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PCAadapt is a R package R package that performs genome scans to detect genes potentially under divergent selection based on a principal component analysis. To read more about the package see (Lu and Blum)[]

0. Prepare your data

If you use a very recent the 4.3 version of vcftools, you need to prepare a .bed file from your vcf file to use pcadapt. To do so, first use VCFTOOLS in the terminal.

vcftools --vcf nameofyourfile.vcf --plink-tped --out nameofyourfile

Then, use and PLINK.

plink --tped nameofyourfile.tped --tfam nameofyourfile.tfam --make-bed --out nameofyourfile

The command --make-bed will produce three files:

  • a binary ped file (*.bed)
  • the pedigree/phenotype information file (*.fam)
  • an extended MAP file (*.bim) that contains information about the allele names, which would otherwise be lost in the .bed file

Now extract the information of the order of each SNP in the vcf file. Model organism. If you have info on chromosome or scaffold position, you may want to use the first and second column of your vcf (i.e. CHROM POS). Non-model organism. If you do not have this information, you may need to extract the third colum of your vcf (i.e. ID).

grep -v "#" nameofyourfile.vcf | cut -f 3 > yournumberofsnps.txt

1. Download R package and input dataset

Download libraries.


Import vcf or .bed (in this case check the info above).

data <- read.pcadapt("batch_1.bed", type = "bed")
# number of individuals detected:	44
# number of loci detected:		12735

Import in which order individuals order are labelled in the .vcf using the .tfam file.

ind <- read.table("44ind.tfam")

Import important biological information.

ind_pop_mpa <- read.table("mpa_info_44ind.txt", header=TRUE, sep="\t")

Merge individuals and pop information

ind_mpa <- merge(ind, ind_pop_mpa, by.x=c("V1"), by.y=c("IND"))
ind_mpa_info <- select(ind_mpa, V1,LAT,LON,DISTANCE,MPA,CATEGORY)

2. Define the highest signal of genomic variation

Run pcadapt function by first perform it with a large enough number of principal components (e.g. K=20) in order to maximize your capacity of detecting any population structure in your dataset.

data_pcadapt <- pcadapt(data, K = 20, ploidy=2) 

Visualize the genomic variation among your samples. Are you samples uniformly distributed or does some points cluster together?


Check the percent of variance explained by each principal component and select the minimum number of K.

plot(data_pcadapt, option = "screeplot", K=5)

Here, we choose K=2 since, the highest signal of genomic variation is between two clusters.

pcaadapt_K2 <- pcadapt(data, K = 4)

Create a dataframe gathering PCAadapt clustering information and MPA info

pca_adapt_mpa <-cbind(data_pcadapt$scores, ind_mpa) 

Visualising the results according to MPA and Inside/Outside

ggplot(pca_adapt_mpa, aes(x=pca_adapt_mpa$`1`, y=pca_adapt_mpa$`2`, shape = CATEGORY, fill= factor(MPA)))+
  scale_shape_manual(values=c(21, 24))+
  scale_fill_brewer(palette="Accent", guide=FALSE)+

3. Identify markers driving the highest genomic variation observed

After choosing the righ number of K to select, compute the test statistic based on a Principal Component Analysis.

Do a Mahattan plot on the P-values.

plot(pcaadapt_K2, option = "manhattan", col, = NULL, plt.pkg = "ggplot")

Check the expected uniform distribution of the p-values using a Q-Q plot.

plot(data_pcadapt, option = "qqplot")

Draw an histogram of the p-values: the excess of small p-values indicates the presence of outliers.

hist(data_pcadapt$pvalues, xlab = "p-values", main = NULL, breaks = 50, col = "orange")

Match the SNP with the Pvalues information

snp_pvalue <- cbind(snp, data_pcadapt$pvalues) 
colnames(snp_pvalue) <- c("SNP","PVALUES")

By default, the parameter min.maf is set to 5%. P-values of SNPs with a minor allele frequency smaller than the threshold are not computed (NA is returned). Check you have no NA.


Choose a cutoff for outlier detection with the Q-values.

qval <- qvalue(snp_pvalue$PVALUES)$qvalues
alpha <- 0.01
outliers <- which(qval < alpha)

Choose a cutoff for outlier detection with the Bonferroni correction.

padj <- p.adjust(snp_pvalue$PVALUES,method="bonferroni")
alpha <- 0.00000004
outliers <- which(padj < alpha)

Choose a cutoff for outlier detection with the Benjamini-Hochberg Procedure.

padj <- p.adjust(snp_pvalue$PVALUES,method="BH")
alpha <- 0.01
outliers <- which(padj < alpha)

Save the results.

write.table(snp_pvalue, "677outliers-bh.txt", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names=FALSE) 

4. Identify top outliers

Visualize the distribution of p-values

quantile(snp_pvalue$PVALUES, probs = c(0.01, 0.99))

Get only the top 1% of the markers.

top_1percent <- subset(snps_pvalue, snp_pvalue$PVALUES <= 4.823761e-39)
write.table(top_1percent, "Outliers.txt", sep="\t", quote=FALSE, row.names = FALSE)


Using PCAadapt in R






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