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WartRemover Gradle Plugin

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Gradle plugin for configuring WartRemover as a code linter in a Scala 3 project.


In a Scala 3 project, import the plugin inside the Gradle configuration.

plugins {
    id("io.github.jahrim.wartremover") version "<your-choice>"

repositories { 

dependencies { 


This plugin only works for Scala 3. Moreover, it depends on WartRemover Linting Tool for Scala, requiring a <scala-version> for which such tool is available (e.g. 3.2.2).

Plugin Configuration

The configuration of WartRemover for your Scala 3 project must be specified as an HOCON configuration file inside your project.

The plugin should be configured by specifying where to look for such configuration file.

wartremover {
    configFile("<path-to-your-configuration-file>")       // default: .wartremover.conf


If not configured, the default path for that the configuration file is <your-project>/.wartremover.conf. If such file is not found, the user will be notified that a default configuration for WartRemover has been loaded.

WartRemover Configuration

Here's the default configuration file applied to WartRemover.

warts {                              
  Any = Error                             
  AsInstanceOf = Error               
  DefaultArguments = Error           
  EitherProjectionPartial = Error   
  IsInstanceOf = Error               
  IterableOps = Warning               
  NonUnitStatements = Warning         
  Null = Warning                      
  OptionPartial = Warning             
  Product = Warning                   
  Return = Warning                   
  Serializable = Warning             
  StringPlusAny = Warning            
  Throw = Ignore                   
  TripleQuestionMark = Warning       
  TryPartial = Warning               
  Var = Warning                      

The configuration file specifies how each wart should be treated by the Scala 3 compiler.

The configuration file must contain the warts clause, which is a set of key-value pairs, where the keys are the wart identifiers and the values are their level of threat, chosen by the user.

There are three levels of threat the user can choose from:

  • Error: when the wart is found, the compiler will throw an error;
  • Warning: when the wart is found, the compiler will notify the user with a warning;
  • Ignore: when the wart is found, the compiler will ignore it.

The documentation for all warts can be found at this link. As of now, only Unsafe Warts are supported.

!!! Disclaimer: not all warts have been tested yet !!!

Disable WartRemover

In your Scala 3 project, you can disable WartRemover for part of your code, by including the following annotation: @SuppressWarnings(Array("org.wartremover.warts.<wart-id>")).

For example:

val myCodeHasToBe = null


See documentation at the repository webpage.