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Wrapper class for the logging library uber-go/zap

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go get -u


import (
    rzap ""

Quick Start

func main(){
    cfg := rzap.NewConfig()
    log := rzap.NewLogger(cfg)
    defer log.Sync()
    // Use Logger
    log.Info("Say Hello", zap.String("name", "tom"))
    // Use SugaredLogger
    log.SInfof("Fetch url: %s", url)


Default Values

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig()
  • Default log level is info
  • Default output is to console window only
  • Default line ending is \n
  • Default output format is json
  • Default display of file name and line number
  • Default output of stack trace for levels above warning

Log Level

Change the default log level using the SetLevel() method. The default value is info.

Valid log levels are: debug, info, warn, error, panic, fatal

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

Enable switch

Use the SetEnable() method to change whether to enable or disable global log output. The default is true.


Change the output encoder using the UseFmtJson() method. The default is Json format, and it can be changed to Plain Text format.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

File Name and Line Number

Toggle Display

Control whether to display the file name and line number using the ShowCaller() method.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

Change Caller Skip

If you need to wrap functions like Info, SInfow, etc., you can skip the call to the wrapper function using the SetCallSkip() method. The default value is SetCallSkip(1).

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

Display Stack Trace

Set whether to display the stack trace using the ShowStacktrace() method. By default, stack traces are displayed for levels above warning.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

File Output

Default Configuration

Internal use of the third-party library natefinch/lumberjack to implement log rotation. The default configuration is as follows. Custom configurations can be set using SetFileConfig and related methods.

	Filename:   "logs/rzap.log", // Log file directory, the folder will be created automatically if it does not exist
	MaxSize:    1024,            // File size limit, in MB
	MaxBackups: 0,               // Maximum number of log files to retain
	MaxAge:     1,              // Number of days to retain log files
	LocalTime:  true,            // Whether to use local time for log file rotation, default is UTC
	Compress:   false,           // Whether to compress the log file

Single Log File

The OutSingleFile() method writes all log levels to a single log file, and the configuration can include console output.

The default log file name is logs/rzap.log, which can be customized using the SetFileConfig method.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

Multiple Files by Log Level

Typically, for easier troubleshooting by operations personnel, normal logs below the error level are placed in the info.log file, and logs at the error level and above are placed in the error.log file. This can be achieved using the OutMultiFile() method.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

The default log file names are: logs/info.log for normal level logs, and logs/error.log for severe level logs. Custom configurations can be set using the SetFileConfig and related methods.

Separate Console and File Output by Log Level

In some cases, it is necessary to output normal logs below the error level directly to the console, and only place logs at the error level and above in the error.log file. This can be achieved using the OutInfoConsoleErrorFile() method.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

The default log file name is logs/error.log, which can be customized using the SetFileConfig and related methods.

Modify Log Rotation Configuration

The internal log rotation operation is implemented using the third-party library Lumberjack. If the default rotation configuration does not meet requirements, custom configurations can be set using the SetFileConfig method.

The following configuration parameters are supported:

  • WithFileName()
  • WithMaxSize()
  • WithMaxBackups()
  • WithMaxAge()
  • WithLocalTime()
  • WithCompress()
    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().

Log Rotation Configuration by Log Level

For log file rotation configuration by log level, in addition to using the SetFileConfig() method for general settings, you can also use the SetInfoFileConfig() or SetErrorFileConfig() methods to set them separately.

    cfg := rzap.NewConfig().



SetFileConfig(WithFileName()) only supports modifying the log file name for the OutSingleFile() method. For multi-level log output using OutMultiFile() and OutInfoConsoleErrorFile(), use SetInfoFileConfig() or SetErrorFileConfig() to modify it.


Except for WithFileName(), other custom configuration items are defined based on the following priority:

SetFileConfig() < SetInfoFileConfig()/SetErrorFileConfig()


Wrapper class for the logging library uber-go/zap








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