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File metadata and controls

408 lines (344 loc) · 11.7 KB

A Custom Multer Storage Engine in Express with Nextjs Image placeholder

We will be creating a custom Multer Storage Engine to upload an image and a placeholder that we will use for Nextjs Image component.

We are going to use the following packages to build our application:

  • express: A very popular Node server.
  • multer: A package for extracting files from multipart/form-data requests.
  • jimp: An image manipulation package.
  • dotenv: A package for adding .env variables to process.env.
  • aws-sdk: A package for uploading images to s3 bucket.
  • concat-stream: A package for creating a writable stream that concatenates all the data from a stream and calls a callback with the result.
  • streamifier: A package to convert a Buffer/String into a readable stream.

Creating the Multer Storage Engine create the handler for the upload request. We are going to implement the /upload route to actually handle the upload and we will be using the Multer package for that.

// server.ts
import express, { Application } from "express";
import cors from "cors";
import dotenv from "dotenv";
import multer from "multer";
import Storage from "./helpers/storage";
import S3 from "aws-sdk/clients/s3";


const app: Application = express();

// Set S3 endpoint
const s3 = new S3({
  region: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_REGION,
  accessKeyId: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
  secretAccessKey: process.env.AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY,


app.use("/media", express.static("public"));

// setup a new instance of the AvatarStorage engine
const storage = Storage({
  bucket: process.env.AWS_BUCKET_NAME,
  acl: "public-read",
  threshold: 1000,
  output: "jpg",

const limits = {
  files: 1, // allow only 1 file per request
  fileSize: 5 * (1024 * 1024), // 10 MB (max file size)

// setup multer
const upload = multer({
  limits: limits,

interface CustomFileResult extends Partial<Express.Multer.File> {
  image: string;
  placeholder: string;
  bucket?: string;
}"/upload", upload.single("photo"), function (req, res) {
  const file = req.file as CustomFileResult;
  const { mimetype, originalname, image, placeholder, bucket } = file;
  res.json({ mimetype, originalname, image, placeholder, bucket });

const PORT = 5000;

app.listen(PORT, function () {
  console.log(`Express Server started on port ${PORT}`);

The filename for normal image and its placeholder takes the format [generated_filename]_placeholder.[output_extension] and [generated_filename].[output_extension] Then the image clone and the stream are put in a batch for processing.

Creating the Multer Storage Engine

We will have to create a custom storage engine to use with Multer. Let’s create a new folder in our project root named helpers and create a new file storage.ts inside it for our custom storage engine. The file should contain the following blueprint code snippet:

// storage.ts

// Load dependencies
import { Request } from "express";
import multer from "multer";
import fs from "fs";
import Jimp from "jimp";
import concat from "concat-stream";
import streamifier from "streamifier";
import slugify from "slugify";
import { customAlphabet } from "nanoid";
import type AWS from "aws-sdk";

const nanoid = customAlphabet("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", 10);

const PNG = "png";
const JPEG = "jpeg" || "jpg";

type nameFnType = (
  file: Express.Multer.File,
  output: typeof PNG | typeof JPEG
) => string;

type Options = {
  s3: AWS.S3 | null;
  bucket: string | null;
  acl: string;
  output?: typeof PNG | typeof JPEG;
  quality?: number;
  threshold?: number | null;
  placeholderSize?: number;

interface CustomFileResult extends Partial<Express.Multer.File> {
  image?: string;
  placeholder?: string;
  bucket?: string;

class CustomStorageEngine implements multer.StorageEngine {
  defaultOptions: Options;
  options: Options;

  constructor(opts: Options) {
    this.options = opts || undefined;

    // fallback for options
    this.defaultOptions = {
      s3: null,
      bucket: null,
      acl: null,
      output: "png",
      quality: 90,
      threshold: null,
      placeholderSize: 26,

    // You can add more options
    const allowedOutputFormats = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png"];

    // If the option value is undefined or null it will fall back to the default option
    const allowedOutput = allowedOutputFormats?.includes(
      String(this.options.output ?? this.defaultOptions.output)?.toLowerCase()

    if (!allowedOutput) throw new Error("Output is not allowed");

    switch (typeof opts.s3) {
      case "object":
        if (!this.options.acl) throw new Error("Expected acl to be string");
        if (!this.options.bucket)
          throw new Error("Expected bucket to be string");

  // Create a file path based on date
  private getPath = () => {
    const newDate = new Date();
    const Month = newDate.getMonth() + 1;
    const Year = newDate.getFullYear();
    return `${Year}/${Month}`;

  private _getMime = () => {
    // resolve the Jimp output mime type
    const output = this.options.output ?? this.defaultOptions.output;
    switch (output) {
      case "jpg":
      case "jpeg":
        return Jimp.MIME_JPEG;
      case "png":
        return Jimp.MIME_PNG;
        return Jimp.MIME_PNG;

