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Notifications Issued by Edit Orders

lat9 edited this page Oct 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

Edit Orders issues various notifications to enable site-specific (or other plugins) to seamlessly integrate with EO without modifications.

Issued by edit_orders.php

Edit Orders issues various notifications to enable site-specific (or other plugins) to seamlessly integrate with EO without modifications.

Issued by edit_orders.php

These notifications are issued in global scope via $zco_notifier.

Notifier Description
EDIT_ORDERS_START_ACTION_PROCESSING Issued just prior to the start of the EO action processing.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRE_UPDATE_ORDER Issued during the update_order processing, just prior to updating the base order database record.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRE_UPDATE_PRODUCTS Issued during the update_order processing, just prior to the loop that adds/updates each product in the order.
EDIT_ORDER_ORDER_UPDATED_SUCCESS Issued during the update_order processing, when the order has been successfully updated.
EDIT_ORDERS_ORDER_UPDATED Issued at the end of the update_order processing, just prior to the redirect.
EDIT_ORDERS_START_ADD_PRODUCT Issued just prior to the start of the add_prdct processing, after the product's quantity and attributes have been selected.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCT_ADDED Issued near the end of the add_prdct processing, just prior to the order's status-history update and the redirect.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of the rendering of the order's address block. Removed in EO 4.6.0.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's customer-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_BILLING_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's billing-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's shipping-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_CONTACT_INFORMATION Issued after rendering the 'base' order's contact information.
EDIT_ORDERS_FORM_ADDITIONAL_INPUTS Issued just prior to rendering the update button, allowing additional form inputs to be supplied.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_HEADING_1 Issued just prior to rendering the first heading-column of the order's products' listing.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_DATA_1 Issued just prior to rendering the first data-column of the order's products' listing, once for each product in the order.
EDIT_ORDERS_DISPLAY_ONLY_TOTALS Issued just prior to rendering the order-totals' section.
EDIT_ORDERS_STATUS_DISPLAY_ARRAY_INIT Issued just prior to rendering the order's status-history table.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_OSH_CONTENT Issued just after rendering the Comments input field.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_JS Issued at the end of the edit_orders page's rendering, just prior to the footer.

Issued by edit_orders_functions.php

These notifications are issued in function scope via $zco_notifier.

Notifier Description
NOTIFY_ZEN_GET_TAX_DESCRIPTION_OVERRIDE Issued at the start of_EO_'s zen_get_tax_description function, mimicking that given during the storefront version of the function.
NOTIFY_ZEN_GET_MULTIPLE_TAX_RATES_OVERRIDE Issued at the start of_EO_'s zen_get_multiple_tax_rates function, mimicking that given during the storefront version of the function.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADD_PRODUCT_STOCK_DECREMENT Issued at the start of eo_add_product_to_order, enabling a different stock-handler to manage any stock-decrement.
NOTIFY_EO_ADD_PRODUCT Issued by eo_add_product_to_order just after creating a product's base orders_products table record. Added in EO v4.7.0.
NOTIFY_EO_ADD_PRODUCT_ATTRIBUTE Issued by eo_add_product_to_order just after creating a product attribute's orders_products_attributes table record. Added in EO v4.7.0.
NOTIFY_EO_ADD_PRODUCT_DOWNLOAD Issued by eo_add_product_to_order just after creating a product download attribute's orders_products_download table record. Added in EO v4.7.0.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADD_PRODUCT Issued just prior to eo_add_product_to_order's return.
EDIT_ORDERS_REMOVE_PRODUCT_STOCK_DECREMENT Issued at the start of eo_remove_product_from_order, enabling a different stock-handler to manage any 'return to stock'.
EDIT_ORDERS_REMOVE_PRODUCT Issued close to the end of eo_remove_product_from_order, just prior to removal from the "standard" database tables.
EO_UPDATE_DATABASE_ORDER_TOTALS_MAIN Issued by eo_update_database_order_totals, just prior to the loop that updates the order's totals.
EO_UPDATE_DATABASE_ORDER_TOTALS_ITEM Issued by eo_update_database_order_totals, once for each order-total to be written for the order.
EDIT_ORDERS_CHECKS_AND_WARNINGS Issued by eo_checks_and_warnings, giving an observer to add any additional checks and warnings.

