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Minitick Server

This is the server of the minitick application. It takes care of: user registration, user authentication, user authorization, and tasks manipulation. The SPA of the minitick project can be found here.


The authentication mechanism uses http-only secure cookies to store the JWT access-token and refresh-token.

Logging in

When the user logs in, the response will contain the following JWTs in http-only cookies:

  • access-token - Used to authenticate a user with the application;
  • refresh-token - Used to refresh access-tokens & refresh-tokens;
  • password-confirmation-token - Used to grant authorization to certain routes (/PATCH user & /DELETE user) that modify the user's data on the server.

An access-token is only valid for 15 minutes. This duration can be changed by modifying the JWT_ACCESS_TOKEN_DURATION environment variable. The access-token can be refreshed by POSTing an empty request - with a valid refresh-token - to /refresh/access-token. The resulting response will contain a new access-token cookie.


A refresh-token is valid for upto 1 week. This duration can be changed by modifying the JWT_REFRESH_TOKEN_DURATION environment variable. The refresh-token can be refreshed by POSTing an empty request - with a valid refresh-token - to /refresh/refresh-token. The resulting response will contain a new refresh-token cookie.


A password-confirmation-token is valid for only 5 minutes. This duration can be changed by modifying the JWT_PASSWORD_CONFIRMATION_TOKEN_DURATION environment variable. The password-confirmation-token can be refreshed by POSTing an empty request - with a valid access-token - to /refresh/password-confirmation-token. The resulting response will contain a new password-confirmation-token cookie.

Logging out

A user can log-out of the current session or other sessions it has with the application. This is done by passing a scope to /POST logout.

Tasks CRUD

A user can CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE any of its own tasks.


  • Clone the repository,
  • Add the required environment variables in a .env file (see .env.example),
  • Setup a mongodb server (see,
  • Run yarn start:dev (or another script depending on your needs. see scripts in package.json).


TDD was used to develop the application.


The server of the minitick application.






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