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Multi agent, and somewhat Unity's ML-Toolkit support
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The main change is making sure that MADDPG works.
It works the example isn't be the best to check. For now, the example uses Unity's modified tennis example. In the future there will better integration with the ML-Tookits, for now we added a custom env runner and gym-like wrapper.
The custom MultiAgentEnvRunner will need plenty of updates depending on required tasks. Currently it assume that the task is coop with total score maximization.
  • Loading branch information
laszukdawid committed Nov 18, 2020
1 parent deedfa9 commit 39dcf31
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Showing 10 changed files with 776 additions and 57 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ This is just a beginning and there will be more work on these interactions.

### Environments

| Name | Progress | Link |
| Name | Progress | Link | Doc |
| OpenAI Gym - Classic | Done | |
| OpenAI Gym - Atari | Implemeneted, Need more testing | |
| OpenAI Gym - MuJoCo | Not tested | |
| OpenAI Gym - Atari | Done | |
| OpenAI Gym - MuJoCo | Not interested. | |
| Unity ML | Somehow supported. | [Page](
| MAME Linux emulator | Interested. | [Official page](
| Unity ML | Interested. | [Page](

### Development

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ai_traineree/agents/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
from ai_traineree.utils import to_tensor
from ai_traineree import DEVICE
from ai_traineree.agents.utils import hard_update, soft_update
from ai_traineree.buffers import ReplayBuffer
from ai_traineree.networks.bodies import ActorBody, CriticBody
from ai_traineree.noise import GaussianNoise
from ai_traineree.types import AgentType
from ai_traineree.utils import to_tensor

import numpy as np
import torch
Expand Down
269 changes: 268 additions & 1 deletion ai_traineree/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,9 +4,12 @@
import time
import os
import sys
from ai_traineree.types import AgentType, RewardType, TaskType
from ai_traineree.types import ActionType, AgentType, DoneType, MultiAgentType, RewardType, StateType, TaskType
from ai_traineree.types import MultiAgentTaskType

from collections import deque
from functools import reduce
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -264,3 +267,267 @@ def load_state(self, state_prefix: str):
self.agent.critic_loss = state.get('critic_loss', 0)
self.agent.loss = state.get('loss', 0)

class MultiAgentEnvRunner:
MultiAgentEnvRunner has the same purpose as the EnvRunner but specifically for environments that support multiple agents.
It's expected that the environments are wrapped in a Task which has typical step and act methods.
The agent can be any agent which *makes sense* as there aren't any checks like whether the output is discrete.
Typicall run is
>>> ma_env_runner = MultiAgentEnvRunner(task, agent)
Check [examples/multi_agents](/examples/multi_agents) directory.

def __init__(self, task: MultiAgentTaskType, multi_agent: MultiAgentType, mode: str ='coop', max_iterations: int=int(1e5), **kwargs):
Expects the environment to come as the TaskType and the agent as the AgentType.
Additional args:
writer: Tensorboard writer.
self.logger = logging.getLogger("MAEnvRunner")
self.task = task
self.multi_agent: MultiAgentType = multi_agent
self.max_iterations = max_iterations
self.model_path = f"{}_{}"
self.state_dir = 'run_states'

self.mode = mode
self.episode = 0
self.iteration = 0
self.all_scores: List[List[RewardType]] = []
self.all_iterations: List[int] = []
self.window_len = kwargs.get('window_len', 100)
self.__images = []

self.writer = kwargs.get("writer")"writer: %s", str(self.writer))

def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"EnvRunner<{}, {}>"

def reset(self):
"""Resets the EnvRunner. The task env and the agent are preserved."""
self.episode = 0
self.all_scores: List[List[RewardType]] = []
self.all_iterations = []
self.scores_window = deque(maxlen=self.window_len)

def interact_episode(
self, eps: float=0, max_iterations: Optional[int]=None,
render: bool=False, render_gif: bool=False, log_loss_every: Optional[int]=None
) -> Tuple[List[RewardType], int]:
score: List[RewardType] = [0.]*self.multi_agent.agents_number
states: List[StateType] = self.task.reset()

iterations = 0
max_iterations = max_iterations if max_iterations is not None else self.max_iterations

# Only gifs require keeping (S, A, R) list
if render_gif:
self.__images = []

while(iterations < max_iterations):
iterations += 1
self.iteration += 1
if render:

all_actions: List[ActionType] = self.multi_agent.act(states, eps)
next_states: List[StateType] = []
rewards: List[RewardType] = []
dones: List[DoneType] = []

for agent_id in range(self.multi_agent.agents_number):
next_state, reward, done, _ = self.task.step(all_actions[agent_id], agent_id=agent_id)
score[agent_id] += float(reward) # Score is
# if done:
# break
if render_gif:
# OpenAI gym still renders the image to the screen even though it shouldn't. Eh.
img = self.task.render(mode='rgb_array')

self.multi_agent.step(states, all_actions, rewards, next_states, dones)
if log_loss_every is not None and (iterations % log_loss_every) == 0:
states = next_states
if any(dones):
return score, iterations

def run(
reward_goal: float=100.0, max_episodes: int=2000,
eps_start=1.0, eps_end=0.01, eps_decay=0.995,
log_every=10, gif_every_episodes: Optional[int]=None,
checkpoint_every=200, force_new=False,
) -> List[List[RewardType]]:
Evaluates the multi_agent in the environment.
The evaluation will stop when the agent reaches the `reward_goal` in the averaged last `self.window_len`, or
when the number of episodes reaches the `max_episodes`.
To help debugging one can set the `gif_every_episodes` to a positive integer which relates to how often a gif
of the episode evaluation is written to the disk.
Every `checkpoint_every` (default: 200) iterations the Runner will store current state of the runner and the agent.
These states can be used to resume previous run. By default the runner checks whether there is ongoing run for
the combination of the environment and the agent.
self.epsilon = eps_start
if not force_new:

while (self.episode < max_episodes):
self.episode += 1
render_gif = gif_every_episodes is not None and (self.episode % gif_every_episodes) == 0
scores, iterations = self.interact_episode(self.epsilon, render_gif=render_gif)