Issued by editOrders.php

These notifications are issued in function scope via $this, so watching observers have access to the class' public variables.

Notifier Description
NOTIFY_EO_GET_ORDER_SHIPPING_TAX Issued at the start of the calculateOrderShippingTax method, allowing an observer to override the shipping tax value.
NOTIFY_EO_GET_ORDER_SHIPPING_TAX_RATE Issued at the start of the eoGetShippingTaxRate method, allowing an observer to override the shipping tax rate.
NOTIFY_EO_REMOVE_SHIPPING_TAX Issued at the start of the removeTaxFromShippingCost method, allowing an observer to override EO's normal processing.
NOTIFY_EO_GET_PRODUCTS_STOCK Issued at the start of the getProductsStock method, allowing an observer to supply the specified product's (including attributes) in-stock quantity.

Detailed Descriptions

The sections below document the variables supplied by each notification.

Issued by edit_orders.php

Start Action Processing

This notifier fires at the very beginning of EO's processing, just prior to its start of action processing.

A watching observer can inspect the contents of the $_GET and $_POST arrays to determine what to do next.

Pre-Update Order

This notifier fires during update_order processing, just prior to writing the updates to the order's base database record, in the orders table. The observer has the opportunity to

  1. Make updates to the to-be-written orders table data.
  2. Deny the update. If denied, it's the observer's responsibility to issue any messageStack message identifying why the update was denied.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the 'simple' $sql_data_array to be written via zen_db_perform to the store's orders table.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the (boolean) $allow_update flag, initially set to true. The observer sets this value to (bool)false if the order-update should be disallowed.

Pre-Update Products

This notifier fires during update_order processing, just prior to the loop that adds each product to the order. The observer can inspect and/or manipulate the $_POST data.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.

Order Updated Success

This notifier fires at the end of update_order processing, if and only if the order was successfully updated.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.

Order Updated

This notifier unconditionally fires at the very end of update_order processing, just prior to the redirect.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the just-updated order.

Start Add Product

This notifier fires at the beginning of the section that adds a product to the order, after gathering the quantity and any attributes. The observer can inspect and/or modify the contents of the associated $_POST data.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the orders_id of the order to which the product is being added.

Product Added

This notifier fires near the end of add_prdct processing, just prior to the status-history update and redirect.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the just-updated order.

Additional Address Rows

EO Versions Prior to v4.6.0

This notifier fires after the 'base' address rows are rendered, allowing an observer to supply additional rows associated with the three address elements (customer, billing, shipping). I'm not proud of this one, and it's on the deprecation list!

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_rows string, which is directly output to the screen.
EO Versions v4.6.0 and Later

These notifiers fires after the 'base' address rows are rendered, allowing an observer to supply additional rows associated with a specific address elements (customer, billing, shipping).

A watching observer adds its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'label' => label_text,  //-No trailing ':', that will be added by EO.
    'value' => the associated form-field value

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the 'base' order fields for the specific address-element, e.g. $order->customer, $order->billing or $order->delivery.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_rows array, initialized to an empty array. An observer provides the content-specific additions in the format described above.

Additional Contact Information

This notifier fires after the 'base' contact information, e.g. telephone, email address, has been rendered, giving an observer the opportunity to supply additional data for the output.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'label' => label_text,
    'content' => the entry's content

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_content_info array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to an empty array.

Form Additional Inputs

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the update button, enabling additional upper-form inputs to be supplied.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_inputs string, to which an observer can append its additional inputs. The value is initialized as an empty string.

