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#About A library for building custom Hive SerDes.

#Start using You can download a JAR file or obtain hive-serde from Maven Central using the following identifier:


  • Provides a very simple API for materializing your custom record types into Hive rows.
  • Field name mapping.
  • Simultaneous mapping of fields to multiple columns of different types.

#Writing your own SerDe

  1. Define your fields with implementations of Field - this is best done with an enum.
  2. Create a FieldFactory implementation - best to do this with an inner static enum inside your Field enum.
  3. Create a subclass of AbstractReadOnlySerDe that takes in instances of your data file's record type.
  4. Optionally create any FieldTransforms for mapping custom types.
  5. Map your record type to fields with an implementation of AbstractReadOnlySerDe<R>#mapRecordIntoRow(R writable, Row row).

#Example ###SerDe implementation public class CustomDataFileSerDe extends AbstractReadOnlySerDe {

      public CustomDataFileSerDe() {
        super(CustomRecord.class, CustomRecordField.Factory.INSTANCE);
      public void mapRecordIntoRow(CustomRecord record, Row row) throws SerDeException {
        row.setField(CustomRecordField.EVENT_ID, record.getId());
        row.setField(CustomRecordField.TIMESTAMP, record.getTime());
        row.setField(CustomRecordField.TYPE, record.getType());

See fm.last.commons.hive.serde.TestField for an example Field and FieldFactory implementation - they are very simple. ###Example field transform Lets assume that our records encode an event's type as 1 = Bang and 2 = Fizzle - if the destination column type is a string we might wish to convert the code to something more readable:

    public class EventTypeFieldTransform extends AbstractStringFieldTransform implements FieldTransform {
      public Object transform(Object value, TypeInfo columnType) {
        if (isColumnOfStringType(columnType)) {
          int eventTypeCode = ((Integer) value).intValue();
          switch (eventTypeCode) {
            case 1:
              return "Bang";
            case 2:
              return "Fizzle";
              return "Unknown";
        return eventTypeCode;

###Hive table definition CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS event_data ( event_id int, timestamp string, type string ) ROW FORMAT SERDE '' STORED AS INPUTFORMAT '' OUTPUTFORMAT 'org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat' LOCATION '...'; ###Mapping between different column and field names Add the mapping when declaring the Hive table like so:

    WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('time' = 'timestamp', ...

Or to simultaneous mapping of fields to multiple columns of different types:

    WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('event_type_as_string' = 'type', 'event_type_code' = 'type', ...

#Building This project uses the Maven build system.

#Acknowledgements Roberto Congiu for his posts on writing SerDes (1, 2).


All contributions are welcome. Please use the codeformatting profile found in the lastfm-oss-config project for formatting your changes.

#Legal Copyright 2012

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


A library for building custom Hive SerDes







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