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Microservice providing an API for external parties to submit publications to be processed automatically


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Microservice providing an API for external parties to automatically process a submission.

Getting started

Add the service to a stack

Add the service to your docker-compose.yml:

  image: lblod/automatic-submission-service:1.3.1

Configure the dispatcher by adding the following rule:

match "/melding/*path" do
  Proxy.forward conn, path, "http://automatic-submission/melding"

Environment variables

How-to guides

Authorize an agent to submit on behalf of an organization

To allow an organization to submit a publication on behalf of another organization, add a resource similar to the example below:

PREFIX muAccount:   <>
PREFIX mu:   <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX ext: <>

  GRAPH <> {
      a foaf:Agent, ext:Vendor ;
      muAccount:key "my-super-secret-key";
      foaf:name "Test vendor";
      mu:uuid "d3c9e5e5-d50c-46c9-8f09-6af76712c277".



To register a new resource as a submission:

POST /melding
Content-Type: application/json # or application/ld+json

Use the JSON-LD context as described in Meldingsplicht API for how to structure the body.

Note: refer to the documentation on the Vendor SPARQL API. That is the supported way to get status information. Alternatively, you could also use the following.

To fetch the status of the processing of the resource:

POST /status
Content-Type: application/json # or application/ld+json

Getting the status can be done in the same context as registering a submission, but supply a submission URI instead. Look at some examples below.

Succesful response

When the submission has been successfully sent in, you get the following response:

201 Created
  "uri": "",
  "submission": "",
  "job": ""

The uri and submission properties are identical. The uri is there for backwards compatibility with an old version of this service. The submission and job properties contain the URIs for the newly created submission and the associated processing job respectively. These can be used in the Vendor SPARQL API.

Error responses

The following responses can be returned by this service. Error messages are displayed next to the HTTP response code here, but in the actual response, the message is inside a structure like: {"errors": [{"title": "...message..."}]}.

  • 400 Content-Type not valid, only application/json or application/ld+json are accepted: when the content type is not correct. This service only accepts JSON and JSON-LD content.
  • 400 Invalid JSON payload, expected an object but found array.: when the content structure is incorrect. Use properly formatted JSON.
  • 400 Invalid JSON-LD payload: property "XXX" is missing or invalid.: property XXX cound not be found in the request, but is needed.
  • 400 Some given properties are invalid: XXX: XXX is a list of error messages describing the problem with the given properties.
  • 409 The given submittedResource <URI> has already been submitted.: when the service can already find a submission for this URI. If you really need to resend this submission, the previous submission has to be deleted first, which is only possible if it is in "concept" status. The submission can then be resent.
  • 400 The authentication (or part of it) for this request is missing. Make sure to supply publisher (with vendor URI and key) and organization information to the request.: you need to supply at least organization: "<URI>", publisher: { uri: "<URI>", key: "XXX" } with the correct credentials to be able to post a submission.
  • 401 Authentication failed, vendor does not have access to the organization or does not exist. If this should not be the case, please contact us at for login credentials.: this is when the given credentials are incorrect or these credentials do not allow for sending a submission in this organisation.


Submission with inline context
  "@context": {
    "besluit": "",
    "prov": "",
    "dct": "",
    "muAccount": "",
    "meb": "",
    "foaf": "",
    "pav": "",
    "organization": {
      "@id": "pav:createdBy",
      "@type": "@id"
    "href": { "@type": "@id", "@id": "prov:atLocation"},
    "submittedResource": { "@type": "@id", "@id": "dct:subject" },
    "key": "muAccount:key",
    "publisher": "pav:providedBy",
    "uri": {
      "@type": "@id",
      "@id": "@id"
    "status": {
      "@type": "@id",
      "@id": "adms:status"
  "organization": {
    "uri": "",
    "@type": "besluit:Bestuurseenheid"
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86",
    "@type": "foaf:Agent"
  "submittedResource": {
    "uri": ""
  "status": {
    "uri": ""
  "href": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "meb:Submission"
Submission with mix of inline and external context
  "@context": [
      "ext": "",
      "testedAndApprovedBy": { "@type": "@id", "@id": "ext:testedAndApprovedBy" }
  "testedAndApprovedBy": "",
  "organization": {
    "uri": "",
    "@type": "besluit:Bestuurseenheid"
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86",
    "@type": "foaf:Agent"
  "submittedResource": {
    "uri": ""
  "status": {
    "uri": ""
  "href": "",
  "@id": "",
  "@type": "meb:Submission"

