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feat(world): change registerFunctionSelector signature to accept syst…
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…em signature as a single string (#1574)
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alvrs committed Sep 22, 2023
1 parent 22ba7b6 commit 31ffc9d
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Showing 14 changed files with 68 additions and 121 deletions.
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
"@latticexyz/cli": major
"@latticexyz/world": major

The `registerFunctionSelector` function now accepts a single `functionSignature` string paramemer instead of separating function name and function arguments into separate parameters.

IBaseWorld {
function registerFunctionSelector(
ResourceId systemId,
- string memory systemFunctionName,
- string memory systemFunctionArguments
+ string memory systemFunctionSignature
) external returns (bytes4 worldFunctionSelector);

This is a breaking change if you were manually registering function selectors, e.g. in a `PostDeploy.s.sol` script or a module.
To upgrade, simply replace the separate `systemFunctionName` and `systemFunctionArguments` parameters with a single `systemFunctionSignature` parameter.

- systemFunctionName,
- systemFunctionArguments,
+ string(abi.encodePacked(systemFunctionName, systemFunctionArguments))
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion e2e/packages/contracts/worlds.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"31337": {
"address": "0x3Aa5ebB10DC797CAC828524e59A333d0A371443c"
"address": "0x4C4a2f8c81640e47606d3fd77B353E87Ba015584"
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ contract PostDeploy is Script {
name: "ChatNamespaced"
IWorld(worldAddress).registerSystem(systemId, chatNamespacedSystem, true);
IWorld(worldAddress).registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "sendMessage", "(string)");
IWorld(worldAddress).registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "sendMessage(string)");
// Grant this system access to MessageTable
IWorld(worldAddress).grantAccess(MessageTableTableId, address(chatNamespacedSystem));

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions packages/cli/src/utils/deploy.ts
Expand Up @@ -171,18 +171,18 @@ export async function deploy(

console.log("Registering Systems and Functions"));
const systemCalls = await Promise.all(
Object.entries([systemName, system]) =>
Object.entries([systemKey, system]) =>
systemContracts: deployedContracts,
namespace: mudConfig.namespace,
const functionCalls = Object.entries([systemName, system]) =>
const functionCalls = Object.entries([systemKey, system]) =>
systemContractName: systemKey,
namespace: mudConfig.namespace,
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -4,29 +4,28 @@ import { loadFunctionSignatures, toFunctionSelector } from "./utils";
import { CallData } from "../utils/types";

export function getRegisterFunctionSelectorsCallData(input: {
systemName: string;
systemContractName: string;
system: System;
namespace: string;
forgeOutDirectory: string;
}): CallData[] {
// Register system at route
const callData: CallData[] = [];
const { systemName, namespace, forgeOutDirectory, system } = input;
const { systemContractName, namespace, forgeOutDirectory, system } = input;

if (system.registerFunctionSelectors) {
const baseSystemFunctionNames = loadFunctionSignatures("System", forgeOutDirectory).map((sig) => sig.functionName);
const functionSignatures = loadFunctionSignatures(systemName, forgeOutDirectory).filter(
(sig) => systemName === "System" || !baseSystemFunctionNames.includes(sig.functionName)
const baseSystemFunctionSignatures = loadFunctionSignatures("System", forgeOutDirectory);
const systemFunctionSignatures = loadFunctionSignatures(systemContractName, forgeOutDirectory).filter(
(functionSignature) =>
systemContractName === "System" || !baseSystemFunctionSignatures.includes(functionSignature)
const isRoot = namespace === "";
for (const { functionName, functionArgs } of functionSignatures) {
for (const systemFunctionSignature of systemFunctionSignatures) {
Expand All @@ -38,31 +37,21 @@ export function getRegisterFunctionSelectorsCallData(input: {
function getRegisterFunctionSelectorCallData(input: {
namespace: string;
name: string;
systemName: string;
functionName: string;
functionArgs: string;
systemFunctionSignature: string;
isRoot: boolean;
}): CallData {
const { namespace, name, systemName, functionName, functionArgs, isRoot } = input;
const functionSignature = isRoot
? functionName + functionArgs
: `${namespace}_${name}_${functionName}${functionArgs}`;
const { namespace, name, systemFunctionSignature, isRoot } = input;

if (isRoot) {
const worldFunctionSelector = toFunctionSelector(
functionSignature === ""
? { functionName: systemName, functionArgs } // Register the system's fallback function as `<systemName>(<args>)`
: { functionName, functionArgs }
const systemFunctionSelector = toFunctionSelector({ functionName, functionArgs });
const functionSelector = toFunctionSelector(systemFunctionSignature);
return {
func: "registerRootFunctionSelector",
args: [resourceIdToHex({ type: "system", namespace, name }), worldFunctionSelector, systemFunctionSelector],
args: [resourceIdToHex({ type: "system", namespace, name }), functionSelector, functionSelector],
} else {
return {
func: "registerRootFunctionSelector",
args: [resourceIdToHex({ type: "system", namespace, name }), functionName, functionArgs],
func: "registerFunctionSelector",
args: [resourceIdToHex({ type: "system", namespace, name }), systemFunctionSignature],
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions packages/cli/src/utils/systems/getRegisterSystemCallData.ts
Expand Up @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ import { CallData } from "../utils/types";

