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Jenkins "Jackson 2 API" default plugin has an issue in version 2.11.1 that fails deployment to k8s cluster.
Simplest break-fix is to downgrade the following plugins:

  • Jackson 2 API v2.10.0,
  • Kubernetes v1.21.3,
  • Kubernetes Client API v4.6.3-1,
  • Kubernetes Continuous Deploy v2.1.2,
  • Kubernetes Credentials v0.5.0

More information on this problem here.

Extend the allowed nodePort range for kube API call by updating the /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml with the following line:
--service-node-port-range=x1-x2 where x1 and x2 are desired port values.

The following Jenkins credentials are required:

  • GitHub personal access token to allow repo hooks
    These creds are used when configuring branch sources in pipeline setup.
  • K8s cluster config
    Credential ID should be set to kubeconfig for the existing config, but may be changed in the Jenkinsfile.
    Grab the content of ~/.kube/config file and enter it directly into credentials field.
  • Docker Hub credentials
    These are used to push docker image and pass it later to kube cluster for deployment.
    Default ID should be set to docker_hub_login but may be changed in the Jenkinsfile.