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Rick and Morty Wiki


giff_home giff_characters giff_locations giff_episodes giff_search


This is a simple client application that consumes the Rick and Morty API.

The application was developed with the objective of improving the studies of Frontend studies using React Hooks, Context API and React Bootstrap.

A resource-based folder structure was implemented to keep things organized throughout development.

A route system was developed where it is possible to navigate through the homepages, search, characters, locations and episodes.

It is possible for the user to access the cards by opening a Modal with the details of the characters, locations or episodes, available in each specific navigation route.

A search system was implemented where it is possible to perform searches by the name of characters, locations or episodes.


The application is currently in Code Review

You can access the application through this Link .


To perform the installation, follow the steps:

  1. You can Fork the project if you prefer.
  2. Clone the project by code: git clone
  3. Install dependencies with npm install.
  4. Start the project with npm start.


The list of characters displayed is taken from this Rick & Morty API.

You can enter a character name to filter the list results.

Use the available filters to narrow your search.

If you click on a character, you will navigate to a detailed card including more information.