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Releases: lat9/remember_me

v2.0.1: SameSite cookies, OPC v2.3.1 interoperation

30 Jun 19:56
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This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:

#18: Store cookie with the SameSite attribute; available for PHP 7.3 and later.
#19: Align guest-login template with that provided for OPC v2.3.1 and later.

v2.0.0: Various changes

07 Apr 17:41
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This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:

#12: Swap "Remember Me?" checkbox with its label.
#13: Add a configuration switch, identifying the "Remember Me?" checkbox's default value.
#15: Add support for "One-Page Checkout" and zc156/strict PHP/MySQL installations.
#16: Update "Remember Me?" title-text to be more descriptive.
#17: Update debug-trace to output only when a customer's not logged in.

v1.4.6: Correct mismatched parens, introduced in v1.4.5

01 Jan 14:44
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This release contains the changes associated with the following GitHub issues:

#14: Debug-log generated when v1.4.5 loads.

v1.4.5: Correct processing when cookie is "deleted"

28 Dec 13:17
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This release contains changes associated with the following GitHub issues:
#10: Correct gzuncompress log-generation (cookies have been deleted).
#11: Disable processing when COWOA/guest checkout is active.

v1.4.4: Remove debug code

23 Oct 17:00
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Remove (comment-out) the debug code that crept into the v1.4.3 release (#9)

v1.4.3: Bugfixes for Zen Cart 1.5.5 and later.

20 Oct 15:21
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This release drops support for Zen Cart versions prior to 1.5.5 and contains the changes associated with the following GitHub issues:

#4: Cart emptied on session timeout.
#5: Specify domain and path for cookie (interoperation with URL modifiers).
#6: Apply PSR-2 styling to plugin-specific files.
#7: Capture session values for restoration.
#8: Use Zen Cart 1.5.5e as the change-basis for template-override changes.

v1.4.2: Support Zen Cart v1.5.5

30 Dec 21:06
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This version updates the template-override files to use Zen Cart v1.5.5 as the change basis (#3) and now includes a SQL uninstall script (#2).

v1.4.1: Zen Cart v1.5.3 changes

09 Jul 12:07
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Incorporate template changes introduced in Zen Cart v1.5.3.

Add support for Zen Carts v1.5.0 and later

20 Jun 16:04
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No more core-file overwrites! No more SQL install script (it's an auto-install).