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lapdMouseDBUtil is a command line tool to list, search, and download files from the Lung anatomy + particle deposition (lapd) mouse archive For more information about the lapdMouse project visit

Using lapdMouseDBUtil you can for example download all AirwayWallDeposition.vtk files for all datasets in the data archive using one command:

python3 --pattern=*/*AirwayWallDeposition.vtk --action=download

Getting started

lapdMouseDBUtil is a Python script. It does not require installation but it requires Python to be installed on the user's system.

Prerequisite - Python: If Python has not yet been installed on your system, go to, download and install a version suitable for your operating system. lapdMouseDBUtil has been tested with Python 3.10.13.

Download lapdMouseDBUtil from github: Clone the archive or download the zip file.

Test: Unzip the file if necessary. Go to the folder containing and call python3

Step-by-step usage guide

Using lapdMouseDBUtil to obtain files from the lapdMouse data archive involves the following steps:

All steps will be explained in detail below.

List datasets

Calling without any parameters lists all datasets in the lapdMouse data archive.

$ python3
DB access status: available
DB query: root=., depth=0, pattern=*
m01 -> ./m01 (folder)
m02 -> ./m02 (folder)
m03 -> ./m03 (folder)
Matching files/folders: total=35(0.0 B), downloaded=0, require download=35(0.0 B), require update=0

It provides in addition the following information:

  • Database access status, whether the tool was able to connect to the lapdMouse database.
  • The file search pattern utilized in querying the data archive.
  • The list of matching files/folders in the data archive. Each line follows the pattern nameInArchive -> localFileName (download status, size), where download status is one of:
    • require download: the file is available on the server but has not yet been downloaded
    • downloaded: the file has been downloaded and matches the version on the server
    • require update: the file has been downloaded but a newer version is available on the server
    • folder: folder, not a file
  • A summary of files/folders in the data archive matching the query pattern organized by their download status and their total size.

List program options

To obtain a list of options supported by, call

$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-p [PATTERN]] [-l LOCALDIR]
                         [-a {list,download,update,none}]

lapdMouse data archive access tool to list, search, and download files.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p [PATTERN], --pattern [PATTERN]
                        file pattern
  -l LOCALDIR, --localDir LOCALDIR
                        local base directory for download
  -a {list,download,update,none}, --action {list,download,update,none}
                        action to perform

lapdMouse project webpage including documentation and support:
This work was supported by NIH project R01ES023863.

Select files by specifying file search pattern

First, specify a file search pattern (--pattern) describing the files you are interested in. E.g. list all aerosol deposition images Aerosol*.mha for dataset m01:

$ python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol*.mha
DB access status: available
DB query: root=m01, depth=0, pattern=*Aerosol*.mha
m01/m01_Aerosol.mha -> ./m01/m01_Aerosol.mha (require download; 25.4 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolDeconv.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolDeconv.mha (require download; 25.4 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub2.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub2.mha (require download; 3.2 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub4.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
m01/m01_AerosolNormalized.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolNormalized.mha (require download; 25.4 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub2.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub2.mha (require download; 3.2 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub4.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha (require download; 3.2 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha -> ./m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
Matching files/folders: total=9(86.8 GB), downloaded=0, require download=9(86.8 GB), require update=0

Common search patterns to specify interesting files include:

  • all datasets: python3 --pattern=*
  • all top level files for a specific dataset (m01): python3 --pattern=m01/*
  • all aerosol deposition images for a specific dataset (m01): python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol*.mha
  • smallest aerosol deposition images for a specific dataset ('m01'): python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol*Sub4.mha
  • all .vtk meshes for a specific dataset (m01): python3 --pattern=m01/*.vtk
  • raw cryomicrotome image data for a specific dataset (m01): python3 --pattern=m01/m01_RawCryomicrotomeData/*
  • files for all datasets: python3 --pattern=*/*

Specify local download folder

After specifying the files you are interested in, select a local output folder where to download the files to (--localDir). The default output directory is the current working directory.

$ python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol*Sub4.mha --localDir=/home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB
DB access status: available
DB query: root=m01, depth=0, pattern=*Aerosol*Sub4.mha
m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub4.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolDeconvSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub4.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolNormalizedSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha -> ./m01/home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
Matching files/folders: total=3(1.2 GB), downloaded=0, require download=3(1.2 GB), require update=0

This file selection contains 3 files with ~1.2GB of data listed as require download.

Download data (or update data)

Once the file selection has been completed and a local output folder specified, trigger the actual download (--action=download):

$ python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol[S\.]*.mha --localDir=/home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB --operation=download
DB access status: available
DB query: root=m01, depth=0, pattern=*Aerosol[S.]*.mha
m01/m01_Aerosol.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_Aerosol.mha (require download; 25.4 GB)
  Downloading ...[DONE] time: 02:31(mm:ss)
m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha (require download; 3.2 GB)
  Downloading ...[DONE] time: 00:21(mm:ss)
m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha (require download; 405.2 MB)
  Downloading ...[DONE] time: 00:03(mm:ss)
Download statistics: files=3(28.9 GB), time=00:02:56(hh:mm:ss), speed=167.8 MB/second

The download of the requested 3 files with 28.9 GB took ~3 minutes. To update files that have been previously downloaded but have a newer version on the server, use --action=update.

Verify download status

After download, querying the data archive for the same files again, will list the files with their updated download status (downloaded instead of require download):

$ python3 --pattern=m01/*Aerosol*.mha --localDir=/home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB
DB access status: available
DB query: root=m01, depth=0, pattern=*Aerosol*.mha
m01/m01_Aerosol.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_Aerosol.mha (downloaded; 25.4 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolSub2.mha (downloaded; 3.2 GB)
m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha -> /home/christian/data/lapdMouseDB/m01/m01_AerosolSub4.mha (downloaded; 405.2 MB)
Matching files/folders: total=3(28.9 GB), downloaded=3(28.9 GB), require download=0, require update=0


lapdMouseDBUtil is distributed under 3-clause BSD license.


This work was supported in part by NIH project R01ES023863.


For further information please visit the "Lung anatomy + particle deposition (lapd) mouse archive" at or our data repository


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