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feat(category_theory/limits/shapes/comm_sq): opposites of is_pullback…
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… and is_pushout (#15269)

This PR shows that the dual of a pushout commutative square is a pullback square, and similar other results.
The most basic `comm_sq` API is also moved to a separate file with fewer dependencies so as to prepare for a refactor of lifting properties which shall be based on `comm_sq`.
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joelriou committed Jul 28, 2022
1 parent cd7b23d commit 00e7ca5
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Showing 2 changed files with 129 additions and 26 deletions.
78 changes: 78 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/comm_sq.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
import category_theory.arrow

# Commutative squares
This file provide an API for commutative squares in categories.
If `top`, `left`, `right` and `bottom` are four morphisms which are the edges
of a square, `comm_sq top left right bottom` is the predicate that this
square is commutative.
The structure `comm_sq` is extended in `category_theory/shapes/limits/comm_sq.lean`
as `is_pullback` and `is_pushout` in order to define pullback and pushout squares.
## Future work
Refactor `lift_struct` from `arrow.lean` and lifting properties using `comm_sq.lean`.

namespace category_theory

variables {C : Type*} [category C]

/-- The proposition that a square
W ---f---> X
| |
g h
| |
v v
Y ---i---> Z
is a commuting square.
structure comm_sq {W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) (h : X ⟶ Z) (i : Y ⟶ Z) : Prop :=
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ i)

attribute [reassoc] comm_sq.w

namespace comm_sq

variables {W X Y Z : C} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}

lemma flip (p : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq g f i h := ⟨p.w.symm⟩

lemma of_arrow {f g : arrow C} (h : f ⟶ g) : comm_sq f.hom h.left h.right g.hom := ⟨h.w.symm⟩

/-- The commutative square in the opposite category associated to a commutative square. -/
lemma op (p : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq i.op h.op g.op f.op :=
by simp only [← op_comp, p.w]⟩

/-- The commutative square associated to a commutative square in the opposite category. -/
lemma unop {W X Y Z : Cᵒᵖ} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}
(p : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq i.unop h.unop g.unop f.unop :=
by simp only [← unop_comp, p.w]⟩

end comm_sq

namespace functor

variables {D : Type*} [category D]
variables (F : C ⥤ D) {W X Y Z : C} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}

lemma map_comm_sq (s : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq ( f) ( g) ( h) ( i) :=
by simpa using congr_arg (λ k : W ⟶ Z, k) s.w⟩

end functor

alias functor.map_comm_sq ←

end category_theory
77 changes: 51 additions & 26 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/comm_sq.lean
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Scott Morrison
Authors: Scott Morrison, Joël Riou
import category_theory.comm_sq
import category_theory.limits.preserves.shapes.pullbacks
import category_theory.limits.shapes.zero_morphisms
import category_theory.limits.constructions.binary_products
import category_theory.limits.opposites

# Pullback and pushout squares
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,31 +51,10 @@ namespace category_theory

variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v₁} C]

/-- The proposition that a square
W ---f---> X
| |
g h
| |
v v
Y ---i---> Z
is a commuting square.
structure comm_sq {W X Y Z : C} (f : W ⟶ X) (g : W ⟶ Y) (h : X ⟶ Z) (i : Y ⟶ Z) : Prop :=
(w : f ≫ h = g ≫ i)

attribute [reassoc] comm_sq.w

namespace comm_sq

variables {W X Y Z : C} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}

lemma flip (p : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq g f i h := ⟨p.w.symm⟩

lemma of_arrow {f g : arrow C} (h : f ⟶ g) : comm_sq f.hom h.left h.right g.hom := ⟨h.w.symm⟩

The (not necessarily limiting) `pullback_cone h i` implicit in the statement
that we have `comm_sq f g h i`.
Expand All @@ -86,6 +67,32 @@ that we have `comm_sq f g h i`.
def cocone (s : comm_sq f g h i) : pushout_cocone f g := _ _ s.w

/-- The pushout cocone in the opposite category associated to the cone of
a commutative square identifies to the cocone of the flipped commutative square in
the opposite category -/
def cone_op (p : comm_sq f g h i) : p.cone.op ≅ p.flip.op.cocone :=
pushout_cocone.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy) (by tidy)

