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Leo edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the fresca project!

Build: passing Licence: GPL-3.0

This project aims to develop a multi-sensor (up to 8) temperature process controller with configurable heating/cooling actuators. The controller is based on an Arduino platform and the DS18B20 and/or DHT22 digital sensors. It supports setting temperature operating point with hystheresis via an LCD Keypad shield, and supports temperature display with additional 7-segment displays for each sensor. The controller will turn on/off the heating/cooling actuators according to configurable temperature thresholds for each sensor.

Project parts:

  • Arduino Mega 2560 or similar (depending on how many fermenters are needed)
  • DFR Robot LCD keypad shield for display/configuration (one)
  • DS18B20 digital temperature sensor with OneWire interface (as many as needed)
  • DHT22 digital temperature/humidity sensor (as many as needed)
  • 7-segment displays based on TM1637 controller (as many as needed)
  • 5v Relays as actuators (as many as needed)

All the parts are readily-available cheap arduino parts, so there should be no trouble getting them.

NOTE: Although this project was first started to aid in beer fermentation, it can be used in any temperature control project that has similar specifications.

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