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  • RDM:
  • Title: Runtime configuration architecture
  • Authors: José Álamos, Leandro Lanzieri
  • Status: draft
  • Type: Design
  • Created: December 2018


This memo describes the proposed high-level architecture and mechanisms to implement a runtime configuration system on a RIOT node.

A runtime configuration system is in charge of providing a mechanism to set and get the values of configuration parameters that are used during the execution of the firmware, as well as a way to persist these values. Runtime configurations are deployment-specific and can be changed on a per node basis. Appropriate management tools could also enable the configuration of node groups.

Examples of runtime configurations are:

  • Transmission duty cycles
  • Sensor thresholds
  • Security credentials
  • System state variables

These parameters might have constraints, like a specific order to be applied (due to interdependencies) or value boundaries.

The main advantages of having such a system are:

  • Easy to apply per-node configuration during deployment
  • No need to implement a special mechanism for per-node configurations during firmware updates (only in the case of migration), as the parameters persist.
  • Common interface for modules to expose their runtime configuration parameters and handle them
  • Common interface for storing configuration parameters in non-volatile storage devices

Throughout this document a tentative API is used, but the main goal of this is to describe the desired functionality of the final implementation.


This document is currently under open discussion. This document is a product of Configuration Task Force, and aims to describe the architecture of a runtime configuration system. The content of this document is licensed with a Creative Commons CC-BY-SA license.


This memo uses the RFC2119 terminology and the following acronyms and definitions:


  • RDM: RIOT Developer Memo
  • CTF: RIOT Configuration Task Force
  • RCS: Runtime Configuration System
  • RH: Registry Handler
  • SF: Storage Facility


  • Configuration group: A set of key-value configurations with the same naming scheme and under the same scope. E.g LIGHT_SENSOR_THRESHOLD and TRANSMISSION_PERIOD configuration parameters can be contained in an Application configuration group, as well as IEEE802154_CHANNEL and IEEE802154_TX_POWER in a IEEE802.15.4 Radio configuration group. Within RIOT, each Configuration Group is represented by a Registry Handler.

  • Registry Handler: A descriptor that acts as an interface between the RIOT Registry and a module that exposes configurations. It provides a common interface to get, set, commit and export configurations.

  • Storage Facility: A descriptor that acts as an interface between the RIOT Registry and a non-volatile storage device. It provides a common interface to load and store key-value data from storage devices that might have different data representations.

1. Introduction

This document specifies the proposed architecture by the Configuration Task Force (CFT) to implement a secure and reliable Runtime Configuration System (RCS) focusing on modularity, reuse of existing technologies in RIOT (network stack, storage interface) and standards compliance.

2. Architecture

The proposed RCS architecture, as shown in Figure 01, is formed by one or more Configuration Managers and the RIOT Registry.

The RIOT Registry acts as common interface to access Runtime Configurations and store them in non-volatile devices.

All runtime configuration can be accessed either from the RIOT Application or the interfaces exposed by the Configuration Managers, via the RIOT Registry.

A RIOT Application may interact with a Configuration Manager in order to modify access control rules or enable different exposed interfaces.

Figure 01

Figure 01 - Runtime Configuration System architecture

3. The RIOT Registry

The RIOT Registry is a module for interacting with persistent key-value configurations. It's heavily inspired by the Mynewt Config subsystem

The RIOT Registry interacts with RIOT modules via Registry Handlers, and with non-volatile storage devices via Storage Facilities. This way the functionality if the RIOT Registry is independent of the functionality of the module or storage device.

In Figure 02 can be seen an example of an application and a 'IEEE802.15.4' module that register a configuration group each one. Also, there are two Storage Facilities available: EEPROM and FAT.

Figure 02 - The RIOT Registry components

The API of the RIOT Registry allows to:

  • Register a RH to expose a configuration group in the RIOT Registry.
  • Register source and destination SF.
  • Get or set configuration parameters for a given configuration group.
  • Commit changes (transactionally apply configurations)
  • Export configuration parameters (e.g copy to a buffer, print, etc)
  • Load and store configuration parameters from and to a persistent storage device

Any mechanism of security (access control, encryption of configurations) is NOT directly in the scope of the Registry but in the Configuration Managers and the specific implementation of the RH and SF.

See 3.3 RIOT Registry Usage Flow for more information.

3.1. Registry handlers

A RH represents a configuration group in the RIOT Registry. A RIOT module requires to implement and register a Registry Handler in order to expose its configurations to the Registry API.

