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Dynamic Topic Modeling

Getting started

You'll need a conda environment with all the usual scientific computing packages. (Install miniconda or anaconda if you haven't already.) You can use the environment.yml file to generate an environment with all the packages you should need by running

conda env create -f environment.yml

The default name is dynamic_topic_modeling. If you would like to use a different environment name instead run

conda env create --name [environment_name] -f environment.yml

After creating the conda environment, run

conda activate dynamic_topic_modeling

You will need to reactivate the environment using the command above each time you start using the code, unless you never leave the environment.

You should now run

pre-commit install

to setup some commit hooks which will enforce a consistent coding style on the code anyone tries to commit. When committing, pre-commit will automatically run a set of style checks. It may make some automatic changes to the format of your code during these style checks, in which case you will need to re-stage the changed files and try committing again. If there are code style issues that cannot be fixed automatically, error messages will continue to appear and you will need to fix the issues manually. You can check if the commit hooks will pass without making a commit by running

tox -e lint

You should now be able to run the code. Try running


and then

>>> import covid19

to check that the code is setup correctly, and


to make sure all of the tests pass, including the code style checks.

Provide local path information

The scripts require knowledge of the directory that contains data and the directory in which you would like to save output figures and results. Specifically, create a file name in the scripts directory that contains:

data_dir = "/local/path/to/data"
results_dir = "/local/path/to/results_dir"

These directories are: data_dir: the local path to the data directory. results_dir: the local path to the desired results directory.

Recreating experiments

Files for reproducing experimental results can be found in the scripts folder.

  • The notebook methods_semisynthetic_20news.ipynb reproduces results for the semi-synthetic 20 news dataset.
  • The notebook methods_headlines_dataset.ipynb, reproduces results for the news headlines dataset. This notebook will likely take a while (hours) to run.
  • The python file reproduces results on COVID19 related tweets. In accordance with Twitter's policies, we do not provide data for this experiment. Tweet IDs were accessed from
  • The python file reproduces the reconstruction error comparison plots for NCPD and Online NCPD.


We will be using tox and a combination of doctest and pytest to test our code. Doctests are written directly into the function docstrings and also provide example usage. The pytest tests live in the tests directory. To execute all of the tests, run

tox -e py38


  • If pre-commit checks (such as the order of imports, formatting, etc.) fail, your files will likely be modified, but the modified files will remain unstaged. In order to commit successfully you will need to stage the updated files with git add.

  • If dependencies are added to the src folder, they will need to be added to the setup.cfg file under install_requires. When dependencies are added to setup.cfg, run

tox --recreate


tox --recreate -e py38

to update tox with the new dependencies. If you add dependencies in the scripts folder or elsewhere outside of the src folder, setup.cfg does not need to be modified. Dependencies anywhere in the project (the src folder and elsewhere) should be listed in environment.yml.


Code corresponding to the paper "Detecting Short-Lasting Topics using Nonnegative Tensor Decomposition".







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