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Frequently Asked Questions

lat9 edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 3 revisions

Applying Site-Specific Styling

Starting with v3.3.0 of the template, there's now a built-in way to apply your site-specific styling to the template. The file /includes/templates/bootstrap/css/dist-site_specific_styles.php is included in the template's distribution zip-file as an example.

To make use of this feature, you'll start by copying (or renaming) the above file in your template-override's version of /includes/templates/bootstrap/css/site_specific_styles.php. From there, since it's a .php file, you can load additional stylesheets and/or use your site's configuration settings to create inline CSS to accomplish your goals. Here's a combined example of what can be done:

// -----
// Set a different color for the h1 tag only on the home page.
if ($this_is_home_page) {
    h1 {color: red;}

// -----
// Load an additional stylesheet.
<link href="<?php echo $template->get_template_dir('.css', DIR_WS_TEMPLATE, $current_page_base, 'css') . '/mysite.css'; ?>" rel="stylesheet">

One-Page Checkout: Order Total, jQuery Selector Value

If you are using the template with One-Page Checkout, you'll need to change the Configuration :: One-Page Checkout Settings :: Order Total, jQuery Selection setting to #ottotal .ot-text.


Configuration :: Product Listing :: Columns per row, display anomalies

The Bootstrap template supports three values for the configuration setting Product Listing :: Columns per row:

Value How it works
0 Uses the Bootstrap CSS rules to format columns in a fluid manner. This is the recommended setting for the Bootstrap template.
1 Displays the products' listing in a row-based manner
2+ Forces the specified number of columns by calculating a fixed percentage for all viewport widths. This cannot take into account all the other styling associated with the listings and is not recommended.

Controlling the Fluid Listing Layout

The template's /includes/modules/bootstrap/product_listing.php makes use of the Bootstrap-4 Grid System to provide the fluid layout based on the screen (i.e. viewport) width and the currently configured Center Column Width. The Center Column Width is determined using the template's Responsive [Left|Center|Right] Column Width settings. For template versions prior to v3.2.0, these settings are found in Configuration :: Layout Settings; starting with v3.2.0, the settings are now in Configuration :: Bootstrap Template Settings.

Column Width Settings

A page's Center Column Width is calculated by subtracting the sum of the left-column width and right-column width from 12 (the maximum number of bootstrap columns). That calculation, provided by the template's tpl_main_page.php, takes into effect any page-specific side-box disables ($flag_disable_left and $flag_disable_right).

The product_listing.php module uses the Center Column Width to determine the bootstrap classes to apply to each product 'card' using a lookup array. For v3.2.0, the default lookup array is

            // this array is intentionally in reverse order, with largest index first
            $grid_classes_matrix = [
                '12' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-6',
                '10' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5',
                '9' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5',
                '8' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 row-cols-xl-4',
                '6' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-2 row-cols-xl-3',

and can be customized, starting with v3.2.0 of the template, on a shop-by-shop basis by providing an override of the $grid_classes_matrix array, preferably in a .php file present in /includes/extra_datafiles. Note that the override can be placed in the same file as the $grid_category_classes_matrix which defines the layout-override for the category listings' pages.

Display Examples

Here's how the display looks using the demo products with various settings, using a Responsive Center Box Width of 6:

  1. Columns per row = 0


  1. Columns per row = 1


  1. Columns per row = 3


Configuration :: Maximum Values :: Categories To List Per Row, display anomalies

The Bootstrap template, starting with v3.6.3, supports three values for the configuration setting Maximum Values :: Categories To List Per Row:

Value How it works
0, 1 Uses the Bootstrap CSS rules to format columns in a fluid manner. These are now the recommended settings for the Bootstrap template.
2+ Forces the specified number of columns by calculating a fixed percentage for all viewport widths. This cannot take into account all the other styling associated with the categories' display and is not recommended.

Controlling the Fluid Listing Layout

The template's /includes/modules/bootstrap/category_row.php makes use of the Bootstrap-4 Grid System to provide the fluid layout based on the screen (i.e. viewport) width and the currently configured Center Column Width. The Center Column Width is determined using the template's Responsive [Left|Center|Right] Column Width settings. For template versions prior to v3.2.0, these settings are found in Configuration :: Layout Settings; starting with v3.2.0, the settings are now in Configuration :: Bootstrap Template Settings.

Column Width Settings

A page's Center Column Width is calculated by subtracting the sum of the left-column width and right-column width from 12 (the maximum number of bootstrap columns). That calculation, provided by the template's tpl_main_page.php, takes into effect any page-specific side-box disables ($flag_disable_left and $flag_disable_right).

The category_row.php module uses the Center Column Width to determine the bootstrap classes to apply to each category 'card' using a lookup array. For v3.6.3, the default lookup array is

            // this array is intentionally in reverse order, with largest index first
            $grid_category_classes_matrix = [
                '12' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-sm-2 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-6',
                '10' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5',
                '9' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-3 row-cols-lg-4 row-cols-xl-5',
                '8' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-3 row-cols-xl-4',
                '6' => 'row-cols-1 row-cols-md-2 row-cols-lg-2 row-cols-xl-3',

and can be customized, starting with v3.6.3 of the template, on a shop-by-shop basis by providing an override of the $grid_category_classes_matrix array, preferably in a .php file present in /includes/extra_datafiles. Note that the override can be placed in the same file as the $grid_classes_matrix which defines the layout-override for the product listings' pages.

Display Examples

Here's how the display looks using the demo products with various settings, using a Responsive Center Box Width of 6:

  1. Categories To List Per Row = 0 or 1
Full-screen Width Small-screen Width
image image
  1. Categories To List Per Row = 3
Full-screen Width Small-screen Width
image image