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Parameterization solution that enables a regular JUnit test to make itself parameterized by introducing parameters in midair during the test execution


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LazyParams is a powerful parametrization solution for JUnit (versions 4 and 5). It provides the test developer with easy ways to convert a regular test into a parameterized test that can have one or many parameters, which can be seamlessly combined to achieve pairwise testing.

The parametrization API does not have any annotations. Instead there is an imperative API to use during the test execution. Therewith the parametrization is of a lazy nature, because the test can start off as a regular test execution without parameters and then turn into a parameterized test as the first parameter is introduced during the test-execution.

Best-Practice Feature API LazyParams#pickValue(...) and execution path evaluation

... One parameter ...

First example:

public void smallInt() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);

// With ConsoleLauncher the test result is presented like this:
//  smallInt() ✔
//  ├─ smallInt int=3 ✔
//  ├─ smallInt int=2 ✔
//  └─ smallInt int=4 ✔

Above test uses the best practice API of feature class LazyParams. First argument of above #pickValue(...) invocation specifies parameter-name, which will be part of the test-name. Additional arguments define possible parameter values.

Fine-grained customization on how to display parameter value is achieved with a separate pickValue-method, which first parameter is of type ToDisplayFunction, which method takes parameter value as argument. E.g. instead of parameter name, a lambda expression can be used:

  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue(
          i -> 1==i ? "1st" : 2==i ? "2nd" : 3==i ? "3rd" : i + "th",
          3, 2, 4);

//  smallInt() ✔
//  ├─ smallInt 3rd ✔
//  ├─ smallInt 2nd ✔
//  └─ smallInt 4th ✔

There is one special method pickValue(Enum...) that promotes enum parameters. Its only parameter is a vararg Enum array with the parameter values. Empty vararg array means all constants of parameter enum-type are possible values. With this method the enum constant #toString() describes the value in test-name. E.g. if parameter type is RetentionPolicy then a test could look like this:

public void policy() {
  RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();

//  policy() ✔
//  ├─ policy SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ policy CLASS ✔
//  └─ policy RUNTIME ✔

... Two parameters ...

Let's have values for the above myInt and myPolicy picked in a single test:

public void twoParams() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);
  RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();

// Test-result will contain nine executions:
//  twoParams() ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 CLASS ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=4 RUNTIME ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 CLASS ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=4 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 RUNTIME ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 RUNTIME ✔
//  └─ twoParams int=4 CLASS ✔

All parameter combinations are tested. This is because LazyParams attempts to seek out all possible paired combinations of the two parameters' values.

What if test execution only introduces second parameter myPolicy when myInt == 2? ...

public void twoParams() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);
  if (2 == myInt) {
    RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();

//  twoParams() ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 CLASS ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=4 ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 SOURCE ✔
//  └─ twoParams int=2 RUNTIME ✔

LazyParams notices how end-of-the-road is hit when myInt has value 3 or 4 - and that it's necessary to choose int=2 on the last couple of test repetitions in order to unlock the execution path that allows evaluation of the pending myPolicy values.

In the above example the condition that unlocks execution path for introducing myPolicy is hardwired - but even without a hardwired condition it would still be possible for the repetition execution paths to unfold like this if repetitions for myInt values 3 and 4 cause test-failure before myPolicy is introduced.

Let's instead have the other myInt values unlock myPolicy introduction:

public void twoParams() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);
  if (3 <= myInt) {
    RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();

//  twoParams() ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=2 ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=4 CLASS ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 RUNTIME ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=4 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ twoParams int=3 CLASS ✔
//  └─ twoParams int=4 RUNTIME ✔

With myPolicy introduction path enabled by two myInt values there are again some pairwise combinations for LazyParams to navigate!

... Three parameters ...

