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Scrum Sticky App

A scrum board (inspiration from Miro) to work with stickies.




  • User should be able to create a new sticky (With text and color as prop)
  • User should be able to move sticky anywhere on the board
  • User should be able to refresh the sticky page and it keeps it original state
  • User should be able to edit the text on a sticky
  • User should be able to delete a sticky
  • User should be able to stack sticky on top of each other


  • User should be able to maintain sticky position when page is refreshed

Tech Stack

Vue, Vue Konva, TailwindCSS, Vue Testing Library

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd stickie-app

Install dependencies

  npm install or yarn 

Start the server

  npm run serve or yarn run serve

Running Tests

To run tests, run the following command

  npm run test or
  yarn run test


To deploy this project run

  npm run build