/-- The pullback cone in the opposite category associated to the cocone of
a commutative square identifies to the cone of the flipped commutative square in
the opposite category -/
def cocone_op (p : comm_sq f g h i) : p.cocone.op ≅ p.flip.op.cone :=
pullback_cone.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy) (by tidy)

/-- The pushout cocone obtained from the pullback cone associated to a
commutative square in the opposite category identifies to the cocone associated
to the flipped square. -/
def cone_unop {W X Y Z : Cᵒᵖ} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}
(p : comm_sq f g h i) : p.cone.unop ≅ p.flip.unop.cocone :=
pushout_cocone.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy) (by tidy)

/-- The pullback cone obtained from the pushout cone associated to a
commutative square in the opposite category identifies to the cone associated
to the flipped square. -/
def cocone_unop {W X Y Z : Cᵒᵖ} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}
(p : comm_sq f g h i) : p.cocone.unop ≅ p.flip.unop.cone :=
pullback_cone.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy) (by tidy)

end comm_sq

/-- The proposition that a square
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,6 +364,17 @@ lemma of_right {X₁₁ X₁₂ X₁₃ X₂₁ X₂₂ X₂₃ : C}
is_pullback h₁₁ v₁₁ v₁₂ h₂₁ :=
(of_bot s.flip p.symm t.flip).flip

lemma op (h : is_pullback fst snd f g) : is_pushout g.op f.op snd.op fst.op :=
is_pushout.of_is_colimit (is_colimit.of_iso_colimit
(limits.pullback_cone.is_limit_equiv_is_colimit_op h.flip.cone h.flip.is_limit)

lemma unop {P X Y Z : Cᵒᵖ} {fst : P ⟶ X} {snd : P ⟶ Y} {f : X ⟶ Z} {g : Y ⟶ Z}
(h : is_pullback fst snd f g) : is_pushout g.unop f.unop snd.unop fst.unop :=
is_pushout.of_is_colimit (is_colimit.of_iso_colimit
(limits.pullback_cone.is_limit_equiv_is_colimit_unop h.flip.cone h.flip.is_limit)

end is_pullback

namespace is_pushout
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -429,16 +447,24 @@ lemma of_right {X₁₁ X₁₂ X₁₃ X₂₁ X₂₂ X₂₃ : C}
is_pushout h₁₂ v₁₂ v₁₃ h₂₂ :=
(of_bot s.flip p.symm t.flip).flip

lemma op (h : is_pushout f g inl inr) : is_pullback inr.op inl.op g.op f.op :=
is_pullback.of_is_limit (is_limit.of_iso_limit
(limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_limit_op h.flip.cocone h.flip.is_colimit)

lemma unop {Z X Y P : Cᵒᵖ} {f : Z ⟶ X} {g : Z ⟶ Y} {inl : X ⟶ P} {inr : Y ⟶ P}
(h : is_pushout f g inl inr) : is_pullback inr.unop inl.unop g.unop f.unop :=
is_pullback.of_is_limit (is_limit.of_iso_limit
(limits.pushout_cocone.is_colimit_equiv_is_limit_unop h.flip.cocone h.flip.is_colimit)

end is_pushout

namespace functor

variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v₂} D]
variables (F : C ⥤ D) {W X Y Z : C} {f : W ⟶ X} {g : W ⟶ Y} {h : X ⟶ Z} {i : Y ⟶ Z}

lemma map_comm_sq (s : comm_sq f g h i) : comm_sq ( f) ( g) ( h) ( i) :=
by simpa using congr_arg (λ k : W ⟶ Z, k) s.w⟩

lemma map_is_pullback [preserves_limit (cospan h i) F] (s : is_pullback f g h i) :
is_pullback ( f) ( g) ( h) ( i) :=
-- This is made slightly awkward because `C` and `D` have different universes,
Expand All @@ -465,7 +491,6 @@ end

end functor

alias functor.map_comm_sq ←
alias functor.map_is_pullback ←
alias functor.map_is_pushout ←

Expand Down

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