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A lightweight AWS Lambda function that communicates with API. This function will work with any Salthru endpoint by specifying the endpoint name in the JSON object provided to the function.

Includes Airbrake integration. To enable your Airbrake integration you must set the following deployment variables: AIRBRAKE_PROJECT_ID and AIRBAKE_PROJECT_KEY. If these variables are not provided Airbrake will not be enabled but the function will still make API requests.

Getting Started

  1. npm install -g node-lambda
  2. npm install
  3. Copy deploy.env.example to deploy.env
  4. Copy event.json.example to event.json
  5. Copy .env.example to .env
  6. To test the function locally: node-lambda run


The following is an example of a JSON object lambda-sailthru expects. You will also find this example in event.json.example

  "apiType": "user",
  "apiKey": "INTERNAL_API_KEY",
  "postParams": {
    "id": "",
    "key": "email",
    "vars": {
      "test": "true"

apiType: Sailthru endpoint

apiKey: This should match your SAILTHRU_LAMBDA_KEY provided in deploy.env

postParams: JS object that provides required Sailthru API parameters. See Sailthru API documentation for examples.


If you installed node-lambda there are two options available

  1. node-lambda package

    Creates a compressed zip file that includes the main function and node_modules folder

  2. node-lambda deploy

    Automatically deploys the function to your AWS Lambda server. Requires AWS keys in .env to be updated with your credentials. See node-lambda documentation for more configuration options

AWS API Gateway Configuration

Incoming POST requests to Amazon API Gateway require configuring the endpoint's Integration Request. The following is an example mapping for POST requests with Content-Type: application/json

#set($allParams = $input.params())
"body" : $input.json('$'),
"params" : {
#foreach($type in $allParams.keySet())
    #set($params = $allParams.get($type))
"$type" : {
    #foreach($paramName in $params.keySet())
    "$paramName" : "$util.escapeJavaScript($params.get($paramName))"
"context" : {
    "account-id" : "$context.identity.accountId",
    "api-id" : "$context.apiId",
    "api-key" : "$context.identity.apiKey",
    "http-method" : "$context.httpMethod",
    "user" : "$context.identity.user",
    "user-agent" : "$context.identity.userAgent",
    "request-id" : "$context.requestId",
    "resource-id" : "$context.resourceId",
    "resource-path" : "$context.resourcePath"


AWS Lambda function to dispatch POST API events to SailThru






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