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Hacked a preliminary version of ido-read-one-line
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laynor committed Apr 16, 2012
1 parent e89abc5 commit 5e4fd90
Showing 1 changed file with 221 additions and 0 deletions.
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions stumpwm-ido.lisp
Expand Up @@ -2,5 +2,226 @@

(in-package #:stumpwm-ido)

(defvar *completions-set* nil)
(defvar *ido-match-function* *ido-flex-matcher*)

;;; "stumpwm-ido" goes here. Hacks and glory await!
(declaim (optimize (speed 0) (debug 3)))

(defvar *ido-max-inline-completions* 30
"Maximum number of completions displayed in the input window. This
should be set reasonably low as it impacts the speed of the completion
formatting function.")

(pstr:defface ido-matches-separator
:foreground "red")

(pstr:defface ido-matches
:foreground "Gray80")

(pstr:defface ido-exact-match
:foreground "green")

(pstr:defface ido-first-match
:weight "bold")

;;; Symbols internal in STUMPWM used:
;;; screen-font
;;; screen-input-window
;;; screen-message-gc
;;; screen-width
;;; make-input-string
;;; input-line-string
;;; input-line-position
;;; input-line-password
;;; input-find-completions FIXME
;;; input-insert-string
;;; is-modifier
;;; *input-completions*
;;; read-key-or-selections
;;; code-state->key
;;; *input-last-command*
;;; *input-map*
;;; *input-history*
;;; shutdown-input-window

(defun ido-setup-input-window (screen prompt input)
"Set the window input up to read input."
(let ((height (+ (xlib:font-descent (stumpwm::screen-font screen)) ;FIXME: calculate height for input
(xlib:font-descent (stumpwm::screen-font screen))))
(win (stumpwm::screen-input-window screen)))
;; window dimensions
(xlib:with-state (win)
(setf (xlib:window-priority win) :above
(xlib:drawable-height win) height))
;; Draw the prompt
(xlib:map-window win)
(ido-draw-input-bucket screen prompt input)))

(defun format-matches (completions)
(flet ((csymbol (text)
(pstr:pstring-propertize text :face :ido-matches-separator)))
(reduce #'pstr:pstring-concat
(nconc (list (csymbol "{ "))
(butlast (mapcan (lambda (el)
(list (pstr:pstring-propertize el :face :ido-matches)
(pstr:pstring-propertize " | " :face :ido-matches-separator)))
(list (csymbol " }"))))))

(defun ido-inline-completions (prompt input completions screen)
(let ((gcontext (stumpwm::screen-message-gc screen))
(maxwidth (- (stumpwm::screen-width screen) (* 2 stumpwm:*message-window-padding*)))
(n (length completions)))
(flet ((make-display-string (comps)
(pstr:pstring-concat prompt (stumpwm::input-line-string input) " " (format-matches comps) " ... ")))
(do ((comps (reverse (subseq completions 0 (min *ido-max-inline-completions* n))) (cdr comps)))
((< (pstr:xlib-pstring-extents gcontext (make-display-string comps)) maxwidth)
(reverse (append (and (> n *ido-max-inline-completions*) (list "...")) comps)))))))

(defun ido-process-input (screen prompt input code state)
"Process the key (code and state) given the current input
buffer. Returns a new modified input buffer."
(labels ((process-key (code state)
"Call the appropriate function based on the key
pressed. Return 'done when the user has signalled the finish of his
input (pressing Return), nil otherwise."
(let* ((key (stumpwm::code-state->key code state))
(command (and key (stumpwm::lookup-key stumpwm::*input-map* key t))))
(if command
(funcall command input key)
(setf stumpwm::*input-last-command* command))
(completions () (ido-input-completions (stumpwm::input-line-string input)
(stumpwm::input-line-position input)
(case (process-key code state)
(unless (or (stumpwm::input-line-password input)
(and stumpwm:*input-history-ignore-duplicates*
(string= (stumpwm::input-line-string input) (first stumpwm::*input-history*))))
(push (stumpwm::input-line-string input) stumpwm::*input-history*))
(throw :abort t))
;; FIXME draw inverted text
(ido-draw-input-bucket screen prompt input (format-matches
(ido-inline-completions prompt input (completions)
screen)) t)
(t (ido-draw-input-bucket screen prompt input (format-matches
(ido-inline-completions prompt input (completions)

