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Symfony Docker

A Docker-based installer and runtime for the Symfony web framework, with FrankenPHP and Caddy inside!

Getting Started

  1. If not already done, install Docker Compose (v2.10+)
  2. If not already done, install make with sudo apt-get install build-essential (contains other packages as well) or simply sudo apt-get -y install make
  3. Run make start to build fresh images
  4. Open https://localhost in your favorite web browser and accept the auto-generated TLS certificate
  5. Run make down to stop the Docker containers.

Makefile commands

Use these commands to simplify day to day usage of the project.

  • help: Outputs this help screen
  • build: Builds the Docker images
  • up: Start the docker hub in detached mode (no logs)
  • start: Build and start the containers
  • down: Stop the docker hub
  • logs: Show live logs
  • sh: Connect to the FrankenPHP container
  • test: Start tests with phpunit, pass the parameter "c=" to add options to phpunit, example: make test c="--group e2e --stop-on-failure"
  • composer: Run composer, pass the parameter "c=" to run a given command, example: make composer c='req symfony/orm-pack'
  • vendor: Install vendors according to the current composer.lock file
  • sf: List all Symfony commands or pass the parameter "c=" to run a given command, example: make sf c=about
  • cc: Clear the cache
  • diff: Create migration based on the diff between the current state of the database and entities
  • migrate: Run migrations
  • phpcs: Run PHP Code Sniffer
  • phpmd: Run PHP Mess detector
  • phpstan: Run PHP Stan


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