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remove extra dimension computation
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robertylewis committed Aug 21, 2019
1 parent a4b69d6 commit af28ecf
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Showing 2 changed files with 42 additions and 38 deletions.
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions src/for_mathlib.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import tactic.apply_fun
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional
import analysis.normed_space.basic
import linear_algebra.dual
import linear_algebra.basis
noncomputable theory

open function
Expand All @@ -13,6 +14,28 @@ open vector_space module module.dual linear_map function
local attribute [instance, priority 1] classical.prop_decidable
local attribute [instance, priority 0] set.decidable_mem_of_fintype


open module vector_space

universes u v w
variables {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι] [fintype ι] [decidable_eq V]
variables [discrete_field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V]
variables {b : ι → V} (h : is_basis K b)
include h

lemma fg_of_finite_basis : submodule.fg (⊤ : submodule K V) :=
⟨ finset.univ.image b, by {convert h.2, simp} ⟩

def fin_dim_of_finite_basis : finite_dimensional K V :=
finite_dimensional.of_fg $ fg_of_finite_basis h

lemma dim_eq_card : dim K V = fintype.card ι :=
by rw [←h.mk_range_eq_dim, cardinal.fintype_card, set.card_range_of_injective (h.injective zero_ne_one)]


universes u v w
variables {K : Type u} {V : Type v} {ι : Type w} [decidable_eq ι]
variables [discrete_field K] [add_comm_group V] [vector_space K V]
Expand Down
57 changes: 19 additions & 38 deletions src/sensitivity.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ variable (n : ℕ)

instance : fintype (Q n) := by delta Q; apply_instance

lemma card : fintype.card (Q n) = 2^n :=
by simp [Q]

instance : inhabited (Q n) := ⟨λ i, tt⟩

instance coeffs_module (n) : module ℝ (Q n →₀ ℝ) := finsupp.module (Q n) ℝ
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -116,31 +119,6 @@ def V.has_add {n} : has_add (V n) := by apply_instance
local attribute [instance, priority 100000]
V.module V.add_comm_semigroup V.add_comm_monoid V.has_scalar V.has_add

lemma dim_V {n : ℕ} : vector_space.dim ℝ (V n) = 2^n :=
induction n with n IH,
{ apply dim_of_field },
{ dunfold V,
rw [dim_prod, IH, pow_succ, two_mul] }

open finite_dimensional

instance {n} : finite_dimensional ℝ (V n) :=
rw [finite_dimensional_iff_dim_lt_omega, dim_V],
convert cardinal.nat_lt_omega (2^n),

lemma findim_V {n} : findim ℝ (V n) = 2^n :=
have := findim_eq_dim ℝ (V n),
rw dim_V at this,
rw [← cardinal.nat_cast_inj, this],
simp [cardinal.monoid_pow_eq_cardinal_pow]

/-- The basis of V indexed by the hypercube.-/
noncomputable def e : Π {n}, Q n → V n
| 0 := λ _, (1:ℝ)
Expand All @@ -153,7 +131,6 @@ noncomputable def ε : Π {n : ℕ} (p : Q n), V n →ₗ[ℝ] ℝ
| 0 _ :=
| (n+1) p := cond (p 0) ((ε $ p ∘ fin.succ).comp $ linear_map.fst _ _ _) ((ε $ p ∘ fin.succ).comp $ linear_map.snd _ _ _)

lemma duality {n : ℕ} (p q : Q n) : ε p (e q) = if p = q then 1 else 0 :=
induction n with n IH,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,15 +168,20 @@ def dual_pair_e_ε (n) : dual_pair (@e n) (@ε n) :=
{ eval := duality,
total := @epsilon_total _ }

lemma e_linear_indep {n : ℕ} : linear_independent ℝ (@e n) :=
(dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.1
lemma dim_V' {n : ℕ} : vector_space.dim ℝ (V n) = ↑(2^n : ℕ) :=
by convert dim_eq_card (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis using 1; rw Q.card

lemma injective_e {n} : injective (@e n) :=
(dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.injective zero_ne_one
lemma dim_V {n : ℕ} : vector_space.dim ℝ (V n) = 2^n :=
by simpa [cardinal.monoid_pow_eq_cardinal_pow] using @dim_V' n

lemma epsilon_of_mem_span {n : ℕ} {H : set $ Q n} {x : V n} (h : x ∈ submodule.span ℝ (e '' H)) :
∀ p : Q n, ε p x ≠ 0 → p ∈ H :=
(dual_pair_e_ε _).mem_of_mem_span h
open finite_dimensional

instance {n} : finite_dimensional ℝ (V n) :=
fin_dim_of_finite_basis (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis

lemma findim_V {n} : findim ℝ (V n) = 2^n :=
have _ := @dim_V' n,
by rwa [←findim_eq_dim, cardinal.nat_cast_inj] at this

/-- The linear operator f_n corresponding to Huang's matrix A_n. -/
noncomputable def f : Π n, V n →ₗ[ℝ] V n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,11 +276,11 @@ begin
apply dim_V },
have dimW : d ↥W = fintype.card ↥H,
{ have li : linear_independent ℝ (restrict e H) :=
linear_independent.comp e_linear_indep _ subtype.val_injective,
linear_independent.comp (dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.1 _ subtype.val_injective,
have hdW := dim_span li,
rw range_restrict at hdW,
convert hdW,
rw [cardinal.mk_image_eq injective_e, cardinal.fintype_card] },
rw [cardinal.mk_image_eq ((dual_pair_e_ε _).is_basis.injective zero_ne_one), cardinal.fintype_card] },
rw ← findim_eq_dim ℝ at ⊢ dim_le dim_add dimW,
rw [← findim_eq_dim ℝ, ← findim_eq_dim ℝ] at dim_add,
norm_cast at ⊢ dim_le dim_add dimW,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -346,16 +328,15 @@ begin
{ intros p p_in,
rw finsupp.mem_support_iff at p_in,
rw set.mem_to_finset,
exact epsilon_of_mem_span y_mem_H p p_in },
exact (dual_pair_e_ε _).mem_of_mem_span y_mem_H p p_in },
obtain ⟨q, H_max⟩ : ∃ q : Q (m+1), ∀ q' : Q (m+1), abs ((ε q' : _) y) ≤ abs (ε q y),
from fintype.exists_max _,
have H_q_pos : 0 < abs (ε q y),
{ contrapose! y_ne,
exact epsilon_total (λ p, (le_trans (H_max p) y_ne)) },
refine ⟨q, epsilon_of_mem_span y_mem_H q ( H_q_pos), _⟩,
refine ⟨q, (dual_pair_e_ε _).mem_of_mem_span y_mem_H q ( H_q_pos), _⟩,
let s := real.sqrt (m+1),
suffices : s * abs (ε q y) ≤ ↑(_) * abs (ε q y),
from (mul_le_mul_right H_q_pos).mp ‹_›,
let φ : V (m+1) → V (m+1) := f (m+1),
apply calc_lemma; assumption

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