export async function getRegisterSystemCallData(input: {
systemContracts: Record<string, Promise<string>>;
systemName: string;
systemKey: string;
system: System;
namespace: string;
}): Promise<CallData> {
const { namespace, systemName, systemContracts, system } = input;
const systemAddress = await systemContracts[systemName];
const { namespace, systemContracts, systemKey, system } = input;
const systemAddress = await systemContracts[systemKey];
return {
func: "registerSystem",
args: [resourceIdToHex({ type: "system", namespace, name: }), systemAddress, system.openAccess],
Expand Down
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions packages/cli/src/utils/systems/types.ts
Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,3 @@ export type System = {

export type SystemsConfig = Record<string, System>;

export interface FunctionSignature {
functionName: string;
functionArgs: string;
14 changes: 3 additions & 11 deletions packages/cli/src/utils/systems/utils.ts
@@ -1,28 +1,20 @@
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { ParamType } from "ethers/lib/utils.js";
import { FunctionSignature } from "./types";
import { getContractData } from "../utils/getContractData";

export function loadFunctionSignatures(contractName: string, forgeOutDirectory: string): FunctionSignature[] {
export function loadFunctionSignatures(contractName: string, forgeOutDirectory: string): string[] {
const { abi } = getContractData(contractName, forgeOutDirectory);

return abi
.filter((item) => ["fallback", "function"].includes(item.type))
.map((item) => {
if (item.type === "fallback") return { functionName: "", functionArgs: "" };

return {
functionArgs: parseComponents(item.inputs),
return `${}${parseComponents(item.inputs)}`;

// TODO: move this to utils as soon as utils are usable inside cli
// (see
export function toFunctionSelector({ functionName, functionArgs }: FunctionSignature): string {
const functionSignature = functionName + functionArgs;
if (functionSignature === "") return "0x";
export function toFunctionSelector(functionSignature: string): string {
return sigHash(functionSignature);

Expand Down
20 changes: 4 additions & 16 deletions packages/world/gas-report.json
Expand Up @@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
"file": "test/UniqueEntityModule.t.sol",
"test": "testInstall",
"name": "install unique entity module",
"gasUsed": 678565
"gasUsed": 676985
"file": "test/UniqueEntityModule.t.sol",
Expand All @@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
"file": "test/UniqueEntityModule.t.sol",
"test": "testInstallRoot",
"name": "installRoot unique entity module",
"gasUsed": 646138
"gasUsed": 644325
"file": "test/UniqueEntityModule.t.sol",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,23 +305,11 @@
"name": "Push data to the table",
"gasUsed": 86698
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
"test": "testRegisterFallbackSystem",
"name": "Register a fallback system",
"gasUsed": 58902
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
"test": "testRegisterFallbackSystem",
"name": "Register a root fallback system",
"gasUsed": 52738
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
"test": "testRegisterFunctionSelector",
"name": "Register a function selector",
"gasUsed": 79468
"gasUsed": 77897
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
Expand All @@ -339,7 +327,7 @@
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
"test": "testRegisterSystem",
"name": "register a system",
"gasUsed": 165292
"gasUsed": 165280
"file": "test/World.t.sol",
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions packages/world/src/interfaces/IWorldRegistrationSystem.sol
Expand Up @@ -18,8 +18,7 @@ interface IWorldRegistrationSystem {

function registerFunctionSelector(
ResourceId systemId,
string memory systemFunctionName,
string memory systemFunctionArguments
string memory systemFunctionSignature
) external returns (bytes4 worldFunctionSelector);

function registerRootFunctionSelector(
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -148,15 +148,10 @@ contract WorldRegistrationSystem is System, IWorldErrors {

* Register a World function selector for the given namespace, name and system function.
* TODO: instead of mapping to a resource, the function selector could map direcly to a system function,
* which would save one sload per call, but add some complexity to upgrading systems. TBD.
* (see
* TODO: replace separate systemFunctionName and systemFunctionArguments with a signature argument
function registerFunctionSelector(
ResourceId systemId,
string memory systemFunctionName,
string memory systemFunctionArguments
string memory systemFunctionSignature
) public returns (bytes4 worldFunctionSelector) {
// Require the caller to own the namespace
AccessControl.requireOwner(systemId, _msgSender());
Expand All @@ -165,7 +160,7 @@ contract WorldRegistrationSystem is System, IWorldErrors {
string memory namespaceString = WorldResourceIdLib.toTrimmedString(systemId.getNamespace());
string memory nameString = WorldResourceIdLib.toTrimmedString(systemId.getName());
worldFunctionSelector = bytes4(
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(namespaceString, "_", nameString, "_", systemFunctionName, systemFunctionArguments))
keccak256(abi.encodePacked(namespaceString, "_", nameString, "_", systemFunctionSignature))

