction between which operators and keywords are applicable to identifiers and which are applicable to arbitrary terms may be clear enough from the examples given.

  • In anchors (links to markdown subsections of the form #token1-token2), the following symbols are filtered out, i.e. mapped to the empty string:

    1. :
    2. =
    3. (
    4. )

How to use this field guide


A field guide to the operators and keywords of the Lean 4 functional programming language.






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