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Keep dev tools up to date with each Android Studio version.

Explore the Jetpack libraries by type

Search Jetpack libraries in Jetpack homepage.

English language pages should show newer library version than the Chinese.

Explore dependencies by code completion

Type a library name in module dependencies block, libraries with the latest version will be suggested.

New version dependencies generally require new kotlin version, find latest kotlin version from Kotlin website.

Android Studio and Maximum supported AGP version

Each version of Android Studio requires specific versions of AGP, pay especially attention to the maximum supported AGP version from AGP releases and latest AGP version from AGP in MvnRepository.

AGP version supported by Giraffe is 3.2-8.1. Patch releases like 8.1.x are also included.

AGP and the Minimum required JDK/Gradle version

Find the minimum required version from Update gradle section and the latest gradle version from Gradle website.

AGP 8.1 requires JDK not older than 17, Gradle not older than 8.0.

Java & Kotlin Compatibility

A comprehensive explanation on Java versions in Android builds.

Understanding build.gradle

A Project is an ExtensionAware Object that has an ExtensionContainer field implemented as Map<String, Object>.

android block in build.gradle file represents an extension of type BaseAppModuleExtension created and added to the project in AppPlugin.

BaseAppModuleExtension has fields like defaultConfig, buildTypes etc.,buildFeatures and namespace are indirectly implemented by extensions when they implement the new public extension interfaces via delegates.

To view AGP source code, add the following dependencies to the app module build.gradle:
compileOnly gradleApi()
compileOnly '$agp'

Groovy to Kotlin DSL Migration

Follow these steps, view Migrating build logic from Groovy to Kotlin for detail documentation.

  1. Searching for ' and replacing by "
  2. Disambiguating function invocations and property assignments
  3. Naming script file build.gradle.kts
  4. Configuring plugins, tasks and dependencies
  5. Creating tasks or custom configurations

Best practices:

  • Applying plugins in the plugins {} block
  • Putting local build logic in the build’s buildSrc directory


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