  // return as filename with the output extension
  private generateFilename: nameFnType = (
    file: Express.Multer.File,
    output: typeof PNG | typeof JPEG
  ) => {
    const newDate = new Date();
    const DateAsInt = Math.round(newDate.getTime() / 1000); // in seconds

    // trim a file extension from image and remove any possible dots in file name
    const filename = file?.originalname
      ?.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")
      ?.replace(/\./g, "");

    if (filename) {
      const cleanedTitle = slugify(
        filename.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\s!?]/g, "").trim(),
      return (
        (cleanedTitle + "__" + DateAsInt + "_" + nanoid())?.toLowerCase() +
        "." +
    return (DateAsInt + "_" + nanoid())?.toLowerCase() + "." + output;

  _processImage = async (
    image: Jimp,
    cb: (error?: Error, info?: CustomFileResult) => void,
    file: Express.Multer.File
  ) => {
    // Get options
    const output = this.options.output ?? this.defaultOptions.output;
    const quality = this.options.quality ?? this.defaultOptions.quality;
    const threshold = this.options.threshold ?? this.defaultOptions.threshold;
    const placeholderSize =
      this.options.placeholderSize ?? this.defaultOptions.placeholderSize;

    const filename = this.generateFilename(file, output);

    // create a clone of the Jimp image
    let clone = image.clone();

    // Auto scale the image dimensions to fit the threshold requirement
    if (threshold) {
      clone = clone.resize(threshold, Jimp.AUTO);

    // Set the image output quality
    clone = clone.quality(quality);

    const filenameSplit = filename.split(".");
    const _filename = filenameSplit[0];
    const _output = filenameSplit[1];

    const dirPath = this.getPath();

    // Original image processing
    const originalImageRespond = new Promise<AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.SendData>(
      (resolve, reject) => {
        const originalImage = clone.clone();
        const originalFilename = _filename + "." + _output;
        const image = `${dirPath}/${originalFilename}`;

        originalImage.getBuffer(this._getMime(), (err, buffer) => {
              Bucket: this.options.bucket,
              Key: image,
              Body: streamifier.createReadStream(buffer),
              //   ACL: this.options.acl,
              ContentType: "application/octet-stream",
            (error, response) => {
              if (error) {
              } else {

    // Placeholder image processing
    const placeholderImageRespond = new Promise<AWS.S3.ManagedUpload.SendData>(
      (resolve, reject) => {
        const placeholderImage = clone.resize(placeholderSize, Jimp.AUTO);
        const placeholderFilename =
          _filename + "_" + "placeholder" + "." + _output;
        const placeholder = `${dirPath}/${placeholderFilename}`;

        placeholderImage.getBuffer(this._getMime(), (err, buffer) => {
              Bucket: this.options.bucket,
              Key: placeholder,
              Body: streamifier.createReadStream(buffer),
              //   ACL: this.options.acl,
              ContentType: "application/octet-stream",
            (error, response) => {
              if (error) {
              } else {

    Promise.all([originalImageRespond, placeholderImageRespond]).then(
      (valArray) => {
        const image = valArray[0].Key;
        const bucket = valArray[0].Bucket;
        const placeholder = valArray[1].Key;

        cb(null, {
          mimetype: this._getMime(),

  _handleFile = (
    req: Request,
    file: Express.Multer.File,
    cb: (error?: Error | null, info?: CustomFileResult) => void
  ): void => {
    // create a writable stream using concat-stream that will
    // concatenate all the buffers written to it and pass the
    // complete buffer to a callback fn
    const fileManipulate = concat((imageData) => {
      // read the image buffer with Jimp
      // returns a promise
        .then((image) => {
          // process the Jimp image buffer
          this._processImage(image, cb, file);

    // write the uploaded file buffer to the fileManipulate stream;

  _removeFile = (
    _req: Request,
    file: Express.Multer.File & { name: string },
    cb: (error: Error | null) => void
  ): void => {
    if (file.path) {
      fs.unlink(file.path, cb);

export default (opts: Options) => {
  return new CustomStorageEngine(opts);

Nextjs Images placeholder

After we upload our image we received a response with the image path and it's placeholder. Let's create a hook useGetDataUrl.ts to Fetch blob and convert the placeholder to base64.

import { useEffect, useState } from "react";

export function useGetDataUrl(customPlaceholder: string) {
  const [Base64Placeholder, setBase64Placeholder] = useState<string>(

  useEffect(() => {
    async function toBase64() {
      try {
        const data = await fetch(customPlaceholder);
        const blob = await data.blob();

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
        return await new Promise<string>((resolve) => {
          const reader = new window.FileReader();
          reader.onloadend = () => {
            const base64data = reader.result as string;
            return resolve(base64data);
          .then((res: string) => {
            return res;
          .catch((error) => {
            console.log("error :>", error);
      } catch (error) {
        console.log("error :>", error);

    if (customPlaceholder) {
  }, [customPlaceholder]);

  return Base64Placeholder;