# TODO: Assumes that score for the episode is a sum of all. That might be Ok with coop but not in general.
score = sum(scores)


mean_score: float = sum(self.scores_window) / len(self.scores_window)

self.epsilon = max(eps_end, eps_decay * self.epsilon)

if self.episode % log_every == 0:
if hasattr(self.multi_agent, 'critic_loss') and self.multi_agent.critic_loss is not None:
loss = {'actor_loss': self.multi_agent.actor_loss, 'critic_loss': self.multi_agent.critic_loss}
loss = {'loss': self.multi_agent.loss}, iterations=iterations, score=score, mean_score=mean_score, epsilon=self.epsilon, **loss)

if render_gif and len(self.__images):
gif_path = "gifs/{}_e{}.gif".format(self.model_path, str(self.episode).zfill(len(str(max_episodes))))
save_gif(gif_path, self.__images)
self.__images = []

if mean_score >= reward_goal and len(self.scores_window) == self.window_len:
print(f'Environment solved after {self.episode} episodes!\tAverage Score: {mean_score:.2f}')

if self.episode % checkpoint_every == 0:

return self.all_scores

def info(self, **kwargs):
Writes out current state into provided loggers.
Currently supports stdout logger (default on) and Tensorboard SummaryWriter initiated through EnvRun(writer=...)).
if self.writer is not None:
if self.logger is not None:

def log_logger(self, **kwargs):
line_chunks = ["Episode {episode};", "Iter: {iterations};"]
line_chunks += ["Current Score: {score:.2f};"]
line_chunks += ["Average Score: {mean_score:.2f};"]
if 'critic_loss' in self.multi_agent.__dict__ and self.multi_agent.critic_loss is not None:
line_chunks += ["Actor loss: {actor_loss:10.4f};"]
line_chunks += ["Critic loss: {critic_loss:10.4f};"]
line_chunks += ["Loss: {loss:10.4f};"]
line_chunks += ["Epsilon: {epsilon:5.3f};"]
line = "\t".join(line_chunks)
print("Line: ", line)
print("kwargs: ", kwargs)

def log_writer(self, **kwargs):
self.writer.add_scalar("score/score", kwargs['score'], self.episode)
self.writer.add_scalar("score/avg_score", kwargs['mean_score'], self.episode)
self.writer.add_scalar("epsilon", kwargs['epsilon'], self.iteration)

def log_loss(self, **kwargs):
if hasattr(self.multi_agent, 'log_writer'):
self.multi_agent.log_writer(self.writer, self.iteration)
elif 'critic_loss' in self.multi_agent.__dict__ and self.multi_agent.critic_loss is not None:
self.writer.add_scalar("Actor loss", kwargs['actor_loss'], self.iteration)
self.writer.add_scalar("Critic loss", kwargs['critic_loss'], self.iteration)
self.writer.add_scalar("loss", kwargs['loss'], self.iteration)

def save_state(self, state_name: str):
"""Saves the current state of the runner and the multi_agent.
Files are stored with appended episode number.
Agents are saved with their internal saving mechanism.
state = {
'tot_iterations': sum(self.all_iterations),
'episode': self.episode,
'epsilon': self.epsilon,
'score': self.all_scores[-1],
'average_score': sum(self.scores_window) / len(self.scores_window),
if hasattr(self.multi_agent, "critic_loss") and self.multi_agent.critic_loss is not None:
state['actor_loss'] = self.multi_agent.actor_loss,
state['critic_loss'] = self.multi_agent.critic_loss,
elif hasattr(self.multi_agent, "loss"):
state['loss'] = self.multi_agent.loss

Path(self.state_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
with open(f'{self.state_dir}/{state_name}_e{self.episode}.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(state, f)

def load_state(self, state_prefix: str):
Loads state with the highest episode value for given agent and environment.
state_files = list(filter(lambda f: f.startswith(state_prefix) and f.endswith('json'), os.listdir(self.state_dir)))
e = max([int(f[f.index('_e')+2:f.index('.')]) for f in state_files])
except Exception:
self.logger.warning("Couldn't load state. Forcing restart.")

state_name = [n for n in state_files if n.endswith(f"_e{e}.json")][0][:-5]"Loading saved state under: %s/%s.json", self.state_dir, state_name)
with open(f'{self.state_dir}/{state_name}.json', 'r') as f:
state = json.load(f)
self.episode = state.get('episode')
self.epsilon = state.get('epsilon')

self.all_iterations = []

avg_score = state.get('average_score')
for _ in range(min(self.window_len, self.episode)):
self.scores_window.append(avg_score)"Loading saved agent state: %s/%s.agent", self.state_dir, state_name)

if hasattr(self.multi_agent, "actor_loss") and self.multi_agent.actor_loss is not None:
self.multi_agent.actor_loss = state.get('actor_loss', 0)
self.multi_agent.critic_loss = state.get('critic_loss', 0)
self.multi_agent.loss = state.get('loss', 0)

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