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Refactored a bunch of stuff and added the passive link finder method.
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lanmaster53 committed Aug 23, 2019
1 parent 2d34653 commit 66f8a62
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Showing 2 changed files with 204 additions and 69 deletions.
238 changes: 169 additions & 69 deletions
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,42 @@ def __init__(self, extender, callbacks, helpers, toolFlag, messageIsRequest, mes
self.messageInfo = messageInfo
self.debug = False

def _context(context=None, tools=[], scope=False):
"""Currently unused decorator because it hides the method's signature
from introspection, which is needed. See `_in_context` hack below.

def wrapper(func):
def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs):
if (context and
context == 'request' and not self.messageIsRequest or
context == 'response' and self.messageIsRequest):
toolFlags = [getattr(self.callbacks, 'TOOL_{}'.format(t.upper)) for t in tools]
if tools and self.toolFlag not in toolFlags:
if scope and not self._in_scope():
return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapped
return wrapper

def _in_context(self, context=None, tools=[], scope=False):
"""Checks the provided parameters against the current context."""

if (context and
context == 'request' and not self.messageIsRequest or
context == 'response' and self.messageIsRequest):
return False
if (tools and self.toolFlag not in tools):
return False
if (scope and not self._in_scope()):
return False
return True

def _in_scope(self):
"""Determines if the current request is in scope."""

in_scope = self.callbacks.isInScope(self.messageInfo.getUrl())
mode = 'Response' if self.messageIsRequest else 'Request'
Expand All @@ -28,26 +63,28 @@ def _debug(self, message):
def help(self):
"""Displays this help interface."""

if self.messageIsRequest:
if not self._in_context(context='request'): return


def introspect(self):
"""Provides introspection into the Python Scripter API."""

if not self._in_context(context='request'): return

import sys

apis = ('extender', 'callbacks', 'helpers', 'toolFlag', 'messageIsRequest', 'messageInfo')
funcs = (type, dir)

if self.messageIsRequest:
for api in apis:
print('\n{}:\n{}'.format(api, '='*len(api)))
for func in funcs:
print(func(getattr(self, api)))
for api in apis:
print('\n{}:\n{}'.format(api, '='*len(api)))
for func in funcs:
print(func(getattr(self, api)))
self._debug('Introspection complete.')

def remove_header(self, headers, header_name):
def _remove_header(self, headers, header_name):
"""Removes a specific header from a list of headers."""

for header in headers:
Expand All @@ -60,90 +97,151 @@ def remove_header(self, headers, header_name):
def remove_headers(self, header_names):
"""Removes a list of headers from the current request."""

if self.messageIsRequest:
request = self.helpers.analyzeRequest(self.messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
for header_name in header_names:
headers = self.remove_header(headers, header_name)
body = self.messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
self._debug('Headers removed: {}'.format(', '.join(header_names)))
if not self._in_context(context='request'): return

request = self.helpers.analyzeRequest(self.messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
for header_name in header_names:
headers = self._remove_header(headers, header_name)
body = self.messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
self._debug('Headers removed: {}'.format(', '.join(header_names)))

def replace_bearer_token(self, new_token):
"""Replaces a Bearer token in the current request."""

if self.messageIsRequest:
request = self.helpers.analyzeRequest(self.messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
headers = self.remove_header(headers, 'Authorization')
headers.add('Authorization: Bearer {}'.format(new_token))
body = self.messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
self._debug('Token replaced.')

def enable_passive_audit_checks(self):
"""Runs passive check methods against in-scope proxy traffic.
Additional checks are added by creating new methods and prefixing the
name with `_passive_request_` or `_passive_response_`. The second
chunk of the method name determines what is analyzed by the method,
and the method must receive it as an argument.
if not self._in_context(context='request'): return

request = self.helpers.analyzeRequest(self.messageInfo)
headers = request.getHeaders()
headers = self._remove_header(headers, 'Authorization')
headers.add('Authorization: Bearer {}'.format(new_token))
body = self.messageInfo.getRequest()[request.getBodyOffset():]
new_request = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, body)
self._debug('Token replaced.')

def passive_autocomplete_text(self):
"""Checks for autocomplete on text fields in the current response."""

if self.toolFlag == self.callbacks.TOOL_PROXY and self._in_scope():
self._debug('Passive checks enabled.')
methods =[x for x in dir(self.__class__) if x.startswith('_passive_')]
for method in methods:
mode = method.split('_')[2]
if mode == 'request' and self.messageIsRequest:
request = self.messageInfo.getRequest()
getattr(self, method)(request)
elif mode == 'response' and not self.messageIsRequest:
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
getattr(self, method)(response)

def _passive_response_autocomplete_enabled(self, response):
"""Checks for autocomplete on text form fields in a response."""
if not self._in_context(context='response',
scope=True): return

import re

response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
results = re.findall(r'(<input [^>]*>)', response)
for result in results:
if'''type=['"]text['"]''', result) and not'autocomplete', result):
issue_name='Text field with autocomplete enabled',
issue_detail='The following text field has autocomplete enabled:\n\n<ul><li>' + result.replace('<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;') + '</li></ul>',
self._debug('Passive check applied: Autocomplete Enabled')

def _passive_response_verbose_headers(self, response):
"""Checks for verbose headers in a response."""
def passive_verbose_headers(self):
"""Checks for verbose headers in the current response."""

