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Latin Lemmatized Texts


Cite this corpus using the following:

  author       = {Clérice, Thibault},
  title        = {Corpus Latin antiquité et antiquité tardive lemmatisé},
  month        = apr,
  year         = 2021,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {0.1.3},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.4337145},
  url          = {}

Information about the source corpora

This corpus contains the whole set of Capitains compliant classical and late Latin texts avaialable out there. The latest version of the corpus is based on the following corpora:

Name Version Project you need to cite
PerseusDL/canonical-latinLit 0.0.843
OpenGreekAndLatin/csel-dev 1.0.211
OpenGreekAndLatin/Latin v1.10.0
lascivaroma/digiliblt 0.0.64
lascivaroma/priapeia 1.1.18 Lasciva Roma
lascivaroma/additional-texts 1.0.192 Lasciva Roma

The texts are distributed using the same licence as the original, annotation are CC-BY-SA 4.0.

Number of tokens: 21,327,783 (17,885,059 without punctuation)

Information about the model

They were tagged with Pie-Extended LASLA model using the 0.0.6 LASLA + model (trained with aligned PROIEL Vulgate as well as Priapea and a Late Latin Corpus to be published soon).

Note: the model is currently being fine-tuned in the context of my PhD. I'll fill this part when it will be done.

  • Enclitics duplicate the whole token (-que are not separated). They are identifiable through as their form starts and ends with { and }. Example :
  <w lemma="breuis" msd="Case=Abl|Numb=Plur|Gend=Com|Deg=Pos" n="1.18" pos="ADJqua" rend="section">breuibusque</w>
  <w lemma="que" msd="MORPH=empty" n="1.18" pos="CON" rend="section">{breuibusque}</w>
  • Roman numbers are lemmatized as Arabic numbers.

  • The model is highly susceptible of wrong annotation for wrong tokens such as 7AP.

  • Tokens ending with ? are known as needing disambiguation but disambiguation was not possible (there seems to have been an issue with some automatic ones in this version of the corpus).

Information about the schema

XML Files are TEI compliant (normally) and the text in separated in passages, their type being provided at the ab level.

    <text n="urn:cts:latinLit:phi0119.phi009.perseus-lat2">
          <ab n="urn:cts:latinLit:phi0119.phi009.perseus-lat2:1" type="line">

Tokens use the standard TEI annotation elements @pos, @msd and @lemma:

<w lemma="gaudeo" msd="Numb=Sing|Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|Voice=Act|Person=1" n="7" pos="VER" rend="line">gaudeo</w>

Lexical information and tags


Tag French English UD POS Example
ADJadv.mul Numéral Adverbial Multiplicatif Multiplicative numeral adverbial ADV quadragies
ADJadv.ord Numéral Adverbial Ordinal Ordinal numeral adverb ADV secundo
ADJcar Numéral Cardinal Cardinal NUM decem, ducenti, duo
ADJdis Numéral Distributif Distributive numeral ADJ tricenus, trinus, uicenus, undenus
ADJmul Numéral Multiplicatif Multiplicative numeral ADJ septemplex, simplex, triplex
ADJord Numéral Ordinal Ordinal numeral ADJ octogesimus, primus, prior
ADJqua Adjectif qualificatif Adjective ADJ
ADV Adverbe Adverb ADV
ADVint Adverbe interrogatif Interogative Adverb ADV an, anne, cuicuimodi2
ADVint.neg Adverbe interrogatif négatif Negative Interrogative Adverb ADV necne, nonne, quidni
ADVneg Adverbe négatif Negative Adverb ADV haud, ne3, nec1
ADVrel Adverbe relatif Relative Adverb ADV proquam, prout
CONcoo Conjonction de coordination Coordinating conjunction CCONJ
CONsub Conjonction de subordination Subordinating conjunction SCONJ
INJ Interjection Interjection INTJ
NOMcom Nom commun Noun NOUN
NOMpro Nom propre Proper Noun PROPN
OUT Non-Géré Out X
PRE Préposition Preposition ADP
PROdem Pronom démonstratif Demonstrative Pronoun PRON hic, idem, ille
PROind Pronom indéfini Indefinite Pronoun PRON aliquantus, aliquis, aliquot, alis, alius, alter
PROint Pronom interrogatif Interrogative Pronoun PRON cuias, cuius, ecquis
PROper Pronom personnel Personal Pronoun PRON ego, nos, tu, uos
PROpos Pronom possessif Possessive Pronoun PRON mei, meus, noster
PROpos.ref Pronom possessif réfléchi Relfexive Possessive Pronoun PRON Sui, suus
PROref Pronom réfléchi Reflexive Pronoun PRON sepse, sui
PROrel Pronom relatif Relative Pronoun PRON cuius, qualis, qualiscumque
PUNC Ponctuation Punctuation PUNCT
VER Verbe Verb VERB
VERaux Verbe auxiliaire Auxiliary Verb AUX
FOR Termes étrangers Foreign words X


POS Tokens
ADJadv.mul 7748
ADJadv.ord 21012
ADJcar 168392
ADJdis 14022
ADJmul 4185
ADJord 61518
ADJqua 1313643
ADV 1003398
ADVint 65600
ADVint.neg 3414
ADVneg 276761
ADVrel 185454
CON 179855
CONcoo 1295347
CONsub 604806
FOR 44232
INJ 30000
NOM 29
NOMcom 4301213
NOMpro 714746
PRE 1208858
PROdem 780450
PROind 379789
PROint 79845
PROper 242527
PROpos 134720
PROpos.ref 83633
PROref 80269
PROrel 516713
PUNC 3442724
UNK 843
VER 4079470
_ 2290