Submission with minimal body

Due to the implementation of this service, the context and some other properties are always attached to the JSON(-LD) body before processing. This means you could get away with a very minimal body such as the following:

  "href": "",
  "organization": "",
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86",
  "submittedResource": ""

Status request with minimal body (not recommended)

The same as the previous example applies when it comes to asking for the status of the submission:

  "organization": "",
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86",
  "submission": ""

Authorization and security

Submissions can only be submitted by known organizations using the API key they received. Organizations can only submit a publication on behalf of another organization if they have the permission to do so.

The service verifies the API key and permissions in the graph The organization the agents acts on behalf of should have a mu:uuid.

A second layer of authentication can be configured

Basic auth

  "href": "",
  "authentication": {
    "configuration": {
      "scheme": "basic"
    "credentials": {
      "username": "foo",
      "password": "bar"
  "organization": "",
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86"
  "status": "",
  "submittedResource": ""


  "href": "",
    "configuration": {
      "scheme": "oauth2",
      "flow": "client",
      "resource": "private",
      "token": ""
    "credentials": {
      "clientId": "foo",
      "clientSecret": "bar"
  "organization": "",
  "publisher": {
    "uri": "",
    "key": "AE86-GT86"
  "status": "",
  "submittedResource": ""


Automatic submission task

Upon receipt of the submission, the service will create an automatic submission job for the whole flow and a related task for the work in this services.




The model is specified in the README of the job-controller-service.

Automatic submission task statuses

Once the automatic submission process starts, the status of the automatic submission task is updated to

On successful completion, the status of the automatic submission task is updated to The resultsContainer of the task wil contain a harvesting collection that refers to the remote data object for the HTML page containing the RDFa for the submission.

On failure, the status is updated to If possible, an error is written to the database and the error is linked to this failed task.

Download-url-service task

In addition to a Job and Task for the automatic submission service, this service will also manage the download process from the download-url-service. The download-url-service is a reusable component that could not (yet) be adapted to integrate with the jobs-controller-service's model, so that service needs to be managed here too. To do this, some rules in the delta-notifier are needed and there is a extra API entry specifically for managing download statuses. This process will also create tasks as describe by the model referenced above. The jobs-controller-service needs to pick up after the download-url-service's task has been successful.


Submission to be processed automatically. The properties of the submission are retrieved from the JSON-LD body of the request.




For a full list of properties of a submission, we refer to the automatic submission documentation. In addition to the properties, the automatic submission services enriches the submission with the following properties:

Name Predicate Range Definition
part nie:hasPart nfo:RemoteDataObject Submission publication URL to download
submittedResource dct:subject foaf:Document Document that is the subject of the submission

Remote data object

Upon receipt of the submission, the service will create a remote data object for the submitted publication URL which will be downloaded by the download-url-service.




The model of the remote data object is described in the README of the download-url-service.

Submitted resource

Document that is the subject of the submission. The properties of the submitted resource are harvested from the publication URL by the import-submission-service, enrich-submission-service and validate-submission-service at a later stage in the automatic submission process.


foaf:Document (and ext:SubmissionDocument)


For a full list of properties of a submitted resource, we refer to the automatic submission documentation.

Related services

The following services are also involved in the automatic processing of a submission:


Microservice providing an API for external parties to submit publications to be processed automatically








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