if not self._in_context(context='response',
scope=True): return

bad_headers = ('server', 'x-powered-by', 'x-aspnet-version')
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
headers = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getHeaders()
for header in headers:
name = header.split(':')[0]
# known bad headers
if name.lower() in bad_headers:
issue_name='Verbose header',
issue_detail='The following HTTP response header may disclose sensitive information:\n\n<ul><li>' + header + '</li></ul>',
# custom headers
elif name.lower().startswith('x-'):
issue_name='Interesting header',
issue_detail='The following HTTP response header may disclose sensitive information:\n\n<ul><li>' + header + '</li></ul>',
self._debug('Passive check applied: Verbose Headers')

def create_issue(self, issue_name, issue_detail, issue_background=None, remediation_detail=None, remediation_background=None, severity='High', confidence='Certain'):
def passive_link_finder(self, exclusions=[]):
"""Finds links within JavaScript files."""

if not self._in_context(context='response',
scope=True): return

import re

regex_str = r"""
(?:"|') # Start newline delimiter
((?:[a-zA-Z]{1,10}://|//) # Match a scheme [a-Z]*1-10 or //
[^"'/]{1,}\. # Match a domainname (any character + dot)
[a-zA-Z]{2,}[^"']{0,}) # The domainextension and/or path
((?:/|\.\./|\./) # Start with /,../,./
[^"'><,;| *()(%%$^/\\\[\]] # Next character can't be...
[^"'><,;|()]{1,}) # Rest of the characters can't be
([a-zA-Z0-9_\-/]{1,}/ # Relative endpoint with /
[a-zA-Z0-9_\-/]{1,} # Resource name
\.(?:[a-zA-Z]{1,4}|action) # Rest + extension (length 1-4 or action)
(?:[\?|/][^"|']{0,}|)) # ? mark with parameters
([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]{1,} # filename
action|html|js|txt|xml) # . + extension
(?:\?[^"|']{0,}|)) # ? mark with parameters
(?:"|') # End newline delimiter

response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
url = self.messageInfo.url.toString()
# check if js file
if url.endswith('.js'):
# exclude specified js files
if any(, url) for x in exclusions):
self._debug('URL excluded: {}'.format(url))
self._debug('URL found: {}'.format(url))
print('{} ::'.format(url))
mime_type = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getStatedMimeType()
links = []
if mime_type.lower() == 'script':
regex = re.compile(regex_str, re.VERBOSE)
links += list(set([ for m in re.finditer(regex, response)]))
if links:
for counter, link in enumerate(links):
self._debug('\t{} - {}'.format(counter, link))
print('{} :: {}'.format(url, link))
issue_name='Links found in JavaScript file',
issue_detail='The following links were found in {}:\n\n<ul><li>{}</li></ul>'.format(url, '</li><li>'.join(links)),

def _create_issue(self, issue_name, issue_detail, issue_background=None, remediation_detail=None, remediation_background=None, severity='High', confidence='Certain'):
"""Creates a Burp Suite issue.
Severity: High, Medium, Low, Information, False positive
Expand All @@ -166,30 +264,32 @@ def extract_all_from_response(self, pattern):
"""Extracts multiple instances of a REGEX capture group from the
current response."""

if not self._in_context(context='response'): return

import re

if not self.messageIsRequest:
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
matches = re.findall(pattern, response)
for match in matches:
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
matches = re.findall(pattern, response)
for match in matches:

def replace_response_body(self, url_pattern, body):
"""Replaces the body of a response from a matched URL.
Great for swapping SPA UI build definitions between user roles.

if not self._in_context(context='response'): return

import re

if not self.messageIsRequest:
url = self.messageInfo.url.toString()
if, url):
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
headers = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getHeaders()
new_response = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, self.helpers.stringToBytes(body))
self._debug('Response replaced from: {}'.format(url))
url = self.messageInfo.url.toString()
if, url):
response = self.messageInfo.getResponse()
headers = self.helpers.analyzeResponse(response).getHeaders()
new_response = self.helpers.buildHttpMessage(headers, self.helpers.stringToBytes(body))
self._debug('Response replaced from: {}'.format(url))

from burp import IScanIssue
Expand Down
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
Serve this file and load it through Burp to test.
Burp should find 23/27 links.
4/27 (*) are invalid test cases.
* "/wrong/file/test<>b"
* "user/create.notaext?user=Test"
* "/wrong/file/test<>b"
* ""

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