Products Heading 1

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the first products' table heading, allowing an observer to insert the heading for 'leading' columns.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'align' => $alignment,  // One of 'center', 'right' or 'left' (optional)
    'text' => the heading text string

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $extra_headings array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to (bool)false. Observers should check that the $p2 value is specifically (bool)false before initializing, since multiple observers might be injecting content!

Products Data 1

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the first products' table data, once per product in the order, allowing an observer to insert the data for 'leading' columns.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'align' => $alignment,  // One of 'center', 'right' or 'left' (optional)
    'text' => the data's text string

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array that contains the orders_products values for the current product.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $extra_data array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to (bool)false. Observers should check that the $p2 value is specifically (bool)false before initializing, since multiple observers might be injecting content!

Display Only Totals

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the order's totals' block, enabling an observer to indicate that there are additional order-totals that should be considered display-only. The observer returns a comma-separated string of order-total module names, e.g. ot_balance_due, ot_payment_received that, if found in the order, should be displayed but not enabled as inputs.

Note: Other observers might have previously added their display-only fields, so an observer should check to see if the $p2value is an empty string before appending its updates. If the value is not '', then a leading ', ' should be added.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $display_only_totals_list string, initially set to an empty string.

Status History Display Init

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the order's status-history table, giving an observer the opportunity to manipulate the table to re-arrange the order of each row's display and/or insert additional display fields. The table's columns (left-to-right) will be displayed in the order specified in this table (first-to-last).

Each table element is an associative array (keyed on the field name in the orders_status_history table), containing an array with the following recognized elements:

Element 'name' Description
title (Required) The title to be displayed in the table header for the data column. Note that the 'title' can be blank, indicating that no title is associated with the database field and that the field is not displayed within the overall status table.
show_function (Optional) Identifies the name of the function to be called to display the database value. The function takes either 1 (the database value) or 2 (the database value and the field name), dpending on the value of the include_field_name element. If this element is not supplied, the value present in the database for this field is simply displayed.
include_field_name (Optional) If a show_function is identified and this element is (bool)true, then the show_function takes two parameters, as identified above.
align (Optional) Identifies the alignment to be applied when rendering the element, one of: 'center', 'right' or 'left' (the default).

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) The orders_id being displayed.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $table_elements array, initially an array in the above format containing keys for the date_added, customer_notified, orders_status_id, comments and, if present in the database, updated_by fields.

Additional OSH Content

This notifier fires just after rendering the Comments input field, enabling a watching observer to add additional status-history form fields.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_osh_content array, initialized as an empty array. The observer can add additional HTML content to be output; each array entry is rendered as a separate row on the screen.

Additional JS

This notifier fires at the very end of the edit_orders page's rendering, allowing an observer to include additional jQuery/javascript handlers for the page. Each filenamed specified must exist in the site's /admin/includes/javascript sub-directory with a .js extension for inclusion.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $addl_js_files string, initialized as an empty string. The observer appends the filename(s) of additional .js files to be included as a comma-separated string. Note that other observers might have previously included their additional files, so a leading ', ' should be included if the value is not empty when received.

Issued by \admin\includes\functions\extra_functions\edit_orders_functions.php

Zen Get Tax Description Override

This notifier fires at the very start of EO's possible inclusion of the zen_get_tax_description function, mimicking the notification fired by the storefront version of the function starting with zc156. A watching observer can override the tax-description value returned.

Globally available: $db.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the function's inputs, as passed, in keys class_id, country_id and zone_id.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $tax_description string, initialized as an empty string. The observer sets this value to the tax-description string that is returned.

Zen Get Multiple Tax Rates Override

This notifier fires at the very start of EO's possible inclusion of the zen_get_multiple_tax_rates function, mimicking the notification fired by the storefront version of the function starting with zc156. A watching observer can override the tax-rates' array returned.

