This repository contains the code to illustrate regular expressions and automata for the lexical analysis part of the MiniJava
transpiler, which is documented on
To use the code in the ocaml interpreter do the following.
utop # #use "";;
You can create a regular expression with the following code.
utop # let re = RE.regex_from_string "0*(100*)*1?";;
You can now create a non-deterministic finite automata equivalent to this regular expression with
utop # let nfa = NFA.init re;;
And now, you can test if a string is matched by the regular expression with
utop # NFA.full_match nfa "101010";;
- : bool = true
If you want to launch the test suite, you will need dune, you can install it with opam by executing the following command.
opam install dune
You can now launch the test suite with
dune exec ./test_re.exe