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Concatenating Sql fragments(and organizing Bind-Variables) dynamically by strategies.


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Concatenating Sql fragments (and organizing Bind-Variables) dynamically by strategies and the presence of Bind-Variables.

Include sql-weaver by maven dependencies:



Take the following usage example:

// suppose we have a form POJO which simply carrying values.
// build sql: for querying ids of some important employees. 
Sql sql = new Sql().select("").from("Employee e").where() //@formatter:off
	.eq("e.departmentId", form.departmentId)
		.ge("e.salary", form.salary)
		.in("e.title", form.titles)
.endWhere(); //@formatter:on

String _sql = sql.toString();
Object[] vars = sql.vars();

// ... Use the _sql and vars to query...
// or if we have a common dao.
// List<Long> ids = dao.queryAll(sql.toString(), sql.vars()); 

The result will be different according the states of the form object. Suppose form={departmentId: 10010, salary : 10000, title : ["supervisor"], Then

  • _sql will be Select From Employee e Where e.departmentId=? And (e.salary>=? Or e.title In (?)),
  • vars will be an array [10010, 10000, "supervisor"]

The fragment e.salary didn't appear in the sql string 'cause the is null or empty. In this case, we say the criteria e.salary>=? did not apply or had not been applied.

Criteria Apply Strategy

The default strategy implementation will simply check the presence of bind-variables, generally saying that it will omit the criteria when the value is null or empty (for String and Collection/Array).

The default strategy can be replaced by a custom implementation of CriteriaStrategy through Sql.setCriteriaStrategy, for a specific criteria, an implementation can always have three kinds of operation:

  • return null - do not apply the criteria.
  • return the passed in strategy parameter - apply the criteria directly.
  • return another different/changed criteria - apply a transformed/modified criteria.

In-line Apply Strategy

A criteria or fragment invocation can be immediately followed by an in-line strategy, this gives more powerful controlling of the result sql, align the in-line strategies by using additional spaces can give a side-note style which will not break the fluency and clarity:

Sql sql = new Sql()                              //@formatter:off
    .from("A a")
    .leftJoin("B b On(")             .$(Variables.isNotEmpty(form.b.prop))
    .leftJoin("C c On(")             .$(joinC)
      .eq("a.secret", someValue)                 .$(PrivilegeUtils.currentUserHasRole("")) 
      .eq("b.prop", form.b.prop)
    .endWhere();                                 //@formatter:on

The in-line strategy method $(Boolean apply) accept a Boolean parameter, when null or false, the fragment will not apply.

  • Each fragment/criteria invocation can followed by at most one $ invocation.
  • When pair(grp&endGrp, subSql&endSubSql, in&endIn, ...), $ invocation can follow the begin or end method, but not both.

Criteria & Fragment methods

Copy from javadoc of Sql, SqlD, CriteriaGroupD, see javadoc for more descriptions.

Custom-Fragment Methods (SqlD)

  • __(String fragment, Object... bindVariables) add a custom cause.
  • ____(String fragment, Object... bindVariables) add a custom item for ['Select'|'From'|'Order by'|'Group By'] previous cause.

Simple-Criteria Methods Summary

  • eq(String, Object), ne(String, Object)
  • gt(String, Object), lt(String, Object)
  • ge(String, Object), le(String, Object)
  • like(String, String), notLike(String, String)
  • like(String, String, boolean, boolean), notLike(String, String, boolean, boolean)
  • between(String, Object, Object), notBetween(String, Object, Object)
  • in(String, Object), notIn(String, Object)
  • isNull(String), isNotNull(String)
  • __(String, Object...) add a custom criteria.

Sub-CriteriaGroup Methods Summary

  • grp(), grp(boolean) | SubCriteriaGroup.endGrp()

Sub-Sql Methods Summary

  • subSql(String) | SubSqlCriteria.endSubSql()
  • exists() | ExistsSubSql.endExists()
  • notExists() | NotExistsSubSql.endNotExists()
  • in(String) | InSubSql.endIn()
  • notIn(String) | NotInSubSql.endNotIn()

The custom fragment/criteria methods can be used to join static string with zero or more bind-variables.

Design Considerations

  • All formal method are bind-variable based. for static fragments or criteria, please use custom method __ or ____.
  • Criteria Group method (Where(), grp()) take And Mode by default, for Or Mode please use parameterlized form Where(true), grp(true)
  • In-line apply strategy method $(Boolean) for complicated examine within context.
  • Strong typed with generic parameters for IDE tips.

This project was inspired by groovy&grails DSL/link style implementation at first.


// simple
Sql sql = new Sql().select("*").from("T");
assertEquals("Select * From T", sql.toString());

// boundVariables
sql = new Sql().select("a, b").from("x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("a", "1")
	.like("b", "2")
assertEquals("Select a, b From x Where a=? And b Like ?", sql.toString());
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "1", "2" }, sql.vars());

// or
sql = new Sql().select("a, b").from("x").where(true)//@formatter:off
	.eq("a", "1")
	.like("b", "2")
assertEquals("Select a, b From x Where a=? Or b Like ?", sql.toString());

// grpOr, nested
sql = new Sql().select("i").from("x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("i.a", "1")
		.eq("i.b", "2")
		.eq("i.c", "3")
Assert.assertEquals("Select i From x Where i.a=? And (i.b=? Or i.c=?)", sql.toString());

sql = new Sql().select("i").from("x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("i.a", "1")
		.eq("i.b", "2")
		.eq("i.c", "3")
			.eq("i.d", "4")
			.eq("i.e", "5")
Assert.assertEquals("Select i From x Where i.a=? And (i.b=? Or i.c=? Or (i.d=? And i.e=?))", sql.toString());

// Exists
String plainSql = "Select x.* From X x Where x.a=? And Exists(Select 1 From Y)";
sql = new Sql().select("x.*").from("X x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("x.a", "1")
Assert.assertEquals(plainSql, sql.toString());
sql = new Sql().select("x.*").from("X x").where().eq("x.a", "1").exists().select("1").from("Y").endExists()
Assert.assertEquals(plainSql, sql.toString());

// Not Exists And Custom
sql = new Sql().select("x.*").from("X x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("x.a", "1")
	.exists().select("1").from("Y y").where()
	.notExists().select("1").from("Z z").where()
		"Select x.* From X x Where x.a=? And Exists(Select 1 From Y y Where And Not Exists(Select 1 From Z z Where",

sql = new Sql().select("i").from("X x").where()//@formatter:off
	.eq("x.a", "1")
	.subSql(" in").select("").from("Z z").where()
		.subSql("Exists").select("").from("O o").where()
		.endWhere()	.endSubSql()
		"Select i From X x Where x.a=? And Exists(Select 1 From Y) And in(Select From Z z Where Exists(Select From O o Where",


Concatenating Sql fragments(and organizing Bind-Variables) dynamically by strategies.







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