Now have an additional parameter extra combined with both parameters from above section:

public void threeParams() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);
  RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();
  String extra = LazyParams.pickValue("extra", "x","y","z");

//  threeParams() ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 SOURCE extra=x ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 CLASS extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=4 RUNTIME extra=z ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 CLASS extra=z ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=4 SOURCE extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 RUNTIME extra=x ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 RUNTIME extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 SOURCE extra=z ✔
//  └─ threeParams int=4 CLASS extra=x ✔

With 3 parameters having 3 values each there are actually 27 possible combinations (3x3x3) but there are only 9 repetitions. This is because the pairwise combinatorial reduction has kicked in as here are three parameters that are all introduced on each repetition. LazyParams here attempts to ensure each value of myInt (3,2 & 4) is combined at least once with each value of myPolicy and extra - and also values of myPolicy and extra are combined at least once with each other.

In total LazyParams identifies 27 value pairs, each to be tried at least once. This time it managed to walk through all pairs with just 9 repetitions, because it managed to try three new pairs in each repetition. (I.e. in the first repetition there are int=3 SOURCE, int=3 extra=x and SOURCE extra=x. In the second repetition there are int=2 CLASS, int=2 extra=y and CLASS extra=y etc.)

What if extra is never introduced for SOURCE:

public void threeParams() {
  int myInt = LazyParams.pickValue("int", 3, 2, 4);
  RetentionPolicy myPolicy = LazyParams.pickValue();
  if (RetentionPolicy.SOURCE == myPolicy) {
  String extra = LazyParams.pickValue("extra", "x","y","z");

//  threeParams() ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 SOURCE ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 CLASS extra=x ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=4 RUNTIME extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 RUNTIME extra=z ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=4 CLASS extra=z ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 CLASS extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=4 RUNTIME extra=x ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 CLASS extra=y ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 RUNTIME extra=z ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=3 CLASS extra=x ✔
//  ├─ threeParams int=2 SOURCE ✔
//  └─ threeParams int=4 SOURCE ✔

With conditional introduction of parameter extra the number of possible parameter combinations is down from 27 (3x3x3) to only 21. Therefore it's kind of a paradox how the number of repetitions went the opposite way - up from 9 to 12.

But this is indeed the fewest number of repetitions required to make execution paths cover all possible value pairs. Since SOURCE is end-of-the-line it requires 3 repetitions to combine with all three myInt values - but none of these repetitions will cover any pairs for parameter extra, which will require at least 9 repetitions (3x3) in order to statisfy all pair combinations with myInt. This means at least 12 repetitions are here required to satisfy all pairs. (extra will not combine with SOURCE, so only myPolicy values RUNTIME and CLASS means 6 repetitions (3x2) for all possible myPolicy<->extra pairs, which are easily satisfied under the radar while the 9 myInt<->extra pairs are navigated.)

So LazyParams managed to reach the lowest possible number of repetitions (12) to satisfy all pairs here. But do also notice how parameter picks int=3 and SOURCE happened first and thereafter were only repeated after all pairs without them had been satisfied. I.e. after int=3 and SOURCE were branded as not introducing extra then LazyParams prioritized the other values, which didn't prevent parameter extra, and had them form all possible pairs with the three extra values before revisiting int=3, which was then given higher priority as it turned out to not prevent extra. - And finally the two remaining pairs int=2 SOURCE and int=4 SOURCE were checked off.

The purpose of the above - volatile - prioritization of parameter values is to uncover potentially hidden execution paths while satisfying parameter pair combinations in the process. First impression of int=3 and SOURCE was that they are a dead end - and since first-impressions-last the other values seemed like better candidates for uncovering hidden execution paths and therefore they were initially entrusted with higher priority.

Simpliest Possible Parameterization: FalseOrTrue.pickBoolean(displayOnTrue)

Isn't the simpliest possible parameter one that can only have values true or false? Though being very simple it is nevertheless kind of a big deal when relying on LazyParams to seek out corner cases that require special treatment during a test.


Parameterization solution that enables a regular JUnit test to make itself parameterized by introducing parameters in midair during the test execution








