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HttpExceptions PineBlog

Return exceptions over HTTP

Build Status NuGet Badge License: MIT

Middleware and extensions for returning exceptions over HTTP, e.g. as ASP.NET Core Problem Details. Problem Details are a machine-readable format for specifying errors in HTTP API responses based on But you are not limited to returning exception results as Problem Details, but you can create your own mappers for your own custom formats.

Where can I get it?

You can install Opw.HttpExceptions.AspNetCore from the console.

> dotnet add package Opw.HttpExceptions.AspNetCore

Getting started

Add the HttpExceptions services and the middleware in the Startup.cs of your application. First add HttpExceptions using the IMvcBuilder of IMvcCoreBuilder.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    // or services.AddMvcCore().AddHttpExceptions();

Then you can add the HttpExceptions middleware using the application builder. UseHttpExceptions should be the first middleware component added to the pipeline. That way the UseHttpExceptions Middleware catches any exceptions that occur in later calls. When using HttpExceptions you don't need to use UseExceptionHandler or UseDeveloperExceptionPage.

public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)
    app.UseHttpExceptions(); // this is the first middleware component added to the pipeline

InvalidModelStateResponseFactory API behavior

HttpExceptions overrides the default Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApiBehaviorOptions.InvalidModelStateResponseFactory and related settings and will use the configured ExceptionMappers.

Configuring options

You can extend or override the default behavior through the configuration options, HttpExceptionsOptions.

Include exception details

Whether or not to include the full exception details in the response. The default behavior is only to include exception details in a development environment.

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    // This is the same as the default behavior; only include exception details in a development environment.
    options.IncludeExceptionDetails = context => context.RequestServices.GetRequiredService<IHostingEnvironment>().IsDevelopment();

Include extra properties on custom exceptions in the exception details

You can include extra public exception properties in exception details, by adding the ProblemDetailsAttribute to them.

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    // The default is also true.
    options.IsProblemDetailsAttributeEnabled true;

public class CustomHttpException : HttpException
    public string PropertyA { get; set; }

    public int PropertyB { get; set; }

    public long PropertyC { get; set; }

Is exception response

Is the response an exception and should it be handled by the HttpExceptions middleware.

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    // This is a simplified version of the default behavior; only map exceptions for 4xx and 5xx responses.
    options.IsExceptionResponse = context => (context.Response.StatusCode < 400 && context.Response.StatusCode >= 600);

Should log exceptions (ILogger)

Should an exception be logged by the HttpExceptions middleware or not, default behavior is to log all exceptions (all status codes).

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    // Only log the when it has a status code of 500 or higher, or when it not is a HttpException.
    options.ShouldLogException = exception => {
        if ((exception is HttpExceptionBase httpException && (int)httpException.StatusCode >= 500) || !(exception is HttpExceptionBase))
            return true;
        return false;

Use a help link for ProblemDetails type property

When UseHelpLinkAsProblemDetailsType is set to true the mappers uses the Exception.HelpLink or the HTTP status code information link to map the ProblemDetails.Type property. And when you want to set a default link for your help pages, you can set DefaultHelpLink.

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    options.UseHelpLinkAsProblemDetailsType = true;
    options.DefaultHelpLink = new Uri("");

Custom ExceptionMappers

Set the ExceptionMapper collection that will be used during mapping. You can override and/or add ExceptionMappers for specific exception types. The ExceptionMappers are called in order so make sure you add them in the right order.

By default there is one ExceptionMapper configured, that ExceptionMapper catches all exceptions.

mvcBuilder.AddHttpExceptions(options =>
    // Override and or add ExceptionMapper for specific exception types, the default ExceptionMapper catches all exceptions.
    options.ExceptionMapper<BadRequestException, BadRequestExceptionMapper>();
    options.ExceptionMapper<ArgumentException, ExceptionMapper<ArgumentException>>();
    // The last ExceptionMapper should be a catch all, for type Exception.
    options.ExceptionMapper<Exception, MyCustomExceptionMapper>();

Sample project using HttpExceptions middleware

See the samples/Opw.HttpExceptions.AspNetCore.Sample project for a sample implementation. This project contains examples on how to use the HttpExceptions middleware.

Please see the code :nerd_face


Build Status NuGet Badge License: MIT

HTTP-specific exception classes that enable ASP.NET to generate exception information. These classes can be used by themselves or as base classes for your own HttpExceptions.

Where can I get it?

You can install Opw.HttpExceptions from the console.

> dotnet add package Opw.HttpExceptions



  • 400 BadRequestException
  • 400 InvalidModelException
  • 400 ValidationErrorException<T>
  • 400 InvalidFileException
  • 401 UnauthorizedException
  • 403 ForbiddenException
  • 404 NotFoundException
  • 404 NotFoundException<T>
  • 409 ConflictException
  • 409 ProtectedException
  • 415 UnsupportedMediaTypeException


  • 500 InternalServerErrorException
  • 500 DbErrorException
  • 500 SerializationErrorException
  • 503 ServiceUnavailableException


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Copyright © 2019, Of Pine Wood. Created by Peter van den Hout. Released under the terms of the MIT license.