// Require the function selector to be globally unique
Expand All @@ -174,19 +169,13 @@ contract WorldRegistrationSystem is System, IWorldErrors {
if (existingSystemId != 0) revert World_FunctionSelectorAlreadyExists(worldFunctionSelector);

// Register the function selector
bytes memory systemFunctionSignature = abi.encodePacked(systemFunctionName, systemFunctionArguments);
bytes4 systemFunctionSelector = systemFunctionSignature.length == 0
? bytes4(0) // Save gas by storing 0x0 for empty function signatures (= fallback function)
: bytes4(keccak256(systemFunctionSignature));
bytes4 systemFunctionSelector = bytes4(keccak256(bytes(systemFunctionSignature)));
FunctionSelectors._set(worldFunctionSelector, ResourceId.unwrap(systemId), systemFunctionSelector);

* Register a root World function selector (without namespace / name prefix).
* Requires the caller to own the root namespace.
* TODO: instead of mapping to a resource, the function selector could map direcly to a system function,
* which would save one sload per call, but add some complexity to upgrading systems. TBD.
* (see
function registerRootFunctionSelector(
ResourceId systemId,
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ contract UniqueEntityModule is Module {

// Register system's functions
(success, data) = address(world).delegatecall(
abi.encodeCall(world.registerFunctionSelector, (SYSTEM_ID, "getUniqueEntity", "()"))
abi.encodeCall(world.registerFunctionSelector, (SYSTEM_ID, "getUniqueEntity()"))
if (!success) revertWithBytes(data);
Expand All @@ -54,6 +54,6 @@ contract UniqueEntityModule is Module {
world.registerSystem(SYSTEM_ID, uniqueEntitySystem, true);

// Register system's functions
world.registerFunctionSelector(SYSTEM_ID, "getUniqueEntity", "()");
world.registerFunctionSelector(SYSTEM_ID, "getUniqueEntity()");
38 changes: 2 additions & 36 deletions packages/world/test/World.t.sol
Expand Up @@ -1362,7 +1362,7 @@ contract WorldTest is Test, GasReporter {
world.registerSystem(systemId, system, true);

startGasReport("Register a function selector");
bytes4 functionSelector = world.registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "msgSender", "()");
bytes4 functionSelector = world.registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "msgSender()");

string memory expectedWorldFunctionSignature = "testNamespace_testSystem_msgSender()";
Expand All @@ -1376,7 +1376,7 @@ contract WorldTest is Test, GasReporter {
assertEq(abi.decode(data, (address)), address(this), "wrong address returned");

// Register a function selector to the error function
functionSelector = world.registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "err", "(string)");
functionSelector = world.registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "err(string)");

// Expect errors to be passed through
vm.expectRevert(abi.encodeWithSelector(WorldTestSystem.WorldTestSystemError.selector, "test error"));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1433,40 +1433,6 @@ contract WorldTest is Test, GasReporter {
WorldTestSystem(address(world)).err("test error");

function testRegisterFallbackSystem() public {
bytes14 namespace = "testNamespace";
bytes16 name = "testSystem";
ResourceId systemId = WorldResourceIdLib.encode({ typeId: RESOURCE_SYSTEM, namespace: namespace, name: name });

// Register a new system
WorldTestSystem system = new WorldTestSystem();
world.registerSystem(systemId, system, true);

startGasReport("Register a fallback system");
bytes4 funcSelector1 = world.registerFunctionSelector(systemId, "", "");

// Call the system's fallback function
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit WorldTestSystemLog("fallback");
(bool success, bytes memory data) = address(world).call(abi.encodeWithSelector(funcSelector1));
assertTrue(success, "call failed");

bytes4 worldFunc = bytes4(abi.encodeWithSignature("testSelector()"));

startGasReport("Register a root fallback system");
bytes4 funcSelector2 = world.registerRootFunctionSelector(systemId, worldFunc, 0);

assertEq(funcSelector2, worldFunc, "wrong function selector returned");

// Call the system's fallback function
vm.expectEmit(true, true, true, true);
emit WorldTestSystemLog("fallback");
(success, data) = address(world).call(abi.encodeWithSelector(worldFunc));
assertTrue(success, "call failed");

function testPayable() public {
address alice = makeAddr("alice");
startHoax(alice, 1 ether);
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion packages/world/test/WorldBalance.t.sol
Expand Up @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ contract WorldBalanceTest is Test, GasReporter {
world.registerSystem(nonRootSystemId, nonRootSystem, true);

world.registerRootFunctionSelector(rootSystemId, rootSystem.echoValue.selector, rootSystem.echoValue.selector);
world.registerFunctionSelector(nonRootSystemId, "echoValue", "()");
world.registerFunctionSelector(nonRootSystemId, "echoValue()");

function testCallWithValue() public {
Expand Down

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