Globally available: $db.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the function's inputs, as passed, in keys class_id, country_id, zone_id and tax_description.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $rates_array string, initialized as an empty string. The observer sets this value to contain an array of rates to be returned. That value is an associative array, keyed by the tax_description with a value that represents the tax rate associated with the description (a value between 0 and 100).

Add Product Stock Decrement

This notifier fires at the beginning of eo_add_product_to_order, giving an observer to override EO's stock-decrement handling.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the product array containing the current to-be-added product's information.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $doStockDecrement boolean value, initialized to true. If the observer has already handled the product's stock-decrement, it sets this value to (bool)false prior to the return.

Add Product Record

This notifier is fired by eo_add_product_to_order, just after creating the orders_products record for the base product information. Added in EO v4.7.0.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the orders_products_id, the product array containing the just added product's information and the sql_data_array just written to the orders_products table.

Add Product Attribute

This notifier is fired by eo_add_product_to_order, just after creating anorders_products_attributes record for a product's attribute. Added in EO v4.7.0.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the orders_products_attributes_id, the product array containing the just added product's information and the sql_data_array just written to the orders_products_attributes table.

Add Product Download

This notifier is fired by eo_add_product_to_order, just after creating anorders_products_download record for a product's download. Added in EO v4.7.0.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the product array containing the just added product's information and the sql_data_array just written to the orders_products_download table.

Add Product

This notifier fires at the end of eo_add_product_to_order, just prior to return, indicating that the product addition has completed.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id), the orders_products_id and the product array containing the just added product's information. Starting with EO v4.5.5, the array also contains the sql_data_array just written to the database.

Remove Product Stock Decrement

This notifier fires at the beginning of eo_remove_product_from_order, giving an observer to override EO's stock-increment handling.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the orders_products_id (the removed product's numeric id).
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $doStockDecrement boolean value, initialized to true. If the observer has already handled the product's stock-increment, it sets this value to (bool)false prior to the return.

Remove Product

This notifier fires at the end of eo_remove_product_from_order, prior to removing the product from the "standard" database tables, indicating that the product removal has completed. The observer has the opportunity to remove the product from any other database tables.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the orders_products_id (the removed product's numeric id).

Update Database Totals Main

This notifier fires by eo_update_database_order_totals, just prior to the loop that updates individual order totals in the database. The observer can use this notification to perform any initialization it requires for that loop.

Globally available: $db, $order, $eo.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order's orders_id numeric value.

Update Database Totals Item

This notifier fires by eo_update_database_order_totals, within the loop that records each order-total in the order.

Globally available: $db, $order, $eo.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order's orders_id numeric value.
$p2 (r/w) A reference to the current to-be-written total's information to be written to the database.

Checks and Warnings

This notifier fires by eo_checks_and_warnings, giving an observer to add their specific checks and warnings prior to editing the order. Note that the observer has the opportunity to redirect to another page if the order cannot be edited. Only the superglobal values, i.e. $_GET are available to determine the to-be-edited order!

Globally available: $db, $messageStack.

There are no other variables passed in this notification.

Issued by \admin\includes\classes\editOrders.php

Get Order Shipping Tax

This notifier fires at the very start of the calculateOrderShippingTax method, allowing a watching observer to override the shipping tax value for the order.

Globally available: $order.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax value to be returned by the method.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_rate value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax-rate value to be recorded by the method.

Get Order Shipping Tax Rate

This notifier fires at the very start of the eoGetShippingTaxRate method, allowing a watching observer to override the shipping tax rate for the order.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_rate value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax rate (a value between 0 and 100) to be returned by the method.

Remove Shipping Tax

This notifier fires at the very start of the removeTaxFromShippingCost method, allowing a watching observer to supply its custom processing, removing the shipping tax from the order's shipping cost. The observer, if setting $p2 to (bool)true, is expected to have removed the tax value from the order's shipping_cost, tax and shipping_tax variables (all present in $p1->info.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/2) Contains a reference to the current $order object.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_processed value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to (bool)true to indicate that it's handled the tax-removal.

