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This repository contains the entire project IaC configuration in Terraform. Each module represents infrastructure for every specific component of the project. Currently the following modules are implemented:

  • common — Common infrastructure configuration. The module configures assers for the pipeline and the common runtime.
  • eks — Configuration of the EKS cluster.

Testing changes localy

Clone the repository and run the following

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan

Applying changes

We aim to apply all changes automatically using GitHub workflows. If there is a good reason to apply changes from your local environment run the following to create a plan

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan -out tf_plan

After carefuly reviewing the changes you may apply them by running

$ terraform apply tf_plan

Code style

We aim to keep the IaC code style consistent and up to the high standards. To ensure the code is properly formatted please run the following before you commit

$ terraform fmt --recursive

Afterwards make sure that the following naming conventions are followed:

  • Terraform objects like resources, data sources and outputs are named in snake case.
  • AWS resources are named in kebab case.

All names must be descriptive and use proper English words.