A RH is defined by a name and a series of handlers for interacting with the configuration parameters of the configuration group. These handlers are:

  • set: Sets a value to a configuration parameter. This handler MUST take care of any logic to apply the value (e.g. data validation) or cache it until the commit handler is called, if needed.
  • get: Gets the current value of a configuration parameter.
  • commit: To be called once configuration parameters have been set, in order to apply any further logic required to make them effective (e.g. handling dependencies).
  • export: Calls an export function for each configuration parameter, with its name and value. Depending on the behavior of export function, this can be used for printing out all configurations, saving them in a persistent storage, etc.

A conceptual example of a RH implementation can be found in the Appendix.

3.2. Storage facilities

Storage facilities MUST implement the storage interface to allow the RIOT Registry to load, search and store configuration parameters. From the point of view of the RIOT Registry all parameters are key/value strings, it is responsibility of the SF to transform that to the proper format for storage (e.g. lines separated by \n character in a file).

The interface of a SF is defined with a descriptor with the following attributes:

  • load Executes a callback function for every configuration parameter stored in the storage.
  • store: Stores one configuration parameter in the storage.

Any kind of storage encryption mechanism is not in the scope of this document, and up to the implementation of load and store or intrinsic encryption functionalities in the storage.

A minimal RIOT Registry setup requires at least one source SF from which configurations are loaded and exactly one SF destination to which configurations are stored. Having multiple SF sources can be useful when it's required to migrate the data between storage facilities (e.g to migrate all configurations from SF A to B, register B as source and destination and add A as a source).

A conceptual example of a SF can be found in the Appendix.

3.3. RIOT Registry Usage Flow

Registry Initialization

As described in the flow in Figure 03, modules declare and register RH for configuration groups in the RIOT Registry. Storage facilities are registered as sources and/or destinations of configurations in the RIOT Registry.

Figure 03 - Usage flow of the RIOT Registry

Get, set, apply and export configurations

At any time, the application or a configuration manager can retrieve a configuration value (registry_get_value), set a configuration value (registry_set_value), apply configuration changes (registry_commit) or export configurations using a user-defined callback function (registry_export).

Note these functions don't interact with SF, so configuration changes are not reflected in the non-volatile storage devices unless registry_store is called (see Load and store configurations)

The following diagram shows the process of each function. It's assumed there are 2 RH registered in the RIOT Registry: a cord configuration group with a Resource Directory Server IP Address (rd_ip_addr) and an Application configuration group with a foo configuration parameter.

Figure 04 - Behavioral flow of the basic API of the RIOT Registry

Load and store configurations

At any time, the application or a configuration manager can load all configurations from all SF sources (registry_load function) or store them in the SF destination (registry_store function).

As one could expect, registry_load will call the SF load handler with registry_set_value as callback. In the a similar way, registry_store will navigate through all RH and call their export function with the SF store handler as callback.

Figure 05 shows the above described processes.

Figure 05 - Behavioral flow of the load and store calls

4. Configuration managers

Configuration managers are modules that allow a RIOT node to be configured from one or more communication interfaces. Examples of these communication interfaces could be UART, SPI or higher layers like PPP, IPv6, UDP, CoAP, etc.

These are some examples of Configuration Managers:

  • Newt Manager via interfaces like NFC, BLE, Serial, etc.
  • A UART shell with special commands for interacting with configurations (CLI)

A Configuration Manager interacts only with the RIOT Registry to access Runtime Configurations.

If access control mechanisms are needed they have to be implemented by the Configuration Managers. Extra security can also be implemented in lower layers like the ones mentioned above (e.g CoAP and DTLS, CHAP on PPP, etc). Configuration Managers MAY also provide means to modify access control settings as well as enabling/disabling communication interfaces.

4.1 Configuration CLI

As a simple Configuration Manager, the Config CLI is proposed. The main use cases for this implementation are prototyping (development or demos) and configuration bootstrapping (deployment).

There are two commands to be implemented by the CLI:

  • Read: Read the current value of all or a specific configuration parameter
  • Write: Write a new value of a configuration parameter.
Command On success On failure
read List of parameters + Current values -
read <parameter> Parameter + Current value ENOTFOUND
write <parameter> <value> Parameter + Written value ENOTFOUND, EINVAL

The serialization format for the responses and error codes is out of the scope of this document.




  • Rev0: initial document


The authors of this memo can be contacted via email at and


Conceptual example of Registry Handler

This is a conceptual example of a "my_handler" Registry Handler that exposes `threshold` and `is_enabled` parameters.
For education purposes, it will be assumed the application crashes if a `set_threshold` function is called
when `is_enabled==false`.

Note the Registry Handler is not aware of any storage mechanism.

