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refactor(store,world): rename ambiguous elements [N-03] (#2091)
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yonadaaa committed Jan 12, 2024
1 parent 7667fb0 commit e6c03a8
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Showing 5 changed files with 42 additions and 36 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions .changeset/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"@latticexyz/store": patch
"@latticexyz/world": patch

Renamed the `requireNoCallback` modifier to `prohibitDirectCallback`.
18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions packages/store/src/FieldLayout.sol
Expand Up @@ -35,33 +35,33 @@ library FieldLayoutLib {
* @notice Encodes the given field layout into a single bytes32.
* @dev Ensures various constraints on the length and size of the fields.
* Reverts if total fields, static field length, or static byte length exceed allowed limits.
* @param _staticFields An array of static field lengths.
* @param _staticFieldLengths An array of static field lengths.
* @param numDynamicFields The number of dynamic fields.
* @return A FieldLayout structure containing the encoded field layout.
function encode(uint256[] memory _staticFields, uint256 numDynamicFields) internal pure returns (FieldLayout) {
function encode(uint256[] memory _staticFieldLengths, uint256 numDynamicFields) internal pure returns (FieldLayout) {
uint256 fieldLayout;
uint256 totalLength;
uint256 totalFields = _staticFields.length + numDynamicFields;
uint256 totalFields = _staticFieldLengths.length + numDynamicFields;
if (totalFields > MAX_TOTAL_FIELDS) revert FieldLayoutLib_TooManyFields(totalFields, MAX_TOTAL_FIELDS);
if (numDynamicFields > MAX_DYNAMIC_FIELDS)
revert FieldLayoutLib_TooManyDynamicFields(numDynamicFields, MAX_DYNAMIC_FIELDS);

// Compute the total static length and store the field lengths in the encoded fieldLayout
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _staticFields.length; ) {
uint256 staticByteLength = _staticFields[i];
for (uint256 i = 0; i < _staticFieldLengths.length; ) {
uint256 staticByteLength = _staticFieldLengths[i];
if (staticByteLength == 0) {
revert FieldLayoutLib_StaticLengthIsZero();
} else if (staticByteLength > WORD_SIZE) {
revert FieldLayoutLib_StaticLengthDoesNotFitInAWord();

unchecked {
// (safe because 28 (max _staticFields.length) * 32 (max static length) < 2**16)
// (safe because 28 (max _staticFieldLengths.length) * 32 (max static length) < 2**16)
totalLength += staticByteLength;
// Sequentially store lengths after the first 4 bytes (which are reserved for total length and field numbers)
// (safe because of the initial _staticFields.length check)
fieldLayout |= uint256(_staticFields[i]) << ((WORD_LAST_INDEX - 4 - i) * BYTE_TO_BITS);
// (safe because of the initial _staticFieldLengths.length check)
fieldLayout |= uint256(_staticFieldLengths[i]) << ((WORD_LAST_INDEX - 4 - i) * BYTE_TO_BITS);
Expand All @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ library FieldLayoutLib {
// number of dynamic fields in the 4th byte
// (optimizer can handle this, no need for unchecked or single-line assignment)
fieldLayout |= totalLength << LayoutOffsets.TOTAL_LENGTH;
fieldLayout |= _staticFields.length << LayoutOffsets.NUM_STATIC_FIELDS;
fieldLayout |= _staticFieldLengths.length << LayoutOffsets.NUM_STATIC_FIELDS;
fieldLayout |= numDynamicFields << LayoutOffsets.NUM_DYNAMIC_FIELDS;

return FieldLayout.wrap(bytes32(fieldLayout));
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions packages/store/src/Hook.sol
Expand Up @@ -30,15 +30,15 @@ library HookLib {
* @notice Filter a hook from the hook list by its address.
* @dev This function writes the updated hook list to the table in place.
* @param hookTableId The resource ID of the hook table.
* @param tableWithHooks The resource ID of the table with hooks to filter.
* @param resourceWithHooks The resource ID of the table with hooks to filter.
* @param hookAddressToRemove The address of the hook to remove.
function filterListByAddress(
ResourceId hookTableId,
ResourceId tableWithHooks,
ResourceId resourceWithHooks,
address hookAddressToRemove
) internal {
bytes21[] memory currentHooks = Hooks._get(hookTableId, tableWithHooks);
bytes21[] memory currentHooks = Hooks._get(hookTableId, resourceWithHooks);

// Initialize the new hooks array with the same length because we don't know if the hook is registered yet
bytes21[] memory newHooks = new bytes21[](currentHooks.length);
Expand All @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ library HookLib {

// Set the new hooks table
Hooks._set(hookTableId, tableWithHooks, newHooks);
Hooks._set(hookTableId, resourceWithHooks, newHooks);

Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions packages/world/src/Create2.sol
Expand Up @@ -15,20 +15,20 @@ library Create2 {
* Requirements:
* - `bytecode` must not be empty.
* - `salt` must have not been used for `bytecode` already.
* - `creationCode` must not be empty.
* - `salt` must have not been used for `creationCode` already.
* @param byteCode The bytecode of the contract to be deployed.
* @param creationCode The bytecode of the contract to be deployed.
* @param salt A 256-bit value that, combined with the bytecode, determines the address.
* @return addr The address of the newly deployed contract.
* @dev If the CREATE2 fails, reverts
function deploy(bytes memory byteCode, uint256 salt) internal returns (address addr) {
function deploy(bytes memory creationCode, uint256 salt) internal returns (address addr) {
assembly {
// byteCode is one word (0x20 bytes) with the length, followed by the actual
// code for the constructor. So the code starts at byteCode+0x20, and is mload(byteCode)
// creationCode is one word (0x20 bytes) with the length, followed by the actual
// code for the constructor. So the code starts at creationCode+0x20, and is mload(creationCode)
// bytes long.
addr := create2(0, add(byteCode, 0x20), mload(byteCode), salt)
addr := create2(0, add(creationCode, 0x20), mload(creationCode), salt)
if iszero(extcodesize(addr)) {
revert(0, 0)
Expand Down
32 changes: 16 additions & 16 deletions packages/world/src/World.sol
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
* @dev Prevents the World contract from calling itself.
modifier requireNoCallback() {
modifier prohibitDirectCallback() {
if (msg.sender == address(this)) {
revert World_CallbackNotAllowed(msg.sig);
Expand All @@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
* @param coreModule The core module to initialize the World with.
* @dev Only the initial creator can initialize. This can be done only once.
function initialize(IModule coreModule) public requireNoCallback {
function initialize(IModule coreModule) public prohibitDirectCallback {
// Only the initial creator of the World can initialize it
if (msg.sender != creator) {
revert World_AccessDenied(ROOT_NAMESPACE_ID.toString(), msg.sender);
Expand All @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
* @param args Arguments for module installation.
* @dev The caller must own the root namespace.
function installRootModule(IModule module, bytes memory args) public requireNoCallback {
function installRootModule(IModule module, bytes memory args) public prohibitDirectCallback {
AccessControl.requireOwner(ROOT_NAMESPACE_ID, msg.sender);
_installRootModule(module, args);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes calldata staticData,
PackedCounter encodedLengths,
bytes calldata dynamicData
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to the namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
uint48 start,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to the namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
uint40 startWithinField,
uint40 deleteCount,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to the namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
uint8 fieldIndex,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
uint8 fieldIndex,
bytes calldata data,
FieldLayout fieldLayout
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
uint8 fieldIndex,
bytes calldata data,
FieldLayout fieldLayout
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
bytes calldata data
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
bytes calldata dataToPush
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
bytes32[] calldata keyTuple,
uint8 dynamicFieldIndex,
uint256 byteLengthToPop
) public virtual requireNoCallback {
) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
* @param keyTuple Array of keys identifying the record to delete.
* @dev Requires the caller to have access to the table's namespace or name.
function deleteRecord(ResourceId tableId, bytes32[] calldata keyTuple) public virtual requireNoCallback {
function deleteRecord(ResourceId tableId, bytes32[] calldata keyTuple) public virtual prohibitDirectCallback {
// Require access to namespace or name
AccessControl.requireAccess(tableId, msg.sender);

Expand All @@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
function call(
ResourceId systemId,
bytes memory callData
) external payable virtual requireNoCallback returns (bytes memory) {
) external payable virtual prohibitDirectCallback returns (bytes memory) {
return SystemCall.callWithHooksOrRevert(msg.sender, systemId, callData, msg.value);

Expand All @@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
address delegator,
ResourceId systemId,
bytes memory callData
) external payable virtual requireNoCallback returns (bytes memory) {
) external payable virtual prohibitDirectCallback returns (bytes memory) {
// If the delegator is the caller, call the system directly
if (delegator == msg.sender) {
return SystemCall.callWithHooksOrRevert(msg.sender, systemId, callData, msg.value);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ contract World is StoreData, IWorldKernel {
* @dev Fallback function to call registered function selectors.
fallback() external payable requireNoCallback {
fallback() external payable prohibitDirectCallback {
(ResourceId systemId, bytes4 systemFunctionSelector) = FunctionSelectors._get(msg.sig);

if (ResourceId.unwrap(systemId) == 0) revert World_FunctionSelectorNotFound(msg.sig);
Expand Down

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