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Learning pyspark and AWS through analyzing my Strava history with Apache Spark 1.6.1

What's in here?

  • Bootstrap actions and configuration files that install ipython notebook with pyspark and pandas on AWS EMR
  • A StravaLoader class that creates a DataFrame from all my Strava activities stored in s3 (or locally)
  • An iPython Notebook that..
  • Computes moving speed
  • Filters tracking points at rest
  • Identifies "activity blocks" by looking for pauses longer than 10 minutes between tracking points
  • Flattens the dataset and saves tracking point dataset as parquet
  • Aggregates data to activity block level and computes metrics like average speed, average heart rate and saves activity block dataset as parquet
  • A Zeppelin Notebook for data exploration and visualization of the two data sets

A few examples

Data exploration with Zeppelin

See the notebook for details. The following illustrations are for road cycling activities.

#####Average heart rate (y) at different speeds in km/h (x) for three different athletes (not only me) It's tough going up hill

Looks like the toughest part of cycling is going up hill (lower speeds).

#####Average speed in km/h (y) versus total length in km (x) of activities for three athletes akrogvig is a commuter and generally goes faster

Looks like different athletes have different cycling habits.

Some documentation

Storing activities

Activities are stored in the following structure

  • strava-activities
    • athlete1
      • [id]-[activity type].gpx
    • athlete2
      • [id]-[activity type].gpx
    • ...

Using StravaLoader

In a pyspark program:

from classes import StravaLoader
df = StravaLoader().get_dataset()

In a pyspark shell:

from classes import StravaLoader
df = StravaLoader(sc=sc, hiveContext=sqlContext).get_dataset()