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TV shows browser

This is a final evaluation exercise for the second sprint in Adalab. The main goal of this exercise was to self-assess my knowledge and skills in basic JavaScript after two weeks learning this language.

It's a web app where you can search for your favorite TV shows and mark them as favorite by clicking on them. It's been fully developed using native JavaScript, with no frameworks, and using the TVMaze API.

I'm still learning so please, if you spot a bug, want to improve my code or just show me another way to do things, don't hesitate to open an issue or send a PR!

How to use this repo

This project was created using the Adalab web starter kit. In order to make it work, you'll need to install Node.js and Gulp, then:

  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Install local dependencies with $ npm install.
  3. Use the command $ gulp and start coding! :)