Get Products Stock

This notifier fires at the very start of the getProductsStock method, allowing a watching observer to supply the specified product's in-stock quantity.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the $products_id (a 'uprid'), for which the quantity should be returned.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the method's $stock_quantity value, returned by the method if $p3 is other than (bool)false upon return from the notification.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $stock_handled value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to (bool)true if it has supplied a 'stock_quantity' override.
These notifications are issued in global scope via $zco_notifier.
Notifier Description
EDIT_ORDERS_START_ACTION_PROCESSING Issued just prior to the start of the EO action processing.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRE_UPDATE_ORDER Issued during the update_order processing, just prior to updating the base order database record.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRE_UPDATE_PRODUCTS Issued during the update_order processing, just prior to the loop that adds/updates each product in the order.
EDIT_ORDER_ORDER_UPDATED_SUCCESS Issued during the update_order processing, when the order has been successfully updated.
EDIT_ORDERS_ORDER_UPDATED Issued at the end of the update_order processing, just prior to the redirect.
EDIT_ORDERS_START_ADD_PRODUCT Issued just prior to the start of the add_prdct processing, after the product's quantity and attributes have been selected.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCT_ADDED Issued near the end of the add_prdct processing, just prior to the order's status-history update and the redirect.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of the rendering of the order's address block. Removed in EO 4.6.0.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_CUSTOMER_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's customer-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_BILLING_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's billing-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDL_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_ROWS Issued at the end of rendering the order's shipping-address block. Added in EO 4.6.0
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_CONTACT_INFORMATION Issued after rendering the 'base' order's contact information.
EDIT_ORDERS_FORM_ADDITIONAL_INPUTS Issued just prior to rendering the update button, allowing additional form inputs to be supplied.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_HEADING_1 Issued just prior to rendering the first heading-column of the order's products' listing.
EDIT_ORDERS_PRODUCTS_DATA_1 Issued just prior to rendering the first data-column of the order's products' listing, once for each product in the order.
EDIT_ORDERS_DISPLAY_ONLY_TOTALS Issued just prior to rendering the order-totals' section.
EDIT_ORDERS_STATUS_DISPLAY_ARRAY_INIT Issued just prior to rendering the order's status-history table.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_OSH_CONTENT Issued just after rendering the Comments input field.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADDITIONAL_JS Issued at the end of the edit_orders page's rendering, just prior to the footer.

Issued by edit_orders_functions.php

These notifications are issued in function scope via $zco_notifier.

Notifier Description
NOTIFY_ZEN_GET_TAX_DESCRIPTION_OVERRIDE Issued at the start of_EO_'s zen_get_tax_description function, mimicking that given during the storefront version of the function.
NOTIFY_ZEN_GET_MULTIPLE_TAX_RATES_OVERRIDE Issued at the start of_EO_'s zen_get_multiple_tax_rates function, mimicking that given during the storefront version of the function.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADD_PRODUCT_STOCK_DECREMENT Issued at the start of eo_add_product_to_order, enabling a different stock-handler to manage any stock-decrement.
EDIT_ORDERS_ADD_PRODUCT Issued just prior to eo_add_product_to_order's return.
EDIT_ORDERS_REMOVE_PRODUCT_STOCK_DECREMENT Issued at the start of eo_remove_product_from_order, enabling a different stock-handler to manage any 'return to stock'.
EDIT_ORDERS_REMOVE_PRODUCT Issued close to the end of eo_remove_product_from_order, just prior to removal from the "standard" database tables.
EO_UPDATE_DATABASE_ORDER_TOTALS_MAIN Issued by eo_update_database_order_totals, just prior to the loop that updates the order's totals.
EO_UPDATE_DATABASE_ORDER_TOTALS_ITEM Issued by eo_update_database_order_totals, once for each order-total to be written for the order.
EDIT_ORDERS_CHECKS_AND_WARNINGS Issued by eo_checks_and_warnings, giving an observer to add any additional checks and warnings.

