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Phase_hybrid... phases hybrids. This phases all the samples in your next-gen dataset


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NOTE: I think all the functionality of this repository is encompassed by:

So I am no longer actively maintaining this repository. If there is something that works for you in here, and not in reference_aligning_to_established_loci let me know!

This pipeline phases all the samples in your next-gen dataset. You will end up with two fasta files per individual containing the phased alleles (the first contains allele one for all the loci, and the other contains allele two for all the loci). This pipeline assumes you only have diploid individuals.

How does it work, and what do you need?

For this program to work, you need to have a folder that contains:

-- fasta alignments (full alignments, not just SNPs. You also need a separate fasta file per locus, not one giant concatenated file) for the loci you want to use (with any missing samples padded out with Ns or ?s). If you are coming from pyRAD see the instructions at the bottom of the readme for converting your *.loci file to fasta. Any hyphens "-" will be stripped from your sample names and loci names, so please be aware of this.


-- The R-scripts: onelining.R and split_samples.R scripts (onelining.R also exists in my other repositories but can be a litle bit different so make sure you use the script from this repository)

-- Your phasing_settings file (see below).

You'll need to have installed bwa, samtools, R and Java, and added these to your path. You'll also need to install GenomeAnalysisTK.jar (GATK) and picard.jar (picard), but we'll actually need the full pathway to these jars in the phasing_settings folder below.

Phasing_settings file example

The shell script is using bwa, gatk, samtools and R to pull out your samples (R), do a reference-guided assembly (bwa, samtools) on your cleaned *.fastq.gz reads from your samples, and then calling variants/phasing these (gatk), before using the "new reference" to do the process again to get the other alleles for each of your samples. The program will strip any hyphens "-" from your sample names and loci names, so please be aware of this.

To run phase_everyone, you will need a file with the input settings named phasing_settings in the folder with your fasta sequences and the scripts. In this file, on each separate line, in this order, you will need:

Line 1: path to folder containing gatk v4 executable

Line 2: path to picard

Line 3: paired or single, depending on your sequencing method

Line 4: the pathway to your 'cleaned' F reads (or just your cleaned reads if single end). Substitute "${name}" for the actual sample name wherever this occurs in the pathway to the reads. This program expects the name of the reads to match the name of the samples in the fasta files, and for the pathway to the reads to be standard across your samples.

Line 5: the same thing for your 'cleaned' R reads if you have paired sequence data (leave blank if you do not)

Line 6: Pathway to GATK 3.8/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar (unfortunately not all tools needed were ported to GATK v4)


For GATK pre-version 4 (make sure to use the versions)


NB: Note the differences between this file and the one used in the Phase_hybrid_from_next_gen pipeline, if you are familiar with that pipeline

To run the script


Is the script running successfully?

The first few steps of phase_everyone are bash/R so it might not look like it is doing much using top/htop. To confirm it is actually running, check your directory: files corresponding to your sample names should be growing in size as the scripts syphon off the samples into them. After these first steps, you should see bwa/java running through top/htop.

Coming from pyRAD

Your .loci file can be turned in a folder of fasta alignments using the scripts at:

#What if I have already got *.bam files together for my samples? You will need to tweak the file to target your *.bam files to begin with instead. Check out the example_bam folder for an example of this. You'll still need the other scripts mentioned above.

Note about applying to amplicon sequencing

Please see the discussion about potential problems with applying this code to amplicon sequencing mentioned at:

Suggested citation

This code was first published in: TBD

If you could cite the pub, and the progam as below, that would be lovely:

Alexander, A. 2015. phase_everyone v0.0.0. Available from

This pipeline also wouldn't be possible without the programs listed below. Please cite them as well:

R: R Core Team. 2015. R: A language and environment for statistical computing. URL R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria.

bwa: See citation info at: and Li, H. "Toward better understanding of artifacts in variant calling from high-coverage samples." Bioinformatics (Oxford, England) 30, no. 20 (2014): 2843.

samtools: See citation info at:


GATK: See citation info at

Version history

v0.0.2: GATK v 4.0 is a standalone executable rather than a *.jar file, so this was tweaked in the code on the 26-Mar-2018. The previous files are available as

v0.0.1: The -stand_emit_conf 30 option is deprecated in GATK v 3.7 and was removed from this code on the 5-June-2017

v0.0.0: still a work in progress


Phase_hybrid... phases hybrids. This phases all the samples in your next-gen dataset







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