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Best Chat Ever

It's, like, really good, oh my gosh.



There are some dependencies that are necessary to install. There might be more. Let me know.

  1. You need to have python2.7, mysql, and npm.

On Linux:

sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-mysqldb npm

On Mac:

brew install mysql npm openssl

Then follow the instructions here to get pip (brew will also give you this url if you type brew install pip):

On Windows:

Just use PyCharm. It will work.

  1. npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
  2. pip3 install -r install/requirements.txt

If this doesn't work, try sudo. Some of the packages are dumb.

If this doesn't work on Mac, try:

pip install --ignore-installed -r install/pip-install

You can also just use PyCharm and it will install them for you.

On Windows:

MySQL-Python will fail, it doesn't really matter what you do. You need to install it manually.

Download the wheel here:

If you're using virtualenv, make sure you run path_to_venv\Scripts\activate, then install it globally with pip install MySQL_python-1.2.5-cp27-none-win_amd64.whl


  1. Setup a local MySql database.
  2. Import install/bestChat.sql to get the schema and tables. (If you've already been working on it, this will wipe your tables, fyi.)
  3. Make a user 'bestChat' with the password in chat.cfg and (at least) the following permissions to the bestchat schema: DELETE, EXECUTE, INSERT, SELECT, SHOW, VIEW, UPDATE

To run:

Places to edit:

  1. Set the client to use your server url (static/js/client/BestEvarChatClient.js line 11)

Actually running:

  1. npm build
  2. python

cat images:

twemoji client parsing:

joypixels emoji assets: