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Single Sign-on UI

Angular Admin UI for IdentityServer4. It uses SingleSignOnApi to manage SingleSignOnIdentityServer(IdentityServer4)

IdentityServer4 is an OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 framework for ASP.NET Core.

Features and Requirements


  • Manage Clients;
  • Manage Api Resources;
  • Manage Identity Resources;
  • Manage Users;
  • Manage Roles;




Install Yarn

Run sudo npm install yarn -g

Install Modules

Run yarn install

Run Admin UI

Run yarn start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Default Users

User: Admin

Password: Pass123$

User: bob

Password: Pass123$

The bob user will not have enough permissions to do anything. Errors will need to be handled better.

Deploying to Production Via Docker ( Postgres )

In the following example the database, Single Sign-on Api and Single Sign-on IdentityServer are on the same server with an ip of


Update the appsettings in the Postgres migration and run it. It is found in Single Sign-on Api ( Api used to manage the Identity4 server ). Another alternative is to use the sql files.

  "serverUrl": "",
  "ConnectionStrings": {
    "defaultConnection": "Host=;Database=SingleSignOn;Username=postgres;Password=password1;"
docker stop single-sign-on-admin-api 
docker rm single-sign-on-admin-api  
docker run \
	--name=single-sign-on-admin-api \
	-d --restart unless-stopped \
	-p 5001:80 \
	-e "ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection"="Host=;Database=SingleSignOn;Username=postgres;Password=password1;" \
	-e "Url__Authority"="" \
	-e "Url__CorsUrl"="" \
	-e "DatabaseType"="Postgres" \
docker stop single-sign-on 
docker rm single-sign-on  
docker run \
	--name=single-sign-on \
	-d --restart unless-stopped \
	-p 5000:80 \
	-e "ConnectionStrings__DefaultConnection"="Host=;Database=SingleSignOn;Username=postgres;Password=password1;" \
	-e "DatabaseType"="Postgres" \

Single Sign-on UI

I haven't found a decent way to apply enviroment values so there isn't a pre-built docker. You will have to create your own.

Update to use your own ip / domain.

export const environment = {
  production: true,
  adminApi: '',
  OidcClient: {
    authority: '',
    client_id: 'single_sign_on_server',
    redirect_uri: '',
    post_logout_redirect_uri: '',
    response_type: 'id_token token',
    scope: 'openid profile identity_admin admin-api',
    filterProtocolClaims: true,
    loadUserInfo: true
  urlRegEx: "^(ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*(:(0-9)*)*(\/?)([a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\?\,\'\/\\\+&%\$#_]*)?$"

Create Docker Image

docker build --rm -t single-sign-on-admin .. -f ../Dockerfile

Push Docker Image to Own Repositiory

Replace localhost:5010 with own repository details.

sudo docker tag single-sign-on-admin localhost:5010/single-sign-on-admin:latest
sudo docker push localhost:5010/single-sign-on-admin:latest

Run Docker on Server

Replace localhost:5010 with own repository details.

docker stop single-sign-on-admin 
docker rm -f single-sign-on-admin 
docker run \
	--name=single-sign-on-admin \
	-d --restart unless-stopped \
	-it -p 4200:80 \



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