/* Define a registry handler for the current RIOT module.
   To be registered in the RIOT Registry */
registry_handler_t my_handler = {
    .name = "my_handler",
    .get = my_get_handler,
    .set = my_set_handler,
    .commit = my_commit_handler,
    .export = my_export_handler

/* These are the state variables and parameters defined for this module */
static int is_enabled = false;
static int threshold = 0;

/* ... */

/* Dummy implementation of `get` handler.
   For both configuration parameters, it copies the value to a `val` variable.
int my_get_handler(int argc, char **argv, char *val, int val_len_max)
    if (argc) {
        if (!strcmp("is_enabled", argv[0])) {
            /* Copy the value of `is_enabled` to `val` so the user can read it */
            memcpy(val, &is_enabled, sizeof(is_enabled));
        else if (!strcmp("threshold", argv[0])) {
            /* Copy the value of `is_enabled` to `val` so the user can read it */
            memcpy(val, &threshold, sizeof(threshold));
    /* ... */
    return NULL;
/* Dummy implementation of `set` handler.
   For both configuration parameters, it sets the value from `val`.
int my_set_handler(int argc, char **argv, char *val)
    if (argc) {
        if (!strcmp("is_enabled", argv[0])) {
            /* Set the value of `is_enabled` from `val` */
            memcpy(&is_enabled, val, sizeof(is_enabled));
        else if (!strcmp("threshold", argv[0])) {
            /* Validate threshold */
            if(atoi(val) > MAX_THRESHOLD)
                return -EINVAL;

            /* Set the value of `theshold` from `val` */
            memcpy(&threshold, val, sizeof(threshold));
    /* ... */
    return 0;

/* Dummy implementation of `commit` handler.
   This is intended to be called by the Registry when all configurations have
   to be applied. Because of this, it's possible to implement transactions or
   protect against faulty combinations of configs, race conditions, etc.
int my_commit_handler(int argc, char **argv, char *val)
    /* Do something if the module is enable */
    if(is_enabled) {
    /* As stated before, the application crashes if `set_threshold` is called when is_enabled is false.
    We protect it here */
    if(is_enabled) {
        /* We can safely set the threshold without crashing the app */

/* Dummy implementation of `export` handler.
   This handler has to call `export_func` for one or all parameters.
   There can be different behaviors depending on the export function (e.g printing all configs
   to STDOUT, save them in a non-volatile storage device, etc)
void my_export_handler(int (*export_func)(const char *name, char *val), int argc,
                   char **argv)
    /* argc  and argv can be used to export only one parameter */
    char buf[INT_STRING_SIZE];

    /* We export every parameter with the export function */
    /* Prepare `buf` to contain is_enabled in a string representation */
    /* ... */

    export_func("my_handler/is_enabled", buf);

    /* Prepare `buf` to contain threshold in a string representation */
    /* ... */

    export_func("my_handler/threshold", buf);

Conceptual example of Storage Facility

This conceptual example shows the implementation of a dummy Storage Facility.
The storage device is a dummy_storage array (represented by the 
`dummy_store_storage_t` struct).
typedef struct {
    char name[DUMMY_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char val[DUMMY_MAX_VAL_LEN];
} dummy_store_storage_t;

/* This will be our "storage device" */
dummy_store_storage_t dummy_store[DUMMY_STORE_CAPACITY];

/* The store argument is the descriptor of the storage facility */
static int registry_dummy_load(registry_store_t *store, load_cb_t cb,
                               void *cb_arg);
static int registry_dummy_store(registry_store_t *store, const char *name,
const char *value);

/* Storage Facility interface descriptor to be registered in the RIOT
Registry */
static registry_store_itf_t interface = {
    .load = registry_dummy_load,
    .store = registry_dummy_store

/* Implementation of `load`. Execute a `cb` callback for each configuration
found in the dummy storage array */
static int registry_dummy_load(registry_store_t *store, load_cb_t cb,
                               void *cb_arg)
    char name[REGISTRY_MAX_NAME_LEN];
    char val[REGISTRY_MAX_NAME_LEN];

    for (int i = 0; i < DUMMY_STORE_CAPACITY; i++) {
        if (strlen(dummy_store[i].name)) {
            strcpy(name, dummy_store[i].name);
            strcpy(val, dummy_store[i].val);
            cb(name, val, cb_arg);
    return 0;

/* Implementation of `store`. Save parameter with given name and value in
the dummy storage array */
static int registry_dummy_store(registry_store_t *store, const char *name,
                               const char *value)
    int free_slot = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < DUMMY_STORE_CAPACITY; i++) {
        if (strlen(dummy_store[i].name)) {
            if (!strcmp(name, dummy_store[i].name)) {
                strcpy(dummy_store[i].val, value);
                return 0;
        else {
            if (free_slot == -1) {
                free_slot = i;

    if (free_slot == -1) {
        return -1;

    strcpy(dummy_store[free_slot].name, name);
    strcpy(dummy_store[free_slot].val, value);
    return 0;