Issued by editOrders.php

These notifications are issued in function scope via $this, so watching observers have access to the class' public variables.

Notifier Description
NOTIFY_EO_GET_ORDER_SHIPPING_TAX Issued at the start of the calculateOrderShippingTax method, allowing an observer to override the shipping tax value.
NOTIFY_EO_GET_ORDER_SHIPPING_TAX_RATE Issued at the start of the eoGetShippingTaxRate method, allowing an observer to override the shipping tax rate.
NOTIFY_EO_REMOVE_SHIPPING_TAX Issued at the start of the removeTaxFromShippingCost method, allowing an observer to override EO's normal processing.
NOTIFY_EO_GET_PRODUCTS_STOCK Issued at the start of the getProductsStock method, allowing an observer to supply the specified product's (including attributes) in-stock quantity.

Detailed Descriptions

The sections below document the variables supplied by each notification.

Issued by edit_orders.php

Start Action Processing

This notifier fires at the very beginning of EO's processing, just prior to its start of action processing.

A watching observer can inspect the contents of the $_GET and $_POST arrays to determine what to do next.

Pre-Update Order

This notifier fires during update_order processing, just prior to writing the updates to the order's base database record, in the orders table. The observer has the opportunity to

  1. Make updates to the to-be-written orders table data.
  2. Deny the update. If denied, it's the observer's responsibility to issue any messageStack message identifying why the update was denied.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the 'simple' $sql_data_array to be written via zen_db_perform to the store's orders table.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the (boolean) $allow_update flag, initially set to true. The observer sets this value to (bool)false if the order-update should be disallowed.

Pre-Update Products

This notifier fires during update_order processing, just prior to the loop that adds each product to the order. The observer can inspect and/or manipulate the $_POST data.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.

Order Updated Success

This notifier fires at the end of update_order processing, if and only if the order was successfully updated.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Identifies the orders_id of the order being edited.

Order Updated

This notifier unconditionally fires at the very end of update_order processing, just prior to the redirect.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the just-updated order.

Start Add Product

This notifier fires at the beginning of the section that adds a product to the order, after gathering the quantity and any attributes. The observer can inspect and/or modify the contents of the associated $_POST data.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the orders_id of the order to which the product is being added.

Product Added

This notifier fires near the end of add_prdct processing, just prior to the status-history update and redirect.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the just-updated order.

Additional Address Rows

EO Versions Prior to v4.6.0

This notifier fires after the 'base' address rows are rendered, allowing an observer to supply additional rows associated with the three address elements (customer, billing, shipping). I'm not proud of this one, and it's on the deprecation list!

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_rows string, which is directly output to the screen.
EO Versions v4.6.0 and Later

These notifiers fires after the 'base' address rows are rendered, allowing an observer to supply additional rows associated with a specific address elements (customer, billing, shipping).

A watching observer adds its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'label' => label_text,  //-No trailing ':', that will be added by EO.
    'value' => the associated form-field value

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the 'base' order fields for the specific address-element, e.g. $order->customer, $order->billing or $order->delivery.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_rows array, initialized to an empty array. An observer provides the content-specific additions in the format described above.

Additional Contact Information

This notifier fires after the 'base' contact information, e.g. telephone, email address, has been rendered, giving an observer the opportunity to supply additional data for the output.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'label' => label_text,
    'content' => the entry's content

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_content_info array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to an empty array.

Form Additional Inputs

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the update button, enabling additional upper-form inputs to be supplied.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order-object that represents the order.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_inputs string, to which an observer can append its additional inputs. The value is initialized as an empty string.

Products Heading 1

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the first products' table heading, allowing an observer to insert the heading for 'leading' columns.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'align' => $alignment,  // One of 'center', 'right' or 'left' (optional)
    'text' => the heading text string

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $extra_headings array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to (bool)false. Observers should check that the $p2 value is specifically (bool)false before initializing, since multiple observers might be injecting content!

