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A sample microservice using spring-boot and spring-cloud.

In this project there are four applications:

  • EurekaApplication. This application is the Server Discovery of this sample microservice, which all the other applications are going to connect with. The path to connect with the server is "http://localhost:8011"

  • CloudConfigApplication. This application is the Server Configuration, it is connected with a Github project, which contains configuration file from the other application servers.

  • App1Application - This application has a controller that returns a simple response, whose values are in its application.yml file.

  • App2Aplication - This application has a controller which by feign call the App1Application controller and returns its response.

This program was created hoping that it can explain how to create a microservice using Java, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Netflix. There are a lot of other tools that could be used to create or to improve this program, but that is not the goal. The goal is to show how to create a basic microservice for those who want to learn how to develope a simple microservice.



Required software components to run the program:

  • MVN (Apache Maven)
  • JDK 8 (Java Development Kit version 8)



Install the softwares prerequired.
  • Install the JDK 8 and MVN correctly and set the required environment variables of both softwares.
Build the application
  • Inside the "samplemicroservice" folder has a .pom file. Get into this folder and type the command 'mvn clear install".

  • This is a maven command that make the maven download all the library necessary to run the program (you need to be connected on the internet in order to work).

  • After successfully executing the mvn command, it should have created a folder named "target" in every application. Inside the folder there will be a ".jar" file.

Expected Output

[INFO] sample-microservice 1.0-SNAPSHOT ......... SUCCESS

[INFO] microservice-configuration ........................ SUCCESS

[INFO] eureka-server ............................................ SUCCESS

[INFO] app1 .......................................................... SUCCESS

[INFO] app2 1.0-SNAPSHOT .................................. SUCCESS

[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------------


[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Running the applicatin

To run the application, type the command "java -jar <jar's file name>". To not occur any error, execute the command in this order:

  • EurekaApplication
  • CloudConfigApplication
  • App1Application
  • App2Application



  • Leandro Palermo


A sample microservice using spring-boot and spring-cloud






No releases published


