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Ionic Cloud, and therefore this package, was deprecated Jan 31st, 2018. See Here for details


Ionic Push Notifications Channel for Laravel

Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Code Coverage StyleCI SensioLabsInsight Quality Score Total Downloads

This package makes it easy to send Ionic Push Notifications with Laravel.



You can install the package via composer:

composer require laravel-notification-channels/ionic-push-notifications

Setting up the Ionic Push service

Add your Ionic Push Authentication Token to your config/services.php:

// config/services.php
'ionicpush' => [
    'key' => env('IONIC_PUSH_API_KEY'),


Now you can use the channel in your via() method inside the notification:

use NotificationChannels\IonicPushNotifications\IonicPushChannel;
use NotificationChannels\IonicPushNotifications\IonicPushMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class FriendRequest extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [IonicPushChannel::class];

    public function toIonicPush($notifiable)
        return IonicPushMessage::create('my-security-profile')
            ->title('Your title')
            ->message('Your message')
            ->payload(['foo' => 'bar']);

You can easily set different settings for iOS and Android individually like this...

use NotificationChannels\IonicPushNotifications\IonicPushChannel;
use NotificationChannels\IonicPushNotifications\IonicPushMessage;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;

class FriendRequest extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [IonicPushChannel::class];

    public function toIonicPush($notifiable)
        return IonicPushMessage::create('my-security-profile')
            ->iosMessage('Your iOS message')
            ->androidMessage('Your Android message')

In order to let your Notification know which device token to send to, add the routeNotificationForIonicPush method to your Notifiable model.

This method needs to return the device token of the user (or the Ionic Auth email address, or Ionic userID of the user). Do not forget to set the method of targeting users with sendTo() if necessary (see below).

public function routeNotificationForIonicPush()
    return $this->device_token;

You can also return multiple tokens to send to a group of devices the user may own

public function routeNotificationForIonicPush()
    return $this->device_tokens;

Available Message methods

  • create(): Accepts a string value of your-security-profile.
  • title(): The title of your notification (for all platforms). Can be overwritten by platform specific title method (see below).
  • message(): The message content of your notification (for all platforms). Can be overwritten by platform specific message method (see below).
  • sound(): The title of your notification (for all platforms). Can be overwritten by platform specific sound method (see below).
  • payload(): An array of data to send with your notification. Can be overwritten by platform specific payload method (see below).
  • scheduled(): Schedule a notification for future delivery. Accept DateTime object or a date as a string.
  • sendTo(): Set the method of targeting users - tokens (default), user_ids, or emails.

iOS specific methods

See here for full details on these methods.

  • iosMessage()
  • iosTitle()
  • iosBadge()
  • iosPayload()
  • iosSound()
  • iosPriority()
  • iosExpire()
  • iosContentAvailable()

Android specific methods

See here for full details on these methods.

  • androidCollapseKey()
  • androidContentAvailable()
  • androidData()
  • androidDelayWhileIdle()
  • androidIcon()
  • androidIconColor()
  • androidMessage()
  • androidPriority()
  • androidSound()
  • androidTag()
  • androidTimeToLive()
  • androidTitle()


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.