Products Data 1

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the first products' table data, once per product in the order, allowing an observer to insert the data for 'leading' columns.

A watching observer appends its additions to the second parameter ($p2, below) as arrays formatted as

    'align' => $alignment,  // One of 'center', 'right' or 'left' (optional)
    'text' => the data's text string

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array that contains the orders_products values for the current product.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $extra_data array, formatted as described above. The value is initialized to (bool)false. Observers should check that the $p2 value is specifically (bool)false before initializing, since multiple observers might be injecting content!

Display Only Totals

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the order's totals' block, enabling an observer to indicate that there are additional order-totals that should be considered display-only. The observer returns a comma-separated string of order-total module names, e.g. ot_balance_due, ot_payment_received that, if found in the order, should be displayed but not enabled as inputs.

Note: Other observers might have previously added their display-only fields, so an observer should check to see if the $p2value is an empty string before appending its updates. If the value is not '', then a leading ', ' should be added.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $display_only_totals_list string, initially set to an empty string.

Status History Display Init

This notifier fires just prior to rendering the order's status-history table, giving an observer the opportunity to manipulate the table to re-arrange the order of each row's display and/or insert additional display fields. The table's columns (left-to-right) will be displayed in the order specified in this table (first-to-last).

Each table element is an associative array (keyed on the field name in the orders_status_history table), containing an array with the following recognized elements:

Element 'name' Description
title (Required) The title to be displayed in the table header for the data column. Note that the 'title' can be blank, indicating that no title is associated with the database field and that the field is not displayed within the overall status table.
show_function (Optional) Identifies the name of the function to be called to display the database value. The function takes either 1 (the database value) or 2 (the database value and the field name), dpending on the value of the include_field_name element. If this element is not supplied, the value present in the database for this field is simply displayed.
include_field_name (Optional) If a show_function is identified and this element is (bool)true, then the show_function takes two parameters, as identified above.
align (Optional) Identifies the alignment to be applied when rendering the element, one of: 'center', 'right' or 'left' (the default).

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) The orders_id being displayed.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $table_elements array, initially an array in the above format containing keys for the date_added, customer_notified, orders_status_id, comments and, if present in the database, updated_by fields.

Additional OSH Content

This notifier fires just after rendering the Comments input field, enabling a watching observer to add additional status-history form fields.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $additional_osh_content array, initialized as an empty array. The observer can add additional HTML content to be output; each array entry is rendered as a separate row on the screen.

Additional JS

This notifier fires at the very end of the edit_orders page's rendering, allowing an observer to include additional jQuery/javascript handlers for the page. Each filenamed specified must exist in the site's /admin/includes/javascript sub-directory with a .js extension for inclusion.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $addl_js_files string, initialized as an empty string. The observer appends the filename(s) of additional .js files to be included as a comma-separated string. Note that other observers might have previously included their additional files, so a leading ', ' should be included if the value is not empty when received.

Issued by \admin\includes\functions\extra_functions\edit_orders_functions.php

Zen Get Tax Description Override

This notifier fires at the very start of EO's possible inclusion of the zen_get_tax_description function, mimicking the notification fired by the storefront version of the function starting with zc156. A watching observer can override the tax-description value returned.

Globally available: $db.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the function's inputs, as passed, in keys class_id, country_id and zone_id.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $tax_description string, initialized as an empty string. The observer sets this value to the tax-description string that is returned.

Zen Get Multiple Tax Rates Override

This notifier fires at the very start of EO's possible inclusion of the zen_get_multiple_tax_rates function, mimicking the notification fired by the storefront version of the function starting with zc156. A watching observer can override the tax-rates' array returned.

Globally available: $db.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the function's inputs, as passed, in keys class_id, country_id, zone_id and tax_description.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $rates_array string, initialized as an empty string. The observer sets this value to contain an array of rates to be returned. That value is an associative array, keyed by the tax_description with a value that represents the tax rate associated with the description (a value between 0 and 100).

