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Writing Tests for an Authority

E. Lynette Rayle edited this page Sep 18, 2018 · 18 revisions


The purpose of testing is to determine the health of the system and its ability to return accurate results within a reasonable amount of time.

Feel free to just follow the pattern of writing a test as described in this file. Note that indentation matters, so be sure your tests indent the same amount as the tests already in the file. If you want to dig in and understand YAML, the following resources may be helpful (listed from most likely to be helpful to more complex).

Services Being Tested

There are two services provided by QaServer.

  • Search Query - A query string is passed to the search facility of the authority and a set of potential matching terms are returned.
  • Term Fetch - The URI or ID of a specific term is passed to the authority and all available data for the term is returned.

Kinds of Tests

Creating the Test File

Location of File: lib/generators/qa_server/templates/config/authorities/linked_data/scenarios

Filename: authority + service + 'validation.yml' (e.g. geonames_ld4l_cache_validation.yml)

Deciding the service value to use...

  • ld4l_cache - For most authorities, the data will be cached in system. Use this as the service to identify that the data is coming from cache.
  • direct - If data will be accessed directly from the authority using the authority provided API, then use this as the service to identify that the data is coming directly from the external authority.

Initial Content:

* Required

Field Value Type Example Value Comments
* authority no value The following will define characteristics that apply to all scenarios.
* service string ld4l_cache Which service is providing the data.

NOTE: service: must be indented 2 spaces on the line after authority: which has no indentation.


All files should initially be created with the following as the starting point for the file. The only thing that might change is the name of the service. Typically, this will be ld4l_cache or direct. And most commonly, it will be ld4l_cache.

  service: ld4l_cache

To see the authority: section in context, explore any of the validation files in the scenarios directory.

Connection Test

Purpose: Determine if QA can retrieve data at this moment in time from an authority.

Used to Test Services: Search Query Term Fetch

Search Connection Test

* Required

Field Value Type Example Value Comments
* query string animation
subauth string organization The supported subauths are defined in the configuration file for the authority.

Example Tests:

Run a query for 'animation'. If sub-authorities are supported by the authority, it will search all sub-authorities.

    query: animation

Run a query for 'animation' searching only the 'intangible' sub-authority.

    query: animation
    subauth: intangible

Term Connection Test

* Required

Field Value Type Example Value Comments
* identifier string "" URI or ID

Example Tests:

Fetch the term with specified URI

    identifier: ""

Fetch the term with specified ID

    identifier: '1914919'

Accuracy Test

Purpose: Determine if a search for a specific term has the desired result within the first few search results.

Used to Test Services: Search Query

* Required

Field Value Type Example Value Comments
* query string animation
subauth string organization The supported subauths are defined in the configuration file for the authority.
* position integer 10 The subject_uri must be in the results by position for this test to pass.
* subject_uri string "" The URI that is expected to be in the results.
replacements no value Replacements are identified on following lines by indenting two spaces each replacement line.
maximumRecords string '20' This is typically specified because the default is '4'. For accuracy tests, the value is usually set to '20' to test whether the expected value appears in the first 20 results.

Example Tests:

Run a query for 'Casebooks'. If sub-authorities are supported by the authority, it will search all sub-authorities. It will look in the first 20 results for the subject_uri. If it is in the first 10 (by position value), the test passes. If it is in 11-20, the test gets a warning. If it is not in the first 20, the test fails.

    query: Casebooks
    position: 10
    subject_uri: ""
      maxRecords: '20'

Performance Test

Purpose: Run overtime to track the how quickly search results are returned by the system.

Used to Test Services: Search Query Term Fetch

The infrastructure for performance tests has not been implemented yet. Documentation of YML fields TBD.