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TZP (Tiger Zone GrouP) Documentation

GrouP: Luis Pino(Luispino), Greg Fussell(GregFussell), Logan Freedman(ldfreedman), Zach Scribner(zscrib0619), Jonathan Moriarty(Jona0thann), Tyler Barkley(TylerBarkley)

##Sprint 1: ###|| Sprint Goal || Understand domain and business rules. Also, discuss appropriate architectures and schedule of the development. ##Sprint 2: ###|| Sprint Goal || Adding the rest of the TigerZone game functionality (territory merging, tiger placement, merging territories). Also, developing implementation of AI and introducing server connectivity capability. ##For UMLs and more details check out the Wiki ###(wiki tab near top of screen, 4 tabs over from the main "<> code" tab)

######(Implemented on Windows machines)

Instructions to Compile and Run Game

From Eclipse

1)on our GITHUB master branch click clone or download

  1. download zip

  2. extract from said ZIP file to a location of your choosing(desktop is simple)

  3. open eclipse

  4. click file > import > general(dropdown)> Projects from Folder or Archive > next > directory>

  5. select desktop(or whatever directory you put it in)

  6. deselect all

  7. find and select a folder titled "TZP-Master" > finish

  8. open package explorer view if it is not already open (Window>show view>package explorer)

  9. right click TigerZone2 >run as>java application

  10. select "NetworkInterface" > Ok

the console should print out "Usage: java groupPClient [host name] [port number] [server password] [username] [user password]

  1. right click TigerZone2>export>java(dropdown)> Runnable JAR file>next>launch configuration> Network Interface-TigerZone2

  2. then, click browse > create a new folder in Desktop called "TigerZoneP" > enter TigerZoneP> use TigerZoneP for the JAR file name and save it>Library Handling should be set to "extract required libraries into generate JAR>finish>Ok>Ok

  3. Open Command Line(windowskey> cmd)

  4. run the following line in command line

cd desktop\TigerZoneP

  1. then run the following line when you're ready to connect to a server or follow the template on the following line

java -jar TigerZoneP.jar 4444 TIGERZONE TEAMP IAMP

cd [filepath to folder you want logs in]

java -jar [jarfilename.jar] [IP address] [port number] [SERVERPASSWORD] [TEAM?] [IAM?]

After the first time you follow steps 1-16, you may simply recreate and overwrite the jar file (as in step 13) to update the jar file to reflect changes

Instructions to run test server

Note- this is now obsolete due to actual server existing, use of the actual server is a better more comprehensive test.

  1. follow the steps used 10-14 from run game instructions naming the jar TESTSERVER.JAR instead of TigerZoneP

  2. run the following line in command line

  3. java -jar TESTSERVER.jar 4400

  4. then opening and using a separate commandline instance run TigerZone.jar putting your computers name in place of the IP address(you can find your computer name going to settings>system settings>about)

the printed communication should reflect the server simulating real server output up until the first move.

###|| JUnit testing ||

  1. First, download the latest version of JUnit then,

Unzip the distribution file to a directory referred to as %JUNIT_HOME%.

Add JUnit to the classpath: set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar

  1. Compile the project using javac command.

  2. Run code using java command: java -cp [classPath] TilePlacementTest. classPath - is the list of directories or jar files where your compiled classes are, if you jave multiple entries separate them using ";" (windows)

###|| Known bugs/issues || Occasionally score discrepencies will arise between our score calculation and the server's.


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