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Package hamming implelements multi-index minimal hammign distance algorithm See "Fast and compact Hamming distance index" (Simon Gog, Rossano Venturini)

I have built a POC which computes ~50M/s shortest hamming distances between two 265 bits hashes. Most of the performance improvements came from three things.

  • I use array of eight 64 bits words to keep hashes and can calculate a hamming distance between two 256 hashes in 20ns or 50M hashes/s on a single i7 core.
  • I keep two tables - one for search and another for updates. After an update I switch the tables. The code runs lock free.


The add/remove and dup API can not be called simultaneously. APIs add/remove modify the hash tables. APIs dup/distance only read the hash tables. Usually the applciation will duplicate the H(amming) object and switch the pointer to the instance

    var currentH *hamming.H          // all threads use this instance
        newH := currentH.Dup()       // clone the hash tables
        currentH = newH              // Let's switch global pointer to the Hamming object


Benchmarks for 256 bits hashes

BenchmarkRealDataSet-4             	 5000000	       341 ns/op
BenchmarkRealDataSet100K-4         	      30	  34574061 ns/op
BenchmarkRealDataSet1M-4           	       3	 343505768 ns/op
BenchmarkHammingAdd-4              	  500000	      2646 ns/op
BenchmarkFuzzyHashToKey-4          	2000000000	         0.30 ns/op
BenchmarkFuzzyHashToString-4       	 2000000	       805 ns/op
BenchmarkClosestSibling-4          	10000000	       137 ns/op
BenchmarkClosestSibling2K-4        	   50000	     31350 ns/op
BenchmarkClosestSibling100K-4      	    1000	   1904851 ns/op
BenchmarkClosestSibling1M-4        	     100	  16311071 ns/op
BenchmarkHammingDistance-4         	50000000	        25.1 ns/op
BenchmarkHashStringToFuzzyHash-4   	10000000	       174 ns/op