Add Product Stock Decrement

This notifier fires at the beginning of eo_add_product_to_order, giving an observer to override EO's stock-decrement handling.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the product array containing the current to-be-added product's information.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $doStockDecrement boolean value, initialized to true. If the observer has already handled the product's stock-decrement, it sets this value to (bool)false prior to the return.

Add Product

This notifier fires at the end of eo_add_product_to_order, just prior to return, indicating that the product addition has completed.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id), the orders_products_id and the product array containing the just added product's information. Starting with EO v4.5.5, the array also contains the sql_data_array just written to the database.

Remove Product Stock Decrement

This notifier fires at the beginning of eo_remove_product_from_order, giving an observer to override EO's stock-increment handling.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the orders_products_id (the removed product's numeric id).
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $doStockDecrement boolean value, initialized to true. If the observer has already handled the product's stock-increment, it sets this value to (bool)false prior to the return.

Remove Product

This notifier fires at the end of eo_remove_product_from_order, prior to removing the product from the "standard" database tables, indicating that the product removal has completed. The observer has the opportunity to remove the product from any other database tables.

Globally available: $db, $order, $zco_notifier.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) An associative array containing the order_id (the order's numeric id) and the orders_products_id (the removed product's numeric id).

Update Database Totals Main

This notifier fires by eo_update_database_order_totals, just prior to the loop that updates individual order totals in the database. The observer can use this notification to perform any initialization it requires for that loop.

Globally available: $db, $order, $eo.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order's orders_id numeric value.

Update Database Totals Item

This notifier fires by eo_update_database_order_totals, within the loop that records each order-total in the order.

Globally available: $db, $order, $eo.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) Contains the order's orders_id numeric value.
$p2 (r/w) A reference to the current to-be-written total's information to be written to the database.

Checks and Warnings

This notifier fires by eo_checks_and_warnings, giving an observer to add their specific checks and warnings prior to editing the order. Note that the observer has the opportunity to redirect to another page if the order cannot be edited. Only the superglobal values, i.e. $_GET are available to determine the to-be-edited order!

Globally available: $db, $messageStack.

There are no other variables passed in this notification.

Issued by \admin\includes\classes\editOrders.php

Get Order Shipping Tax

This notifier fires at the very start of the calculateOrderShippingTax method, allowing a watching observer to override the shipping tax value for the order.

Globally available: $order.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax value to be returned by the method.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_rate value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax-rate value to be recorded by the method.

Get Order Shipping Tax Rate

This notifier fires at the very start of the eoGetShippingTaxRate method, allowing a watching observer to override the shipping tax rate for the order.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the current $order object.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_rate value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to the shipping tax rate (a value between 0 and 100) to be returned by the method.

Remove Shipping Tax

This notifier fires at the very start of the removeTaxFromShippingCost method, allowing a watching observer to supply its custom processing, removing the shipping tax from the order's shipping cost. The observer, if setting $p2 to (bool)true, is expected to have removed the tax value from the order's shipping_cost, tax and shipping_tax variables (all present in $p1->info.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (n/a)
$p2 (r/2) Contains a reference to the current $order object.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $shipping_tax_processed value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to (bool)true to indicate that it's handled the tax-removal.

Get Products Stock

This notifier fires at the very start of the getProductsStock method, allowing a watching observer to supply the specified product's in-stock quantity.

The following variables are passed with the notification:

Variable 'name' Description
$p1 (r/o) A copy of the $products_id (a 'uprid'), for which the quantity should be returned.
$p2 (r/w) Contains a reference to the method's $stock_quantity value, returned by the method if $p3 is other than (bool)false upon return from the notification.
$p3 (r/w) Contains a reference to the $stock_handled value, initialized as (bool)false. The observer sets this value to (bool)true if it has supplied a 'stock_quantity' override.
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