(defun ido-read-one-line (screen prompt &key (initial-input "") require-match password)
"Read a line of input through stumpwm and return it. Returns nil if
the user aborted."
(let ((stumpwm::*input-last-command* nil)
(input (stumpwm::make-input-line :string (stumpwm::make-input-string initial-input)
:position (length initial-input)
:history -1
:password password)))
(labels ((match-input ()
(let* ((in (string-trim " " (stumpwm::input-line-string input)))
(compls (stumpwm::input-find-completions in stumpwm::*input-completions*)))
(and (consp compls)
(string= in (car compls)))))
(key-loop ()
(loop for key = (stumpwm::read-key-or-selection) do
(let ((completions (ido-input-completions (stumpwm::input-line-string input)
(stumpwm::input-line-position input)
(cond ((stringp key)
(stumpwm::input-insert-string input key)
(ido-draw-input-bucket screen prompt input (format-matches
(ido-inline-completions prompt
;; skip modifiers
((stumpwm::is-modifier (car key)))
((ido-process-input screen prompt input (car key) (cdr key))
(if (or (not require-match)
(return (stumpwm::input-line-string input))
(ido-draw-input-bucket screen prompt input "[No match]" t))))))))
(ido-setup-input-window screen prompt input)
(catch :abort
(stumpwm::with-focus (stumpwm::screen-input-window screen)
(stumpwm::shutdown-input-window screen))))))

(defun color-cursor (text point)
(let ((face (pstr:copy-face
(or (pstr:lookup-face
(pstr:pstring-get-property text :face point))
(pstr:lookup-face :default)))))
(setf face (pstr::merge-faces (pstr:lookup-face :cursor) face))
(pstr:pstring-put-property text point (1+ point) :face face)))

(defun ido-draw-input-bucket (screen prompt input &optional (tail "") errorp)
(declare (ignorable errorp))
(let* ((text-to-print (pstr:pstring-concat prompt
(color-cursor (stumpwm::input-line-string input)
(stumpwm::input-line-position input))
" "
(gcontext (stumpwm::screen-message-gc screen))
(win (stumpwm::screen-input-window screen)))
(multiple-value-bind (w h a)
(pstr:xlib-pstring-extents gcontext text-to-print)
(let* ((width (+ w (* 2 stumpwm:*message-window-padding*)))
(height (+ h (* 1 stumpwm:*message-window-padding*))))
(setf (xlib:drawable-width win) width
(xlib:drawable-height win) height)
(stumpwm::setup-win-gravity screen win stumpwm:*input-window-gravity*)
(pstr:xlib-draw-pstring text-to-print
(+ a stumpwm:*message-window-padding*)

(pstrings:defface :default
:family "terminus"
:pixel-size 12
:foreground "white"
:slant "r")

(pstrings:defface :cursor
:background "magenta"
:foreground "black")

(pstrings:defface :title1
:pixel-size 24
:foreground "red")

(pstrings:defface :title2
:pixel-size 20
:inherit '(:title1))

(pstrings:defface :title3
:pixel-size 16)

(pstrings:defface :emph
:inherit '(:italic))

(pstrings:defface :input-prompt
:foreground "green"
:weight "bold")

(stumpwm:defcommand prova () ()
(print (ido-read-one-line (stumpwm:current-screen)
(pstr:pstring-propertize "Cmd: " :face :input-prompt))))

(stumpwm:defcommand prova2() ()
(let ((*completions-set* *pathname-completions*))
(print (ido-read-one-line (stumpwm:current-screen)
(pstr:pstring-propertize "Cmd: " :face :input-prompt)))))

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