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This project contains some usage examples for pypz. This project does not intend to explain the core concepts of pypz, but just to give a starting point to understand the basic usage. The core concepts will be documented in the pypz repository.


For this example you will need the following:

  • an IDE of your choice, however the project used PyCharm
  • access to a Kafka cluster, since the operators are using Kafka based IO ports (you can use the confluentinc/confluent-local image)


Optional, because you can create run the pipelines without the following:

  • access to a Kubernetes Cluster (you can use Kind locally:
  • access to a Docker image repository (not necessary if Kind used)

Build artifacts

  1. Python build required (
python -m pip install build
  1. Adapt the pyprject.toml file according to your spec
  2. Build the project
python -m build

Docker image


Once the artifacts have been built and are present in the ./dist folder you can build the Docker image. Note that choosing the image tag is your responsibility. It shall reflect the image repository onto which you want to deploy the image. Should you use Kubernetes, the image repository shall be accessible by the cluster.

docker build -t accessible-repository/pypz-example .

[Errno: -2] Name or service not known

Should you face this error during the image build, it probably means that you have invalid proxy/dns settings. If you are behind a corporate proxy, then you need to make sure that the Docker Engine is configured properly.

First, you need to locate the config file, which is usually the ~/.docker/config.json file. Open it and insert the following setting in the json:

"proxies": {
  "default": {
    "httpProxy": "<YOUR_HTTP_PROXY>",
    "httpsProxy": "<YOUR_HTTPS_PROXY>",
    "noProxy": "<YOUR_NO_PROXY>"


Once the image is built, you can push it to your repository.

docker push accessible-repository/pypz-example

Deploy onto Kubernetes

If you have access to a Kubernetes cluster, then you can try to deploy the pipeline on it. The file "" shows a small example for how to do it. You will need the kube config file, which you can extract from your cluster based on its control plane. If you have kubectl installed and used, then you don't have to do anything, since the pypz K8s deployer uses by default the same file.

Note that depending on your cluster, you might need to update your trusted certificates. The pypz Kubernetes deployer uses "certifi", hence if you want to locate the cacert file, you can do it via the following command:

python -c "import certifi; print(certifi.where())"

Then you can update this cacert file with the certificates of your cluster.

Advanced Kubernetes parameters

If you deploy your pipeline onto Kubernetes, then you might have the use-case, where you need additional configuration to use existing kubernetes resources or mount locations into your operator etc. One use-case is to create a secret with some credentials and reference it from your operator so you don't need to store sensitive information in code. In order to specify additional kubernetes related configuration, the KubernetesParameter class can be used:

def __init__(self,...):
    self.env: Optional[list[dict]] = env
    self.envFrom: Optional[list[dict]] = envFrom
    self.volumeMounts: Optional[list[dict]] = volumeMounts
    self.containers: Optional[list[dict]] = containers
    self.volumes: Optional[list[dict]] = volumes
    self.terminationGracePeriodSeconds: Optional[int] = terminationGracePeriodSeconds
    self.serviceAccountName: Optional[str] = serviceAccountName
    self.labels: Optional[dict] = labels
    self.containerSecurityContext: Optional[dict] = containerSecurityContext
    self.podSecurityContext: Optional[dict] = podSecurityContext
    self.nodeAffinity: Optional[dict] = nodeAffinity
    self.nodeAntiAffinity: Optional[dict] = nodeAntiAffinity

Check the file "" for an example.


Starter examples to give a glimpse into the usage of pypz







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