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Root patches based on HMTsu

1. License
Copyright (c) 2013 Lcferrum

Every single patch in this project comes with no warranty.
You must use these patches at your own risk.
Licensed under BSD license - see LICENSE file for details.

2. About
This is a collection of root patches for various Harmattan apps. Patches add
separate launch icon (.desktop file) for the selected app that launches it with
root privileges using HMTsu. The way it will be launched depends on whether app
was installed using trusted origin and what user substitute tools are
available at the moment.

3. Where to get
You can build .deb packages by yourself (refer to 'Building' section) or 
download ready-made patches from Sourceforge:
Main project homepage is at GitHub:

4. Usage
Install .deb file with patch on your device (don't forget to allow installation
from non-Store sources in the Settings and install HMTsu beforehand). New
"rooted" launch icon will appear on your application screen. Click this icon to
launch corresponding app with root priveleges using HMTsu.

If you have added/removed user substitute tools, reinstalled target app to use
trusted origin - just reapply the patch so that HMTsu launch method will be
adjusted to new environment.

5. Additional notes
By default Aegis constraints root account on N9 so it does not have full
unrestricted access to system resources. To elevate this limitation you should
install the app, which you want to use under root account, using trusted origin
and have ariadne or opensudo installed to run it. Root patches automatically
detect if these conditions were met and will launch the app in appropriate way.

Trusted origin for particular app can be achieved by installing it with incept,
aegis-install or in open mode with ''. This
step can be automated with Debinstaller app (though it doesn't support incepted

Patches for terminal-like apps work only if target has trusted origin (Meego
Terminal has trusted origin by default) and opensudo or ariadne was installed.
It's because terminal-like apps can't be run under root account limited by
Aegis (that is, with devel-su).

All the patches prefer to use ariadne over opensudo: it is necessary to use
opensudo with login shell to run most Harmattan apps, which in turn can
possibly lead to unexpected behavior.

6. Building
The easiest way to build each of the patches is by using MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan
Platform SDK provided by Nokia. Just make sure that you have installed Platform
SDK correctly, start scratchbox, select HARMATTAN_ARMEL target, switch to one
of the patch directories and type:

	dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot

You can also use other means of building .deb packages but they are not
supported by the current distribution.